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Show American Fork Locals M'iHS Stella Singleton In company wll.li Jim Shelley attended "Noah's Ark" iit tho l'aramount Theatre In Provo Sunday evening. Mrs. Emily Paxman returned home Thursday from Provo, where she spent several days visiting relatives. . Mrs. Arnold Peterson and daughter, Renee, of Eureka, la here for an Indefinite In-definite visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alox Christensen. Miss Ella Edwards spent several days last week in Provo visiting her sister and husband, Mr. an'd Mrs-JIarry Mrs-JIarry J. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stanford Briggs and Mrs. I.awrence Briggs and daughter, Maxine, were Sunday visitors visi-tors in Park City, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Crookston and son of Salt Lake, spent this week in American Fork with. Mr. Crook&ton's parents, Mr. an'd Mrs. Jesse Crooks-ton, Crooks-ton, and in Alpine visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter, Mrs. Crookston's parents. Mr. Crookston was enjoying his vacation this week. Miss Olive Roberts of Los Angeles, California, will furnish several vocal selections at the First Ward Sunday School exercises tomorrow, August 11. She is a very talented singer, having studied vocal for the past several years in California. The public pub-lic is invited. i Mrs. Delbert Chipman and faniil; ! are spending this week at their sum mcr home at Mutual Dell. ' L. F. Hill of Logan, is the hous guest this weei of Mr- and Mrs Frank Adams, his uncle and aunt. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker of Pro vo, were visiting friends and relative: in American Fork during the week ; end. ! Jim Shelley, who enjoyed his vaca lion in American Fork last weel 1 visiting friends and relatives, return ' ed to his work in Shelley, Idaho, Monday. Mon-day. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown anc children, Hazel and Ned, of ' Idahc Falls, Idaho, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown. Mr. and Mrs. A. Will Jones of Provo Pro-vo had as their dinner guests Monday evening, Mrs. Joseph Karren, Mrs Alex Karren and baby son and M'iss Kathcrine Karren, all of this city. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Rfdd of Salt Lake City announce the arrival of a winsome baby daughter born August 2nd at the Cottonwood Maternity Home at Murray. Mother and baby are doing nicely. Mrs. Ridd was formerly form-erly Miss Clarice Taylor of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Wells Richman and family of Provo and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Barber and children of Salt Lake City, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G- Edward Abel. The Richmans also visited Monday at the Abel home. Complimentary to the birthday of her daughter, Eddrus, Mrs. G. Edward Ed-ward Abel entertained Monday afternoon. after-noon. Games were enjoyed on the lawn, followed by delicious refreshments. refresh-ments. There were twenty-five guests present. Mrs. Edwin Kimball has been, visiting visit-ing this week in Draper with Mr. Kimball's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grovier Kimball. Mrs. Kimball's husband hus-band is at present on a short term mission for the L. D. S. Church. Miss LaRee Chipman and Miss Nina Ni-na Halliday accompanied by Miss Halliday's lady missionary friends from Pleasant Grove and Lehi left Thursday morning for Mutual Dell in American Fork Canyon, where they-will they-will enjoy an outing until Sunday at the S. L. Chipman. summer home. The Second ward officers and teachers teach-ers of the M. I. A. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Moffett Monday evening to prepare a tentative program pro-gram of activities for their ward outing out-ing at Mutual Dell next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 15, 16 and 17. The complete schedule of events are listed in a separate article of this edition. Mrs. John Dickerson returned home Sunday from Caliente, Nevada, where she spent two weeks visiting her husband, who is employed there. Master Mack Cunningham spent the forepart of the week in Provo visiting with Mr. arid Mrs. C. A. Tolboe and Mr. and Mrs. S. G- Carter. Mrs. Blaine Lott left Tues. for Salt Lake, where she visited several flays before returning to her home In Crockett, California. Mrs. Lott, formerly form-erly Miss