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Show . . . cutty a Checking Account can give you all these wonderful advantages . . . Just a few dollars will open an account ... no minimum min-imum balance required . . . your name imprinted free on your checks while you wait . . . only cost, a few pennies per check ... no extras . . . statements and cancelled checks available regularly. Remember to see us about a ThriftiCheck Checking Account as soon as you can. BANK OF PLEASANT GROVE L.. tt-.J,. -ja 'ifrirtiTi ,i..lM ii mrm ibl Let Paul Fordham WINTERIZE YOUR CAR CHECKS: All Hoses and Connections Fills the Radiator with Antifreeze Change to Winter Oil Automotive Repair Free Pickup and Delivery We Give S & H Green Stamps Mobilgas & Mobiloil PAUL FORDHAM'S SERVICE Phone 3791 660 West State Road TODAY'S FIRE FLASH "THIS MAY BE QUICK BUT I THINK IT'O BE CHEAPER IF YA DID YOUR OWN SPRING CLEANING, PAU" For Your PRINTING NEEDS Try Our Service. PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW Printers & Publishers iipToi wv A-"''- SV ry "Get Ready NowA f?; If .: 1 for Cold Weather") " . K, ", . Have Your Car WINTERIZED At Any UTOCO Station There's a heap of know-how behind the service of your UTOCO man It takes skill and experience to give your car the care it needs. That's why thousands of UTOCO dealers and dealer assistants arc specially trained to know cars of every type, and to give them the kind of care that keeps them running as they were built to run. So for dependable winterizing service, you will appreciate the know-how you receive at UTOCO stations where you get service that's Ts3 '- backed by skl11, L0r iim tt For happiest motoring, i 1 1 I ( HEr stop at UTOCO stafions Aj,. ill It v rrf' !1 clean rest rooms I TOr iTbl -finest, friendly service I i I "T1 f itH- Jij-lsCJ)! -highest quality motor oil 11 & J? J specialized lubrication V i m ' i i ' You expect more from UTOCO and you get it I "1 1- Atlai Tires and Accftttori FOR SALE G.E. 24-inch Electric Range; 8 ft. G.E. Refrigerator, both 2 years old, Phone 3250. P.G. FOR RENT Modern 2-room Apt. Built-in conveniences, gas facilities, facili-ties, Phone 5193, B. H. Adams. FOR SALE Banana Apples, Ph. 2G34 P. G. Ivadell Tomlinson. FOR SALE Chrome Breakfast Set, Cheap, Mrs. LaVell Boren, Phone 8182, Pleasant Grove. LOST OR STRAYED Dark Chestnut Sorrel nine-year-old Mare, wearing rope halter and hobbles. No brands, solid color. Notify Leo Meber, phone 5341 P.G. LOST Pair of brown rimmed glasses in blue case. In the high school or on the grounds. Reward. Joy Cullimore, Phone 2457. FOR SALE BUILDING LOTS, Call Wayne Holman, phone 4531 FOR SALE 1951 Pontiac 8 4-door hydromatic, radio and heater, Very good condition. Call 4412. FOR SALE 1937 CHEV Coupe. good hunting or go to work car. $65. Call O. L. Swenson, Plume 5712. P. G. FOR SALE Used Sewing Machines, Mach-ines, Treadles, $9.9f ; Portables. $39.95; Consoles, $49.95; Singer Sewing Machine Co., 268 W. Center Cen-ter St., Provo. COAL: Quality Lump and Treated Slack. Free Delivery. Lee Dickey, Dick-ey, Phone 4861 P. G. DOES YOUR RADIO WORK 1 I'll fix 'em cheap, Pick up and Delivery Service. Car Radios, too. Call 5681, Pleasant Grove. FOR SALE Male Canary Bird & cage. Gocd sing-er. Call at rear of 151 East 1st North. AUTO INSURANCE at Special Low Rates for Cartful Drivers. No membership fees. Excellent claim service. Call JESS MONSON INS. AGENCY, tel. 5591 or 135 East Center, Provo, Tel. FR 3-3360 WE BUY, Sell, Trade, and Trans-fer Trans-fer Livestock. Also Bull Service. Peg Taylor, Phone 2022. SEWER TRENCH DIGGING from property line. Call 4943 or 4611, Stanley West or Mil Lou West PAINTINL , Paperhanging, Interior Inter-ior Custom Work, D. B. Powell, Phone P. G. 4623 1-3 ALPINE VILLA G fl ! L L NOW OPEN FOR BREAKFASTS 6 a.m. to 10 p.m Seven Days Each Week Dinners - Short Orders - Banquets ED FUEGI, Manager for Reservations Call 3711 WANTED TO RENT Two or three bedroom home, by November Novem-ber 1. Call P. G. 4671. FOR SALE Westinghouse Table-top Table-top Electric Water Heater, nearly near-ly new; Quaker Oil Space Heater, automatic blowers, 100 gal. tank, 50 gal. oil; Double Jrlorse Trailer, Metal construction. Call P.G. 5104 FOR SALE Practically, new Tabletop Electric Water Heater, good price, Willis Larson, ph. 3359 FOR SALE Round Oak Dining Room Table with extension leaf, with Chairs; Also large Kitchen Sink, Wash Basin, Rocking Chair, Phone Lehi 100. ROOFS BUILT and Repaired. O. H. Moore Roofing, Provo, Phone AC5-3235 or Springville HU9-6254. Help Wanted WE HAVE opening for man with sales ability who is interested in advancing with a national company. com-pany. Car furnished. Salary and commission. A man can make better bet-ter than average earnings. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co., 268 West Center, Provo. DON'T KILL YOURSELF LIFTING LIFT-ING GRAIN, Get a Little Auger to do it. 4 inch auger as low as $16.50. LINDON FEED CO., Ph. P.G. 6022. SEWER LINES, Water Lines, Septic Tanks, and footings excavated. exca-vated. Pipe laying for all types of water and sewage lines. Financing arranged. Call J. F. Ollivier, 2462, Pleasant Grove. LET "US INSULATE YOUR HOME Call John S. Green for Information, Phone 8661. POWER MOWERS Sharpened, Frank Laga, 25 North Fifth East, Pleasant Grove. ARTIFICIAL! INSEMINATION SERVICE Dairy or Beef, $6.00 No charge for Returns. Call American Am-erican Fork 8 or Orem AC-2595. m Here! Now! Imported VH? DUTCH rim bulbs! Am. Fork Nursery UTAH OIL PRODUCTS ARE TOPS .STEPHEN R. MURDOCH DISTRICT DISTRIBUTOR For Prompt Delivery in This Area-Tel. 78 Am. Fork We Give S & H Green Stamps i |