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Show Local News Miss Doris Jean Rogers spent Sunday in Provo. a guest of Miss Carol Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hanson and three children and Mrs. Robert Rob-ert Gardiner spent Friday in Eph-raim Eph-raim with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rogers had their family visit at their home Saturday evening. They were Rusty Rus-ty Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Rogers, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rogers and daughter of American Fork. Mr. and Mrs. James Simper and small son Craig of Logan spent the weekend with their parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hhomas Simper. Don Simper returned Monday to his home in Glendale Utah, after a weeks visit here with his brothers broth-ers Dan and Thomas Simper and their families. Neighbors and friends were entertained en-tertained Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ernest Jense on the occasion of her birthday anniversary. anniver-sary. Hours of social chat and neighborly visiting mingled with good wishes and nice gifts and remembrances re-membrances were followed by a tasty lunch served by the hostess. Guests included Mrs. Glida Pax-man Pax-man and Mrs. Florence Goode of American Fork; Mrs. Lucille Maag of Springville, Mrs. Ora Lovell, Mrs. Lucille Anderson Mrs. Florence Flor-ence Ball, Mrs. Berly Williams, Mrs. Margaret Anderson, Mrs. Louisa Hunt, Mrs. Margaret Barney, Barn-ey, Mrs. Annie Anderson, Mrs. Christine Steggell, Mrs. Ellen Ellis, Mrs. Maude Sutton, Mrs. Elizabeth Eliza-beth Blackwell, Mrs. Mary Bev-eridge Bev-eridge and Mrs. Martha Peterson. Mrs. Grant Maxfield complimented compli-mented her little daughter Janet on her fifth birthday Tuesday, when she entertained a group of the small fry at an afternoon party. par-ty. Games, stories and dainty refreshments re-freshments kept the little folks happy. There were also gifts galore gal-ore for the small hostess. Present were Jeanne and Steven Stev-en K. Chipman, Karolyn and Dean-na Dean-na Roberts, Janice Allen, Kathy and Jay Holt, Barbara Ann Beers, Jackie Noble, Jay and Newell Max-field, Max-field, Reta Ash, Gloria Maxfield, Jay, Frankie and Karen Walker, Gary Larson, DonR. and Paul Maxfield. |