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Show i picanjwfc Locals i N,el8 Nelson spent this ok ; Dividend with relative-! relative-! .jyUng 111 " ( r1pn sykes and children epent ; W I NePW vtsIUns friend lSUveS- . a Mrs. Myron Moyle spent vacationing at Lake Hardy. ;eporta.onderfultriP. Trena G- Peterson and four :fSPS Friday, Saturday an Sun-;0ESatP Sun-;0ESatP Saratoga resort, Where they W the Peterson family reunion. Joseph Karrens and daughter, wine and Mrs. Alex Karrens 1 m weenl in Weber canyon Alex Karrens, who is employed Viere- Mr. and Mrs. Eph Nash and Mrs. t Mina Naah were Salt Lake visitors H Tuesday. Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Emrua Foster were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Joy of r Salt Luke City. Mrs. Alda Erickson or Price, was a guest this week at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. an'd Mrs. i Arch Peterson. ' Mrs. Louis Birk, Misses Violet and Margarette Birk, and Raymond Hansen were business visitors in the capitol city last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Christensen and baby son, Bruce, returned to their 1 home in Copperton Tuesday, after a week's visit in this city with Mrs. Chri&tensen's pajents, Mr. and Mrs Albert Birk. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crookston of this city in company with Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Crookston and son and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crookston and family fam-ily of Salt Lake City, enjoyed an outing out-ing at Saltalr resort Sunday. Mrs. Rosa Goalen of Salt Lake City, f visited the week-end In American Fork at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Miller. Miss Sadie Nelson spent Sunday in Salt Lake City and at Saltalr resort, the guest of friends and relatives from Goshen. Miss Hazel Cobbley returned home Wednesday evening after vacationing for the past two weeks in Ogden, Logan Lo-gan and Coalville. Mrs. Squire Chipman returned home Saturday from Kaysville, where she spent a week visiting her sister and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Christensen and family were among those who attended attend-ed the Pacific Islanders reunion at Lagoon resort Thursday. Mrs. John Rosell and daughter, Barbarra, and son, John, Jr., returned return-ed to their home in Salt Lake City Sunday, after visiting ten days in American Fork at the home of Mrs. E. H. Boley. Bishop and Mrs. T. A. Greenwood and family left the first of the wee: for Yellowstone Park, where they will spend a two weeks vacation. They expect to visit many places of inter-; inter-; est enroute also. : C. Lteland Eddy, employed at Thornton Drug No. 2, enjoyed his ! annual vacation this week. Accompanied Accomp-anied by; his wife, they made a trip to Yellowstone National Park and also visited many placiea of Interest j enroute. Clinton Larson visited last t her mother, Mrs. Emma ?ltr enroute .to her home in Salt v City from California, where she Jjt ten days visiting relatives. Martha Haslem and three ildien of Helper, are leaving this ruM for their home, after a two S .tW Here with Mrs. Haslem'a Jlfr. and Mrs. George H. 0b. f e give a big discount, so S. & H. green discount stamps. 24 hour service, free enlargements o n Kodak finishing, Snyder Studio. ' j(rs. Connie Bott and daughter, Ar-rilla, Ar-rilla, and sons, J. B. and Billie, re-mi re-mi to their home In Provo Sunday, 1 after a four days visit In American F0rt, guests at the home o Mr. ana jtetf.-T. SmitM. Professor Ernest Paxman ol Provo, . temerly of this city, returned home list Friday from Chicago, Illinois, Are he attended the Chicago Musical Musi-cal College for the previous six tests. Professor Paxman was a former member of the American Fork High School faculty and a musical Instructor In-structor in this city. He is now supervisor of music In the Provo itlools. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nicholes and tartly accompanied by their vacation pst, Miss Helen Wootton of Salt Ute City, arrived home last Friday torn a two weeks' trip through Zions aij Bryces canyons and also the Grand Canyon of the Colorado. The j roup also visited Pipe Springs and Comb Beds enroute and spent a day at the famous Fish Lake. A won-ferfol won-ferfol trip was- reported. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Chadwick and sons, Keith and Barratt, left Wednesday Wednes-day for Preston, Idaho, where they will visit until Sunday witM Mrs, Chadwlck's sister and husband, Mr-and Mr-and Mrs. Ralph Miller. Miss Mildred Baum, who i3 employed employ-ed at the Chirpman. Mercantile Co., is enjoying her annual vacation from that Institution. She left Tuesday morning for Colorado, where she will spend two weeks visiting relatives in Paiona, Grand Junction and Rifle. The Beo Hive Girls of (the Third Ward M. I. A. met with their teachers, Mrs. Earl Barratt and Miss Arvilla Devey, Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Lnither Giddings, the president of the ward's Y. Ii M. I. A. organization, to plan their outing at Mutual Dell, which Is slated for August 19, 20 and 21. Following the business of the evening, a tasty repast was served. Little Barbarra Gean, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Jones of Salt Lake City and a granddaughter grand-daughter of Mrs. Melissa Boley of this city, had the misfortune to fall from a step In the clothes closet Saturday, injuring her neck quite seriously. The baby was rushed to a hospital for treatment, where she remained re-mained until Monday. She is reported re-ported to be improving very nicely, from last reports. Guests last Thursday at the home of Patriarch and Mrs. W. B. Smith were Mr., and Mrs. William Stoneman and two children, Mr. Baker of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Stephens and four children of Iona, Idaho. The Stephens family remained here until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Werner and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werner la company with Miss Virginia Werner, Mr. arid Mrs. Linford Werner and baby, of Mesa, Arizona, and Mr. and Mrs. Willis of Lehl left Tuesday morning for Lusk, Wyoming, where they will spend two weeks visiting witB Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Werner. Ernest