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Show Loca! Mgvs ra.-n and Ijiei!!,.- Fugal Turner! of Spi'iii". villi: Uic prom! par- j cuts of a sou, born .Sunday at th-' maternity heree in Orem. ! I Clyde Kiekins is t'ecoverina- nicely nice-ly at his hone- from a gunshot wound ieieive.1 :: ;, kioUirg aee-i ideal, in Ike nouikaius 01 Friday Fri-day of last. wee!:. I llooei't aia! U, vi i iy Moa son are tile proud parenl ; of a Unity girl horn vlay Ooi.ober 2i. Mr.:, j Moi.von aial her (!vrv,1ker a a e at' the Ann i ii an Fork hospital j - - I Mr. ami Mrs. Jesse R. Walker and childr. n of licker visited here Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Walker Walk-er s mother. Mrs. May Ft. Walker and other relatives. Ivan and Erna Neves Allen of Ogden became the parents of twin frirls on Monday. Mrs. Mary Neves is in Ogden assisting with the care of her daughter and the wee granddaughters. |