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Show "pl. drove News Ulf.lj'. isu Mrs. NhI v. Pusal an- ihJ proud P-r-V IMKiiUir. Tiic nuu- i :r l! n'Vii n Friday um,w.-. .falf'r! '!V '- ; t the American Fotk ln..:;Uu. Miss Pearl Beck, Mi; s MaJ-y Paul-sun, Paul-sun, Miss Betty Jo Page, Misfl Ar-rlena Ar-rlena Heck and Miss Sherline Clark . njoyde a pot luck supper at the Clark. home Saturday evening. " The friends '.of Miss Jessie Iver-son Iver-son will be happy to know that she was able to leave the American Fork hospital Sunday after her recent oix-ration of January 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dexter returned re-turned last weekend from Ventura, California, where they spent two weeks with their son and daughter in law. Lieutenant and Mrs. Alfred Dexter Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dexter report a very enjoyabel trip, the highlight of which was attending the Rose Bowl game on New Years day. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenton entertained en-tertained at a pleasnt dinner party at their home Saturday evening. Around a lovely centerpiece of sweet peas covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Karl Banks, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Jensen, Mr." and Mrs. C. A. Gamett,, Mrs.-H. W. Jacobs, Mrs. Merle Coombs, Mrs. Pearl Wadley, and Mrs. Oral Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Maxfield, Holly Maxfield and Mrs, Grant Maxfield attended the funeral of Mr. Maxfiela's brother Lewis Bed-eue Bed-eue Maxfield of Salt Lake City. Mr. Maxfield was an ore contractor In Little Cottonwood canyon for many j years.. . - : He was born in Cottonwood, Oct. 29, 1867, a son of Richard and Ellen Thompson Maxfield. He helped help-ed his father run a sawmill in Black canyon near Spring City where the family lived for a number num-ber of years. ; . ' He married Emma Butler who survives him. He is also survived by the following sons and dauhgters E. O. and Earl Maxfield, of West Jordan, Mrs. Rose Cooper and Mrs. Mrs. May Talbot of Salt Lake City; thirty eight grand children and five great grand children; his brothers Burns Mafield of S'alt Lake City; Archie Maxfield .and his sister Edah Allred of Pleasant Grove. I Lu . ,-v- ' . I |