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Show frivate DaviH Forrest Driggs, husband of Mrs. Martha Alice FJch-enberger FJch-enberger Driggs, of Provo, has been missing in action in Belgium since December 21. He entered the service ser-vice a year ago, received training at Camp .Roberts, Calif.; Camp At-terbury, At-terbury, Ind,; and Camp Mead.( Md., and was assigned overseas in October with an Infantry division. A son of the late Ennis and Mable Anderson Driggs, Pvt. Driggs graduated grad-uated from Pelasant Grove High School and operated a fruit and produce truck between Los Angeles and 'Provo before entering the ser vic. A waiting, further word are his wife and 3 1-2 months old son, and a grand-mdther, Mrs. Margaret Anderson Pleasant Grove. ;, 1 |