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Show . ' nil H.I.III w' fTrrr ,mt r -- : . - " ""jj m , . - :. .-: - ( IGA RED SOUR PITTED IGA Deluxe Coffee pound 79c j Corned Beef ' 44c Deviled Ham, Libby's 18c Sno Kreem Shortening, 3 lbs 87c IGA Red Sour Pitted Cherries 2 for 49c Kellogg's All Bran 27c Franco American Spaghetti 3 - -47c Margarine Marlene lb 32c Cashmere Bouquet 3 25c bath 2 25c Ajax Cleanser 2 for 25c White King Large 29c, giant 57c pi Oranges large, juicy pound 7c Avacodos' each 1 Oc j i oooooooooococoocoooooooooooccooq j i - i ooeoooccooooocooooscoeoooceoeoc-fl jT MLEMg m J M AND H p,.;'v; 'K f ' MARKET i 0 U 'Ka6 DURKEES YAMS l-ousiana No. 3 can 29c SALAD CORW "wl,ole kernal" 17c ouartsS iCE CREAM "uart 3f c lVtw i BACON sliced. lb 39c WiF PORK ROAST lb 39c fe j LIVER. sliced pork liver' lb 35c TV A 5 "garden" no. 2 cans OLIES 'Green Valley Bloom' QC "MJB Long Grain" 2 lb. pkg. 32c GREEN BEANS No 2 fan Mission Cut 14c Pleasant Grove j Real Estate - C V V , mCXi t e campus ;'fVt h, , SPORT SHIRTS : , Nylon Neck White ; ''flin Tea Shirts 98c W - -., Iflf 'A Long Sleeve i V, Sport Shirts New Shipments of JUST RECEIVED FIRST SPRING . . , , shipment HOUSE DRESSES $2-98, $3.98 $2 9 SEE THESE NEW 1952 VALUES BEST VALUES AlWAYS... (r9( XZ3 vi U UVl D:r AP.LV.INT STORES 5 Room Stucco Full Basement, Gas Furnace, Large Garage, Gar-age, Barns and Correl; 17 Acres Full water right On Highway 1-2 Mile from Pleasant Grove. Terms $17,000.00 10 ACRES In City Will Sell Acres or Lots 7 Blocks From Bank. GAS FOR MEW HOMES FOR 1952 i j If you intend to build a new home and want gas for heating, heat-ing, call us for all availble information. in-formation. GUNTE-JHETS I PHONES: AM. FORK 607 LEH1 189-J DELUXE BRICK HOME Latest and best equipment 4 R. and Garage Attached F H A TERMS $1 1 ,300.00 INSURANCE LOANS Office Ph 331 1 Res Ph. 2323 C. A. RASMUSSEN OC-iS-" '-N-,VS-WNV |