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Show SL&SSIFEEU ' ELRCTUOLUX CLEANER & AIR PURIFIER- Immediate De-livery 1'lM.na Owen Whiti-lu-nd, 3811 I". G. FOR SALE Dressed Lambs, MOTOR & SMALL APi'MANCIO r.LI'AIICS ( ail Karl Vvoullry. INSULATE VOl'R HOME WITH I ROCK WOOL and save up lo -1C per cent o'f your coal Roc John S. Green for information, Phone 2951, Pleasant Grove. RADIO JSKKVIC'K Call Karl Woollry. PI IOTOG R APII TINT I NT; Have Your Old and New Kavorif Phol npi-a plis Tinted. New Department Depart-ment Opening at Style Simp, H( East Main, American Fork BUTTONHOLES MADE GARMENTS GAR-MENTS MARKED Mrs. R. L. Gardiner, Phono 22fi 1 CESSP'OOL and SEPTIC TANK'S CLEANED -- Pa. asonalde Price Prompt SiTvi.-e, Phone Provo, !'SI-J j ""-" - - I -i -ITn m Ml t in 1 f TnTfirn -..fl Tiime AA Grade, Current Stock Market Prices, Also Veal and Baby Reef Quarters Phone 3105 I FOR SALE 1939 StudeoaUer 1 Commander, Wright's Garage, Ore.n. FOR SALE One Charter Oak Heater, Inquire Cora Bullock FOR SALE Basement Home, Eurlin Driggs, Phone 2132 FOR SALE 1937 GMC Dump Truck, Fair Condition, Alpine Soil Conservation District, Co Leo P. Harvey, Phone 2582 FOR SALE Vacuum Cleaner, Like New, Mrs. Harry Wadley, Phone 2912 2t 14 FOR SALE BEDS, SPRINGS, and MATTRESSES Alpine Villa, Phone 3851 P. G. FOR SALE REBUILT ELECTRIC ELECT-RIC REFRIGERATOR, C. D. Naef, 433 East State Road, American Amer-ican Fork. Advertisement , From where I sit ..t Joe Marsh, Lgjm J-T Vhere Cissy Spent Her Honeymoon Most of the young newlywcds in and except for occasional visits to our town spend their honeymoon the Garden Tavern for a glass of at Roundstone Lake or Jackson beer, they stayed at home, getting Falls; why the Martins even went used to married bliss, as far as New York City; My missus prefers traveling But when Cissy Cupper married and that's her right. But from the young Carter boy, they al- where I sit, there's no place lowed as how they were going to better for a honeymoon or second spend their honeymoon right here. honeymoon than right at home "There's no place better than with yur own Possessions, good our town," Cissy says. "And I'd home coking, and a friendly glass like to start married life at home. of heeT or two-with the best cora- with things Bud and I are used to." Pamon the world- Makes sense, come to think of it. Q Folks naturally left them alone; S Copyright, 1947, United States Brewers Foundation FOR SALE 1.91 Acres of farm land on U. S. 91 in Lindon. Good Water right. Good building site. Land suitable for fruit. Now in 2nd year of Alfalfa. 6.44 Acres of farm land in Lindon. Good water right. Broke out of alfalfa last fall. Contact Leland Millar at A. L. Millar's residence 1 block east of Bullock's Store. Phone P. G. 3196 DEER CREEK COAL J8.50 Ton Delivered. Carter Coal Phone 2311 IDAHO HAY Reduced Price for Quick Sale, Carter Coal Phone 2311 LUMP .COAL $8.50 Per Ton, Also Oil Treated Royal Slack, L. R. Dickey, Phone 2S54 2-14 LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOUR INCOME TAX RETURN Phone 2284, Ray Mills DRESSMAKING and ALTERAT-IONS, ALTERAT-IONS, Promptly and Neatly Done, Mrs. Verl Zabriskie, Phone 3185 P. G. 12 20 B. COBBLEY, AUTO MECHANIC, IS NOW DOING AUTO REPAIR WORK AT HIS HOME REFRIGERATION SERVICE Call Earl Woolley I am equipped to SLAUGHTER your BEEF and VEAL in a State Inspected House. Also Cut and Wrap for Lockers. Phone 3 3 92, LaVell Boren. HllllilllW'IIIIEIIIIIIIIIIiillllllllllllllllllllllW j MQ er Serwfe f Wmi AIJL TYPES IGNITION, GENERATOR, MAGNET AND STAI&TEIi EIEPAIEIS j Complete Stock oi Parts j We have Use ILsatcst Post-Wat j WeieSenlioff Testissg Equipment "YOU CAN DEPEND UPON OUR WORK" GEM ENGINEERING COMPANY! H Telephone 3922, Pleasant Grove ( IAUTOMOT1VE ELECTRICIANS George E. McNees, Mgr. 1 llillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliM I ''-rHv --' IN AMERICAN - a J U w -t w--- . SEW ana -z ss; x X 'AS JZy -" s I ! X Tri NYLON r fl ir-A mt, s ! ar 9 NEW SPRING . ;vl y 'i RAYON II0SE i I ' t. i SHEER SILK .. $1.25 RAYONS 1 ' (Wc to 149 vd il l 4 ;v Bright SprinV-?rints. Failles, I ' V ; j f "j J -f 1,'-, Jerseys and Spun Rayons. Get 1 l ' N 1 1 ' A - ' ready for spring days ahead by 1 " " Y ' f J ' AV planning that new wardrobe i I srlrS . V4, w , ' a' hT I now- ' SJy VOL ':v" -1 Stripe Ticking ..: 496 yd. . "-'"' 0" V -" ' " - S fY'r : M fyrf r ! r WOOLENS I 'jiYJ boys' i 1.57 to 2.95 yd. II t)J- 2-PIECE !. , .. 