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Show Local 4-H Leaders Outline Plans For Achievement week The 4-H Committee for Nation- al 4-H Achievement week, met on ' Monday afternoon, October 23, with Mrs. Lurena Warnick at her ! home. Plans were discussed and ' made for community observance ; of 4-H Achievement Week, Nov. ; 5-12th. For their display the Pleasant .Grove and Manila groups have been granted the use of the win-' win-' dows in the Utah Power and Light I office. One window will be vised ' for the 4-H Achievement Display, and the other to carry out the ideas on Safety and Danger Involving Invol-ving Hazards, which is part of the 4-H program. They also planned a radio broadcast broad-cast and the contest for club members mem-bers in writing articles, dealing with different phases of club work. Each week in November, the winning win-ning article will be printed in the Pleasant Grove Reveiw. Achievement programs for the North end of Utah county will be held at American Fork. A banquet for all Utah county 4-H leaders is being planned. General Committee, Afton Atkinson, Atk-inson, Ida May Christensen, Jean Pulley, Shirley Swenson, Arlene Harris, Nancy Lu Warnick, Rosal-j Rosal-j ie Richards, Laurene Smith, Joann Chorneak. Committee on Achievement, Mrs. Lurena Warnick, Mrs. Afton Atkinson, Atk-inson, Mrs. Ida Mae Christiansen, Mrs. Hannah Beth Matthews, Mrs. Rose Pulley, Arlene Harris and Nancy Lu Warnick. In charge of window display, i Safety and Hazards, Jean Pulley, Ida Mae Christianson, Shirley Swenson, Joann Chorneak and Kathleen Kat-hleen Allen. Committe for 4-H writing contest con-test articles, Ida Mae Christianson, Lurena Warnick, Oleen Yancy and ! Rose Pulley. ! |