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Show Tasku ANOTHER t A General Quiz The Questions 1. How many pounds are ther in a long ton? 2. What is a singletree? 3. How large was the corn crop-in crop-in the United States In 1948? 4. Who was the first President of the United States born west of the Mississippi river? 5. Where would you find a postil? 6. What is the largest city south, of the equator? The Answers 1. 2,240 pounds. 2. The cross-bar to which at horse's traces are attached. 3. Over 6,300,000,000 bushels. 4. Herbert Hoover. 5. In the Bible, a note written, in the margin and so called because be-cause it was written after the text. 6. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Sturdy Table Ideal For Use in the Yards THERE'S nothing like having ai old fashioned picnic in your , own backyard. Especially so when, you have this sturdy table all set up ready to seat the entire family. Its construction permits leaving it out the year round. The pattern offered below takes all the mystery out of building the-table the-table to any size needed. While the-pattern the-pattern suggests making it six feet,, it provides complete, easy to follow, fol-low, directions for making it longer, long-er, if desired. All materials usect in building this table are stock size-and size-and readily obtainable at lumber yards everywhere. Send I5c for FULL SIZE Picnic TabTat Pattern No. 22 to Easl-Blld Pattern Company, Com-pany, Department W, Pleasantville, N. Y. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT MISCELLANEOUS LITTLE BLUE BOOKS. Over 2500 TlUea Send 10c for complete catalogue. STAN - 224 W. Maple, Orance, Calif. LATE MODEL CATERPILLAB D-4 tractor with Hydraulic dozer blade. TOM CELLAN - Soda Sprlnji, Idshav 74. S. SavinqA, (BondA- Smooth Away Discomfort of Chafed, Itchy Skin Yes, it's simple as that I Bathe with mild' Resinol Soap, then spread on medicated Resinol. Wonderful how quickly and gently the soothing ingredients in thia famous ointment give blissful relief. Me? I Use Corn Vanish Now I'va had plenty of Corn Torture, Pain, Limping and loss of sleep, for years. Now I can get rid of them. The book, "WHO AM I MAN?" tells me Kow and Wherewith Where-with to restore real foot comfort to tired feet Corns removed or money refunded. Costs so little; does so much. Prlca S3. A this advertisement appears once a month,, lust write on a postcard, "Mall me Corn-Vantsh, Corn-Vantsh, C. O. D.," sign your name, address, ad-dress, and mall card to "COEN VANISH," OenL D.UT. Minneapolis, Minn. of.LIFE?ii Ar you going through th functional func-tional 'middle age' period peculiar to women (36 to 52 yra.) ? Does thl make you auffer from hot flimhea. feel to nervouM, highatrung, tired f Then do try Lydla E. Plnkbam'g Vegetable Compound to relieve auoh symptom. Plnkham'i Compound also has what Doctors call a ato-machlo ato-machlo tonic effect! v LYDIA L PINKHAM'S SwnSiS WNUW 0849 For You To Feel Well 24 houn every dmy. 7 dnya mrmff week, caver topping, the kiduyi Alter wute matter from the blood. If more people were aware of bow the kldneyi mint constantly remove iur plu fluid, Dices acid and other wute matter that cannot atay In the blood without injury to health, there would be better understanding of whf the whole eyitem la upset when kldneyi (mi) to function properly. Burning, scanty or too frequent urination urina-tion bo me time warns that something la wrong. You may Buffer nagging backache, back-ache, headaches, diuiness, rheumade pains, getting up at nights, swelling. Why not try Doan't Piiltt You wfD be using a medicine recommended the country over. Doan' stimulate the function func-tion of the kidneys and help them t flush out poisonous waste from the blood. They contain nothing harmful. Get Doan' today. Use with coandauoa. At all drug stores. tomtit |