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Show Local News Items Ray Pulley Is receiving medical care at the AmeHcajwPork hospital. Mrs. Bill Iwes enjoyed several days visit Uh her husband at Ptieonix, Arizona, this week. Mr. am! V: - A J. Peterson of West Jon!. :; - ere Sunday dinner wests of I'-'riMnrs .sister qmi brother in Mi' anil Mrs. l'y-I l'y-I mnnd Nel.-j - Mrs. M:in:.r, 'I Wrii'ht left Friday Fri-day for For; .,:: V,:;.thoma, to join her husbar.'l' -Viviant Gordon Wright, who i- stationed there. Mrs. Jennie 15 Fugal is visiting in San Diego. California, with her huusband M 1 c Dryan Funal U. S. N. who is stationed there. The TimpanoKO.s Stake M. I. A. Board met Tuesday evening at the H. S. Richards home. Plana for the Gold and Green Ball and other vital matters were discussed, after which refreshments were enjoyed. Miss Berdeue Walker, daughter of Mr. "and Mrs. L. S. Walker is confined to the St; Marks hospital in Salt Lake City, where she underwent under-went a major operation early this week. Mrs. Eva Denning o'f Idaho Falls, Idaho, and Mrs. Orta White oi Salt Lake City. visited, Sunday evening eve-ning with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson. Mrs. Rodney Irving and Mrs. Jessie Maxfield Justesen of Chester were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Archi Maxfield. They attended attend-ed the Tuneral of their uncle Lewis B. Maxfield of Salt Lake Ctiy. Mr. and Mrs. Oran A. Williams of Salt Lake City, spent Wednesday in Pleasant Grove With Mrs. Williams' Will-iams' parents Mr, and Mrs. John S. Green. Mrs. Rhea H. Robinson and children child-ren Bobby and Alene arrived Sun- day morning" from Denver, to visit with, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hallway1 of this city and other relatives1 , Mrs. Edah Allred and her sons Clark and Richard Allrde attended attend-ed the funeral of Mrs. Allred's brother Lewis B. . Mr Allred is now visiting with her daughter Mrs. Paul Anderson of Brigham City. Paul Roundy, TJ. S. Navy, was honored MonTlay, when the Elders auorym of the Manila warl and their partners entertained for the young seaman in the boy scout room at the ward chapel. A program pro-gram of Barnes and refreshments were enjoyed.. Young Roundy has been enjoying a month's furlough here after .sjx'ndisg many months in the South Pacific. Miss Dorothy Anne Nelson observed obser-ved her birthday anniversary Jan. 10th.. To help her celebrate the e-vent, e-vent, a group of young friends were entertained at dinner by Dorothy's Dor-othy's mother Mrs. Raymond Nelson Nel-son .after which ihey spent the e-vening e-vening " dancing. Honoring Miss Nelosn were Muss Elaine Olpin, Miss Doris Wadley, Miss . Carol Dawn Warnick, Eugene Fergusen, - Tom Adamson, Herald Greening, and Reed Bezzant. " |