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Show Shower Given for Bride of Week Honoring Jean Anderson, a bride of this week, Mrs. William C. Smith, Mrs. Karl Butler, Mrs. Irwin Ir-win Jensen and Mrs. Nash Grant entertained at a miscellaneous shower Saturday, February 19. A delicious luncheon was served first, and the rest of the evening was spent in playing games, and making a scrap book for the bride. Invited guests included Mrs. El-roy El-roy H. West, Mrs. Ted Fautin, Mrs. Forrest Loader, Mrs. Mark Bezzant, Mrs. Stanley Weeks, Mrs. Don Brimley, Mrs. Gordon Walker, Walk-er, Mrs. Robert Cornaby, Mrs. Wayne Merrill, Mrs. Keith Adam-son, Adam-son, Mrs. Byron Carter. Mrs. Frank Janson, Mrs. Grant Y. Anderson, An-derson, Miss Margaret Hales, Miss Dorace Peay. Mrs. Theodore Bennion, Miss Emmeline Krv, Barbara Jensen and Pat Anderson. Many beautiful ajid useful gifts '.ver received by Je.an. |