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Show GARS ftREWANTED FOR MOVING COKE it.MtiiY ni:i:ii:i to caiuiv tin: l'ltooicr to KMi:in:itH. Denver mid III" (Jntndn IUNrleiKiug Shortage of "lllnl faRo" Curs VmmI In TrniiKrtlng I'uel I'roiii Kiiiiny-eldo Kiiiiny-eldo to lluilc Mlnen In This District Dis-trict Soon to He Working 1'ull Time. Tho Denver and Itlo Grande Is experiencing ex-periencing shortage of "bird cage" cars which are used In transporting coko from Sunnyslde to llutto nnd other smelting towns off the line of tho company. Tho Union Pacific system sys-tem has been asked to loan n large number of such cars to the Denver nnd Itlo Grande to be used In the llutto trade. Slnco tho mines nnd smelters In tho West huve been running run-ning full tlmo tho trafflo In coke hus been on tho Incrrnso and the ovens at Sunnslde are running to capacity. Tho greater part or tho coko manufactured manufac-tured there Is used In Utnh and Montana, Mon-tana, although a small part goes to Bastern Idaho, where there Is u small smelter In the Mackay dlstrlit. During Dur-ing the past month several hundred or these cars have been hold away from the home road and now It Is obliged to borrow cars. The coal trade of the Denver und Itlo Ornnde Is picking up, und within u few weeks It Is expected that miners In the Price district will be working full time. Tho coal companies are receiving orders for winter storage ooul and so mo or tho mine havo been working about five davs a week, although al-though the greater number of mines have been working only four day a week. Tho Denver nnd Itlo Grande Is getting all of tho motive power engaged en-gaged In heavy passenger truffle during dur-ing the past summer Into condition for heavy coal traffic. The Salt Loke City shops ore overhauling the heavy freight engines nnd there are two Mallets there thut are being given a general retouching. As soon as the coal trade begins shipping to Salt Lake City and to tho north It Is expected that more than twenty-five crews will be placed In service at Klon In addition to the regular reg-ular crews. From October 1st until next March the Denver and Itlo Grande expects to havottho heaviest toul trafflo It has had for two years. Owing to a differential of fifty cents a ton being placed on Utah coal at American Falls, the Idaho market has I been cut off from the Utah fields. An effort Is being made by coat dealers i of llolso through a petition to tho In- terstato commerce Commission by tho I Idaho public utilities commission to permit Utah mines to compete with I Wjomlng mines In Idaho territory |