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Show Stake Quarterly Conference Next Saturday, Sunday Quarterly Confei-ence for Tim-panogos Tim-panogos Stake wall be held Saturday Sat-urday evening and Sunday Oct. 22 and 23, according to Stake President Presi-dent Merrill N. Wamick. Elder Mark B. Garff, representing the Church Welfare Committee, will be the featured speaker at the Saturday evening and Sunday morning sessions. Roland Jacobs, American Consul, who has served the past ten years in Europe, will be one of the conference con-ference speakers Sunday. The 6:30 p.m. meeting Saturday Satur-day will be devoted to a discussion of problems relative to Church Welfare. Those requested to attend this meeting include: Stake Presidency, Presi-dency, Stake Welfare Committee, Ward Bishoprics and Ward Relief Re-lief Society Officers. On Saturday evening at 8 p.m. the Melchizedek Priesthood Leadership Lead-ership Meeting will convene. William Will-iam F. Edwards, vice president of' the Brigham Young University, will be the special speaker. The following are invited and urged to attend. Stake Presidency, High Council, Stake Clerk and assistant assist-ant Clerks, Patriarchs, Stake Melchizedek Mel-chizedek Priesthood Committee, Quorum Presidenc i e s : High Priests, Seventies and Elders, Group Leaders: High Priests, Seventies, Sev-enties, and Elders; Quorum Secretaries: Sec-retaries: High Priests, Seventies, and Elders; Stake Mission Presidency, Presi-dency, Stake Aaronic Priesthood Committee, Stake and Ward Committees Com-mittees for Senior Members of the Aaronic Priesthood, Bishops, Counselors, Coun-selors, Ward Clerks, Assistant Ward Clerks, Ward Teaching Committees Com-mittees Stake and Ward, Aaronic Priesthood Co-ordinators and Quorum Quo-rum Advisers, Stake Superintend-ency Superintend-ency cf Sunday School, Stake Sup-erintendency Sup-erintendency of MIA. ' General sessions will be held for all Stake members at 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Musical numbers and talks will feature the life of President David Dav-id O. McKay in the evening session ses-sion of Stake Conference, commencing com-mencing at 7:30 The theme will be "An Inspiring Prophet in the Fullness of Times." The program is under the auspices of the MIA and Robert Wamick will conduct. The Hall of Fame Era awards will be presented to the Lindon andLindon Second Wards. Mr. and Mrs. Joa Christiansen and Mr. and' Mrs. W. D.. Chapman were the Era Directors in these wards which made such an outstanding record in 195i55. Other awards will alssi be made. The M Men, under Stake M Men leader Lowell Baxter, will usher at this session of conference. All meetings will be held in the Timpanogos Stake Tabernacle. |