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Show Seminary Students And Parents Enjoy Social Monday On Monday evening, at 8 o'clock, in the First Ward chapel, the graduating grad-uating class of the Timpanogos Stake Seminary entertained in honor hon-or their parents. , With Principal Wm. C. 'Smith as master of ceremonies, the program began with the congregation singing "Shall the Youth of Zio.. Falter " directed by Rulon Brimhall and ac- companied by Mary Neves; prayer was offered by Paul Croft; piano solo, Jean Baxter; organ solo Louise Brimhall; vocal solo, Donna Ostler, accompanied by Jean Baxter; Bax-ter; vocal solo, Harriett West, accompanied acc-ompanied by Mary Neves. Toast to parents Ruth Brown; Responses by L. S. Walker and Thelma Adamson; Toast to Principal Princi-pal Wm. C. Smithby Richard Paulson. Brief messages were delivered by Lynn Webb, Associate ' teacher; Stake President Merrill N. Warnlck; and iMncipal Smith, who introdu-oed introdu-oed the . members of the board of Religious education and 'their, wives President and Mrs. Merrill N; Warnlck, War-nlck, President and "Mrs, Vilace Radmall, President and Mrs. Ray 3, Merrill, and Ernest P. Smith, as well as all students and parents. Benediction was pronounced, by Glade Hilton, after this the group repaired to the recreation hall, wjiere home-made . lee cream and caeereserVecT afta Ra'Sr'Mer4 rill pronounced a blessing. ' Student committee on arrangements arrange-ments were Eugene Hilton, Mary Louise Adamson and Lee McMlllen Refrshments furnished by . the studerite were in charge of Mary Lou Matthews, Emmeline Kirk. Carol Green, Richard Whitehead, and Jiim Simper. , |