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Show mmmm lino From I'rliv to llntnli lla-ln My Denver nnrt Itlo (,niiiilt-. "The Denver und Itlo (Irnnde I preparing pre-paring to build from Price Into the Uintah llasln." n) Charles Hoter, manager of Walker lira' floral department, de-partment, who ha just returned to .Ion from a fishing und hunting trip In the reservation countr) "Of course pleut) of rumor are rife In it new section where railroad building I looked for In the future, but front what I have hrurrt there seem to be ample foundation ror these report. 'Official of the road have been In the Uintah country recently and It I sulci thaj President Hush of the Oould s)lem will arrive In Halt take within the next two vvc eks to make it Mud) of the situation, with u view of inking definite ucHjii at un earl) date The countr) I growing fast and M)tnn und Itoosivelt are surel) on the mnp. The resource ot the section nre diversified diver-sified nnd Willi rnllrotid fiicllltli development de-velopment will be rapid" Hoter took with him n sheaf or out that hu n stand or almost six reel und which wu taken from m field that, It I said, will nv crane n hundred bushel to the tic re. |