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Show Cadmus Club Now A State Federated Club At (he meeting of the Cadmus Club held at the home of Mrs. Sytha W. Johnson club president, on Monday evening, Mrs. Johnson announced that she had been advised ad-vised that the Cadmus Club was accepted into the Stale Federation Federat-ion of Women's Clubs at a meeting meet-ing of the Executive Committee of the Federated Women's Council held in Salt Lake City on February Febru-ary 2nd. Berniece Christensen asked for original songs 'from which ,one of them would be chosen as the club pong. The club members had been asked some time ago to write original songs to be submitted for approved of the club. The song submitted by Lois H. West was chosen as the club song. The original creed which was vh'itten by Beulah G. Bradley, was accepted as the club creed, j Beth Shoell gave the lesson for ' the evening which was on current problems of China. Light refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Berniece Ber-niece Christensen on February 18. "Confusis" will be the subject to be discussed by Lurena Warnick. Cumorah Cullimore and Winnifred Adams'on will discuss Chinese music mus-ic and opera. |