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Show First Ward M Men Win Opening Game The First ward basketball team won their first game at Payson in the Division 6 M-Men tourney in which they are competing as representatives of .Ximpanogos Stake. The game' '.va'V-yeu i'J 3 o'clock Wednesday against Spanish Fork Second ward and was a nip and tuck affair all the way. Pleasant Grove got off to a slow start and with Spanish Fork hitting hitt-ing the hoop with some long ones, the score was 7-2 at the first quarter. quar-ter. In the second quarter P. G. First got rolling and left the floor at the half with 12-10 lead. From there on it was anybody's ball game until with only four minutes min-utes to go the First ward team jumped from a score of 25-23 behind be-hind to 32-25 ahead, from which position thev stalled out the last of the game to win 32-29. Reed Bezzant led the Pleasant Grove victory drive, with 11 points and played a bang up defensive game at guard. Elwood Sundberg came through with 8 counters at center and Romell Ash and Byron Carter russled the ball well while making 5 and 4 points apiece. Big Newell Adamson really gave the Forkers a bad time from his guard line post, as the defense worked well and the Forkers did not score any setups at all during the game. Their score was laa made from long shots and the foul line. Harris and Loader also played some good ball for the First ward. ( Last night at 8 o'clock the First ward played the Springville Sixth ward. Springville won by an extra period one point margin in their first game and the game was really going to be a natural. Vineyard, from Sharon Stake, was beaten in the first round by the runner-up Spanish Fork Third ward, which went into the tourney as a last minute replacement for a team that failed to show up. If First ward plays the ball that they are capable of, they should move right along in this District tournament. I |