Is manager of the J. C. Penney store at Lusk. The Werner's also expected to ; stop at Yellowstone National Park en-l en-l route to Wyoming. ' i An Interesting social event of the ,week was the bridge luncheon given i Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Walter Strange. Two tables of the card diversion were enjoyed, high score being won by Mrs. Byron Crookston. Roses were used In the house decorations. Mrs. Rosa Grant returned home Wednesday, after spending the prev lous two weeks In Salt Lake City helping care for Mrs. Nell Pulley, who was operated on recently. Mrs. Pulley's many American Fork friends will be pleased to learn that she Is getting along very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keddington and Miss'SMay Xeddington of Salt Lake City, returned to their home Monday, after visiting the previous week in American Fork with relatives. During Dur-ing ithelr stay here they were the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Christensen. Fred Workentine of Aspen, Colorado, Colora-do, and Mrs. Doris Marshall of Denver, Den-ver, Colorado, visited with Mrs. Mina Shatter and Miss Idllie Shatter Tuesday, Tues-day, enroute to Heber and Salt Lake City to visit Indefinitely. The visitors are former Colorado friends of the Shatter family. Comlpltmientary to Mrs. John Rosell and daughter and son, Barbarra and John, Jr., of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wing of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Wing entertained at dinner last Friday evening. Covers, were also marked for the members of the Immediate family. Mrs. Lillian C. Booth and two sons returned to American Fork Wednesday Wednes-day from Idaho, where they spent ten days visiting relatives. They were guests at the home of Mrs. Booth's sister, Mrs. Lucy Tanner, and of her aunt, Mrs. Rebecca Wilson during their stay. Enroute home the Booths visited in Logan with Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins. Miss Algle Mann of Salt Lake City, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Brockbank. Missee Dorothy Adamson and Or-pha Or-pha Robinson accompanied by Messrs Earl Crookston and Edward Lee, spent Sunday at Saltalr resort. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Webb and son, Keith, of Salt Lake City, visited with relatives In American Fork Wednes-lAy, Wednes-lAy, enroute; to American Fork canyon can-yon to spend the week-end camping. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Johnson visited in Provo Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Johnson. Little Mlsi Lenore JohnBon, who had been a guest of relatives In Provo the previous previ-ous week, returned home with her parents. Mayor Roy Greenwood was a business busi-ness visitor in the capitol city Tuesday. Tues-day. Dr. V. F. Houston and Dr. J. M. Grant spent Monday and Tuesday at Strawberry Lake on a fishing trip. i Mrs. Harold Chipman, who is employed em-ployed at the Chipman Mercantile Co., is enjoying her annual vacation this week. Miss Violet Preston, who is employed employ-ed at the Dixon-Taylor-Russell Co., is another of American Fork's vacationists vaca-tionists this week. Mr. and Mrs. Niles Smith and two children of California, are visiting here indefinitely with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cheever and children, Jay and Elaine, and Miss Faye Tanner, visited In Provo Sunday with Mrs. Cheever's mother, Mrs. Peter Anderson. Mrs. Melvin Allen and family ot Salt Lake City, spent this week visiting visit-ing with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nielsen and family. Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Nielsen are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mathews and children of Twin Falls, Idaho, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Buckwalter, Mrs. Mathew's parents. Mrs. Mathews and family remained for an indefinite visit Morris Davies resumed his work at the J. C. Penney concern last Friday, Fri-day, after a two weeks vacation. Mr. Davies accompanied by his wife spent the time visiting relatives In Bingham Canyon, Provo, Payson and also enjoyed en-joyed a camping trip at Mutual Dell, American Fork canyon. Miss Ruth Lindblom, a nurse in Chicago, Miss Hannah Lindblom, a teacher in the high school at Carol, Michigan, and Miss Esther Lindblom of Gailsburg, Illinois, visited last Friday Fri-day in American Fork at the home ot Patriarch and Mrs. Warren B. Smith. These girls have made the trip by auto au-to and are visiting places of interest enroute. Before returning home they expect to itour Yellowstone Park and surrounding points. They have numerous num-erous friends in Utah and Idaho among the L. D- S. missionaries who have labored in Illinois during the past fifteen years. While guests at the Smith home, they were given patriarchal pat-riarchal blessings. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A- F. Lindblom. Mrs. A. G- Brockbank, Miss Nina Halliday of this city and Miss Mau- , rine Gamett of Pleasant Grove, enter- tained the members of the L-Calimus ' Club of Salt Lake City Saturday in , American Fork canyon. Following a ', visit through Tlmpanogos Cave, pic- nic luncheon was served at the Cave Camp grounds. There were fifteen i present. The L Calimus Club is com- j posed of lady members, who have labored in the California mission. i Insects are raised in incubators at (.be FLY-TOX factory. When they are,' fully grown and especally strong and ; ' lively thy are turned loose in a test ! c cabinet, "The Fly-Tox Chamber of Death." Less than a teaspoonful of i , FLY-TOX is sprayed inside. Within ; five minutes all are dead. Exit, the , test isn't finished yet. The dead in- sects are carefully taken from the j j 'Chamber of Death" and put gently in-1 i to incubators. They remain there 24 ! hours in an effort to rvive them. IT; even a wing flutters, the FLY-TOP i j tested does not come up to the high; standard of quality, and never leaves ' i the factory. This is the quick acting j insect spray you want. It is FLY- j ( Tpx. Accept no substitutes. There ; j is nothing just as good. There is only j one FLY-TOX. Developed at Mellon j Institute of Industrial Research by Rex Research Fellowship. Every J bottle guaranteed Adv. |