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Show Party At Fugals The home of Mrs. Neil Y. Fugal was the scene of a gay party on I Wednesday, when the Singing ' Mothers of Timpanogos Slake assembled for a jolly good time, and relaxing together after a long j period of constant rehearsals. Colorful St. Valentine theme I was carried out in the decorations, i games and refreshments. ! New officers were chosen to head the organization. They are: Mrs. Mable Green, President; Mrs. j Daphne Westovcr vice president, I and Mrs. Minnie Hall retained as secretary. ' Mrs. Margaret Caldwell was ! retained as chorister and Mrs. Alice Judd organist. They and Mrs. Hall were presented with nice gifts of appreciation. The remaining time was spent in competitive games, where prizes pri-zes given included sheet music. Thirty-eight members from various var-ious wards of the stake were in I attendance. |