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Show Traffic Fataiiiies Msar Numbers Killed In Warring Traffic accidents in the single month of July last year killed only 900 fewer Americans than were killed in the Revolutionary war. That ironic fact underlines the National Safety Council's recent campaign to reduce accidents, especially es-pecially on the nation's highways, over the Fourth of July the day which commemorates that victorious victori-ous struggle for independence. The Revolutionary war cost 4,-044 4,-044 patriots who were killed in action ac-tion or who died of wounds. Traffic accidents in July' last year killed 3,150 persons, according to the Council. Tragic as war is, the Council said, the number of Americans killed in traffic accidents since the Invention of the automobile is nearly near-ly twice as great as the number killed in combat in all the nation'3 wars. American dead from enemy action ac-tion in the eight conflicts of our history, including the war In Korea, Ko-rea, total about 533,000, the Council Coun-cil said, while traffic accidents have now claimed more than 971,-000. |