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Show Local Items The following relatives and friends from various parts of the state attending at-tending the funeral services ol Frank Atkin, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Atkin, Mr. and Mrs. John Atkln, Mrs. Sarah Bates, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Swindlehurst, all of Beaver; Beav-er; Mr. and Mrs. Stan Atkin and son and daughter, Howard and Emma, Mr. and Mrs. LaFaunce Atkin, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Thorne, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs. George Larson, Mr. and Mrs. G. Dale Larson, Lar-son, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farmer Jr., all of Provo; Mr. Vern Keetch and Mrs. Clesta Beal, Magna; Mrs. Mercile Atkinson, Park City, and Mrs. Wanda Wan-da Smith of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Macfarlane j spent Memorial Day visiting the graves of their parents in Salt Lake and Ogden. M. W. Smith, principal of the Richfield Seminary, and his daughter, daugh-ter, were luncheon guests at the home of his brother, William C. Smith on Sunday afternoon and evening. He was enroute to his home after conducting a Junior excursion ex-cursion to the Logan Temple. On Saturday William C. Smith and three brothers, M. W., Jesse N. and J. H. and families enjoyed a reunion with their mother, Mrs. Mary Smith at Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Junius West have returned from an extended vacation trip through eastern states. They went first to Detroit and from there they drove in their new car over to Niagara, into Canada, down the Hudson to New York, then on to Philadelphia, and Washington, D. C. While in New York state they visited visit-ed the spots of interest connected with church history. On the return journey they were guests for two days of relatives in Des Moines and Oskaloosa, Iowa. Miss Virginia Jacobs, Pleasant Grove winner of the Search for Talent Tal-ent contest, will sing over the amateur ama-teur hour, K. S. L. at 5 p. m. June 8. Townspeople are invited to attend the broadcast at Barratt Hall in Salt Lake, City. The contest will be decided by the number of votes sent in for the various contestants. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Haycock of Circleville announce the birth of a daughter at the Spanish Fork hospital; hos-pital; Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Haycock was formerly Miss Lucy Wadley, daughter of Mrs. Jessie Wadley of Manila. At a meeting of the Merry Makers club held at the home of Mrs. Josephine Jose-phine Smith last Monday evenuig, Mrs. Mary Jacobs was elected president presi-dent and Mrs. Wanda Adams, reporter. re-porter. A Mexican theme was carried out in the luncheon. Novel games were enjoyed by the following guests: Mrs. Louise Heidenreich, Mrs. Thel-ma Thel-ma Swenson, Mrs. Mary Price, Mrs. Mary Jacobs, Mrs. Wanda Adams, Mrs. Ruth Gamett, Mrs. Theda Par-duhn, Par-duhn, Mrs. Norma Armitstead, Mrs. June Walker, Mrs. Natie Wilberg, and Mrs. Leah Bullock. Mrs. Thelma Swenson and Mrs. Mary Price were the winners of the first and second prizes in the games. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Monson were Elder Richard Cranney, a missionary mission-ary companion of Jesse Monson, his sisters, June and Hattie, and Elder Clarence Wendell. They are natives of Auburn, Wyoming, and have been attending the B. Y. U. Mrs. Martha Kopp of Salt Lake is visiting with Philip Kopp in Manila. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Robertson of Ogden spent Thursday with Mrs. Robertson's children, Dean, Thorne, Lynn and Ethel Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oscarson and family of Los Angeles are spending their vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Oscarson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adamson of Lehi spent Memorial Day with Mrs. Pearl Wadley and Mrs. Oral Wright. Mrs. Austin Tyler (Emily Wright) of Provo spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs. Mary Wright, and her sister, Mrs. Calvin Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Swenson of Provo called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fugal Thursday. o Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence West received re-ceived announcement of the birth of a baby boy to their daughter, Mere-da, Mere-da, now Mrs. Edwin Dancklef of Pomona, California. 1 j Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kirk of Mag-1 Mag-1 na visited on Thursday with Mrs. , Andrew Swenson in Lindon. Mrs. Hazel Bailey of Salt Lake spent Memorial Day with her mother, moth-er, Mrs. Rosella Wadley of Lindon. . Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Anderson and daughter, Sheryl Anderson, of Salt Lake spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Anderson in Lindon. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Harper on Decoration Day were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thorne of Bingham. Mr. and Mrs. John Green of Spanish Span-ish Fork called on Mrs. Eleanor West Thursday. j Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hardman on Memorial Day were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnson of Orem, and Mrs. Harry Aston of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace West spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel West. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Bradsley of Salt Lake visited with Mrs. Regina Thorne Thursday. Mrs. Bradsley, a. niece of Mrs. Thorne, was formerly Minerva Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Furrow of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Peterson of Ogden called on friends and relatives here on Thursday. Miss Effie Warnick of Provo spent Thursday with the Warnicks of Manila. Miss Virginia Walker, who teaches at South high school in Salt Lake, spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Walker of Lindon. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Wright of Bingham and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde (the former Ruby Adams) also of Bingham spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Oare of Provo visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Hans Williamson. Mrs. Hannah S. Monson and her daughter, Miss Hannah D. Monson of Salt Lake spent Thursday with the George Monson of Manila. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Walker, Mrs. Rowena A. Doan of American Fork, and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Walker of Salt Lake City, visited with friends and relatives here on Decoration Day. The following former residents of Pleasant Grove visited their old home town on Memorial Day, where they enjoyed seeing many old friends and acquaintances: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Robison, James D. Thorne, Mrs. C. F. Westphal, Mrs. Josie H. Christiansen Chris-tiansen and daughter, Betty, Mrs. Nell Halliday, Mrs. Hannah Robinson, Robin-son, Mr. Orrin Blackhurst, Mrs. Lois Stewart West, all of Salt Lake; Irene Wilson Peay, Sylvia W. Wim-mer, Wim-mer, of Garfield; Amy Thorne Cooper Coop-er of Hunter; Mrs. Josephine Draper, Owen Draper, Mrs. Larena White Leavitt, Ruth Archer, of Provo; Mr. Rondy Thorne of Magna; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thorne of Orem; Ed Cutler of Payson. On Thursday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Swen O. Anderson returned from a delightful motor vacation in Colorado, New Mexico, and southern Utah. On the trip they were guests of their daughter, Mrs. Olive Heckmann, and their son Karl, his wife and children, Lynn and Kathleen. The party went first to Cline and to Red Mesa, Colorado, to visit daughters of the Andersons, Mrs. Eva Fowler and Mrs. Lovetta Slade. At the latter's home, which is on a sheep and turkey ranch, they enjoyed such turkey dinners as they had never tasted before. Before returning they visited Albuquerque, Al-buquerque, Santa Fe, Las Vegas, Boulder Dam, Bryce Canyon ar the St. George and Manti temples. At Hurricane, Utah they reported report-ed visiting with the daughter of Hilmer Neilson, Mrs. Elda Jackson. |