Margareitt Wagstaff of this city, has been a guest at the home of her father, William Wagstaff, since July 25th. Mr. and Mrs. LaDrew Roberts and Miss Olive Roberts of Los Angeles, California, are here for a few weeks visit with friends and relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts let! the latter part of the week for Nevada, Neva-da, where they will visit before returning re-turning home, while Miss Roberts remained re-mained In American Fork. Mrs. Melvin Anderson and son, Howard, Ho-ward, Miss Ann Fredericks and Miss Fern Davis leflt Sunday evening for Alsea, Oregon, where they will visit Indefinitely at the home of Mr. and Mrs. De Los Dickerson. While there, they also expect to tour the many beauty spots of the northwest and to make a trip into British Columbia and Canada ' Master Marvin Brown returned to his home in Murray, after a week's visit in American Fork with his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. E. U-Gaisford. U-Gaisford. ''4 f The regular work and business '' f meeting of the Second Wart Relief Society will be held next Tuesday f afternoon, August 13. at the home of -,- ,J Mrs. Heber Barratt. A full attend ance is desired. ') Master Reese Barratt, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barratt, had ' the misfortune to break his arm last week in 'the same place it was broken ii two months ago. According to last reports, he is getting along very nicely Mrs. Amy Hunter Is In Salt Lake City for an indefinite visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Etta Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Munns and family of Tremonton, arrived in American Fork Tuesday for a week's visit at the home of Mrs. Munns's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Abel. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ross and son of Alberta, Canada, arrived here Tuesday Tues-day evening for a month's visit with friends and relatives in this city, Provo and Salt Lake City. While here they will be the guests of Mrs. Ross's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Booth. Enroute here from Canada they stopped at Yellowstone National Park, and other beauty spots. During Dur-ing their stay in Utah they anticipate a trip to Zions end Bryces canyons. Mrs. Harold Tucker and sos, Richard, of Provo, spent the week Ii American Fork visiting with Mr. ui Mrs. DeLos Adams and Mrs. C. i Bartlett Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Houston pi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coddingtos visited in Salt Lake Wednesday fill President James H. Clarke aii Judge Adolph Nielsen, who are at tin L. D. S. hospital. They are botl re-ported re-ported to be Improving nicely. Approximately thirty members o! the local Daughters of the Pioneers organization attended the outing o! all the Utah county chapters at Vivian Viv-ian Park resort In Provo canyoa Thursday. The activities of the da: consisted of ia delicious dinner, followed fol-lowed by a musical program and various var-ious sport events. Mrs. Leonard Chipman spent several seve-ral days last week in Salt Lake City, where she visited friends and relatives. rela-tives. Mrs. Ruben Chipman and daughters, daught-ers, Eileen, Sarah and Florence, were visitors in Salt Lake Wednesday. Wednes-day. i Mrs. Kenneth Brown, Mrs- Frank Brown, Mrs. Arnold Peterson and Miss Mildred Dunkley were among the business visitors in Salt Lake Wednesday. J. L. Firmage, District Manager of the J. C Penney Co., made a business trip to St. George last week, where a ney store will be opened in October, He was arranging for the lease on the new store building and other details de-tails for the opening. Mrs. Ann Cheever, Mrs. Frank Bush, Mrs. David Conder and Hugh Cheever motored to Murray Wednesday, Wednes-day, where they visited with Mrs. George M. Ridd and new baby daughter daught-er at the Cottonyood Maternity Home. Mrs. Ridd was formerly Miss Clarice Taylor of this city. C. L. Warnick, Utah County Fair manager, was in Salt Lake Tuesday to arrange for the rebuilding of the county booth at the State Fair grounds. The State Fair booths have been enlarged, and more space has been given Utah county for their exhibits. ex-hibits. This gives an opportunity for the county to make a showing in harmony har-mony with the prdducts of Utah county. Two carpenters were sent np the latter part of the week to get this in readiness. |