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Show NdcDLCCAlrT PATTfc.:.J3 A Filet-Crocket Chair Set f Our improved pattern visual with easy-I easy-I to-see charts ana photos, and complete directions di-rections mokes needlework easy. S?vinR Circle Ncedlrcraft Dpt. 5G4 W. Randolph St. Cliltaqo 8J, 111 Enclose 20 cents for pattern. No Name AHHrret , . 1 ' 7076 A PRETTY and easy way to keep furniture clean! This filet crochet is beginner - easy crochet that everyone will love to do. Make this filet-crocheted chair-set or scarf ends. Pattern 7076 has charts; directions. HOME REMEDY TO RELIEVE Hrw!dk? COUGHING V!5j) DISTRESS Only Vicks VapoRub gives you this special Penetrating-Stimulating action when you rub It on throat, chest and back at bedtime: ' It penetrates to upper bronchial tubes with special medicinal vapors. It stimulates chest and back surfaces like a warming poultice. And it keeps working for - hours-even f QCCS while you sleep 1 V viponue I Getting Deaf? Thousands now know there is no exense for letting deafness kill the joy of living. An amazing new radionict hearing device has been pel fected in the great Zenitht Radio laboratories so simple so easy to use it can be sent to you for 10-day free trial. Ready to wear, no individual fitting fit-ting necessary. Accepted by the American Medical Association, Council on Physical Medicine. Come out of that world of silence. Write today for full details to Zenith Radio Corp., Hearing Aid Division, Divi-sion, Dept. 19 - S Y, 5801 Dickens Ave., Chicago 39, Illinois. Made by the makers of world-famous Zenith Radios. Trial offer available on direct Bales by Zenith Radio Corporation or Its subsidiaries. t ii PERSONAL BARBERING Approved for Veterans. BARBERS are in demand. Graduate In month. Salt Lake Barber College, Salt Lake City. Utah. 170 Regent Street. h .-w Toa'U be proud of yr - j-tv f your atronr. -:: :-. '. -v !& f husky children .W5" when you eive them Seotfa 4 ,-Emulsion ,-Emulsion every t f day I Seott'a Is S' ''',, - -m a "gold mine" 'V . f 'Jr1"''! ofnoturolAiD fi-"-! Vitamins and enertry-buildingr natoral oil. Helps children grow right, develop sound tefrh, strong bones. fj) Helps ward off colds when tlieir lack enough A&D Vitamin S food. Many doctors recommend it. Economir!. Buy today at your drug store. MORE than just a tonic it's powerful nourishment! w Don't Let . Eczema ncMm Steal Your Sleep Why scratch nd suffer tonight when soothing, medicated Resinol Ointment is made specially to relieve itching, fiery skin? Famous through four enerations for its quick, lingering comfort. KETCHUM BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. "Everything For The Builder" 4th South at 7th West Salt Lake City 9, Utah FREIGHT PREPAID A beautiful gleaming vitreous china, close bolted closet combination com-bination with .a seasoned hardwood hard-wood celluloid sprayed seat. Remittance toilh order please. "If it isn't right, your money back without a fight" I KETCHUM BUILDERS SUP. CO. ) Please ihip Toilet Combine don. I To ( Addreae. Are you going through the functional func-tional 'middle age' period peculiar to womeo (38 to 52 yra ) 7 Does thla make you suffer from hot Gashes, feel so nervous, hlghetrung. tired? Then do try Lydla E Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound to relieve sucb symptoms Pink ham's Compound also has what Doctors call a stomachic sto-machic tonic effect l v LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S comVod W'NU W 0449 &om,cttflPfw lips ? ill Quick relief with K";f'' Jffl MENTHOLATUM S f.i. PAIN... , Don't go on .uffering from Wi '"' i painful, dry, cracked lips reach for Mentholatum. Feel t 0- i fast-act'ng Mentholatum'l fa- k. ' mous combination of menthol. y v' camphor and other ingredients . '' 7. fj soothe tender lip skin, revive i r " ' X ' c'r'e'-ou( skin cells, help them ' '- lis retain needed moisture. Soon 0jit i 3Ut smartinK Pa'n leaves, lips feel '&rl S 4 S' "' SIIloother a pleasure to yCj-i'.ii : y' j smile again. In tubes nd jars FT3-lMAXESyou) I 35 and 75 sizes. A.fA.rUV .j.... rnn, ,:., -0r .. jn. - ' ill 1 1 " fl lfl " " ' " ' ' 1 |