54 INCH DRESS SUIT j 1 M ', ' SUITS ' woolens a good place to shop for I i lj ' 2 - i Warm plain shades, or bright j sj? f. " j;' ' ; X j plaids or stripes makes Penney's Jrv II .-i . :-' 239 I " 1 that new dress or skirt length r jrx if ' s j .' ' If Matched sets for school ! v1 ; for spring. "f ,il 'y 4; e- y. ,.1, y H v i anc' PaY- Plain tan top'n ' V cs j F , v'- ' ' bottom. Sanforized vat- i Y ' I Y W " ddtwilL I J , J . BOYS' SHIRTS .$1.79 , TOWEL VALUES X L"sc si" 5C ' twvncraft DRESS SHIRTS f:TaLF,a"'s 3.4 sj i men's QDADT QTTTTT'C! of Bca"tui o O ! FINEST kJlTVJLVl kJ II 1 IV 1 O Teca Tropical O.l v BANDANA HANDKERCHIEFS "ZZL 2,-1 ' . ; i GUARANTEED RADIO WORK Done at my homel blk west of Post Office, Orson Lee, Phone 3341 CLARENCE MOWER, PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER, 43 East 1st. North, American Pork, Phone 199J 2-14 NOTICE The Pleasant Grove Irrigation Company will receive applications for Watermaster, for 1947, up until .-'7:30 P. M. Monday, February 24, 1947. Mail or hand your application to one of the Directors or the Secretary. JOSEPH LARSEN, Sec. WE SELL Royal Typewriters, R. C. Allen Adding Machines, Ditto Duplicators Duplicat-ors and Supplies, Office Furniture, Files, Safes, Cash Registers, and a full line of Office Supplies. Mail & Telephone orders promptly filled. A-l TYPEWRITER COMPANY Complete Office Outfitters 125 E. Center Phone 823 Provo, Ut. FOR SALE Large Estate Heat-rola; Heat-rola; Estate Range, complete with Water Jacket and 30 gal. Tank. 84 N. 2nd West, A. F. Phone 320W after 4 o'clock. igyM'. .W iVfi;,-;vvKjyj?lg W. SSaSffj Chicks WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS FROM HENS A MINIMUM MIN-IMUM AGE OF TWO YEARS. All Males are 250-315 Pedigree ONLY LARGE EGGS SET Hatched in modern Petaluma, California Hatchery PULLORUM TESTED AND QUALITY' GUARANTEED CUNNINGHAM ISATCMERY For Further Information and Prices CONTACT LEE SWENSEN American Fork Phone P. G.3I04 ElABY CHICKS CHICKS MKE TI1KSB ARE THE MONEY MAKERS TODAY With prices of feed, labor and living- costs up, you'll want the best chicks von can buv. PRICED RIGHT. TOO! If you're looking for big marketable, market-able, fast maturing meat birds that are good la vers, too, you'll favor i our CHRISTIE STRAIN NEW HAMPSHIRHS. All are hatched by a sensible breeding program designed de-signed to assure these qualities over a long period to prove itself. For egers, we've developed some fine DRYDEN STRAIN LEOHORXS from prolific dams and sturdy cockerels, cock-erels, culled over a period of years to produce the utmost in vigor and sturdiness. Egcs from those birds bring top prices. All breeding flocks California TT. S Rullorum Disease Controlled Write NOW for open dates, prices .1 pd free 1 it-om turn avtt.;o H TCHEn V SONOMA, CALIFORNIA I .3 "'sVAaI ; The word t 1 I y r- . "SFfeuSE" Does 'rv II 'i; La NOT mean a 1 I ; ri&mq Y )' married j is&f 1 Ll ' V ;'vrj Person J M jj j WMSMtM j I PSIONGISAPBSS j I Drastically It educed Step-On Cans lonlilc Itoilcrs Wood Ilwrnor ELGIN CAItlNET I Pitch Forks I ii i .-(-..ii.M .iliitillJt; N.iijjii.iuNlHUI III i IJn.liLi 1 1 LJKtllLLIiiUiilLJ Mlinilll.MllriLLI MiKit. : , NURSERY STOCK 300.000 PEACH, APPLE, PEAR PRUNE, PLUM, APRICOT and Nut trees; Berries of all kinds. One of the most complete selections select-ions in the West. These trees will do exceptionally well in Utah After order is received, we would be able to get delivery to you within with-in three or four days. We can keep rrees dormant here for shipment up until the 20th of May. Send for ree, 44-page cataloe. TTT.L.TIN VALLEY i VSKFreS Sherwood, Oregon |