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Show i I ; Home Heating - - I I IS BETTER DONE WITH j BLUE BLAZE COAL j HIGH IN HEAT UNITS CLEAN AND FREE S I FROM EXCESS ASH I I Our Guarantee e Every article of food you buy in our Store and I Market must give you I complete satisfaction in J E every respect. You are E the only judge and you i must be absolutely satis- I fied. I Bananas 5c lb. C Grapefruit, Florida P Seedless, 2 for 15c E Spinach, fresh Texas, lb 5c f Oranges, 17G size, doz. 25c Milk, tall, 4 cans 25c ' I Coffee, S & Wr 1 lb. ! I tin 25c t Corn, Standard 10c R C. W. Soap, Giant bars r 6 for 23c Cleanser, Sun Brite, 3 p cans 10c Corn Beef Hash 15c I t- Jello, any flavor 5c Jel-Set, any flavor, I 4 pkgs 15c Oxydol, large pkg 19c I t. g MEAT DEPARTMENT U Picnic Hams, shank- less 22c lb. j I Beef Rib Boil 12c lb. I f Lamb Shoulder $ I Roasts 14c lb. I Pork Legs 23c lb. l 'l EXTRAORDINARY i A SAVINGS f :'(w Winter Goods Sacrificed '!l S lily SILK DRESSES jl I j ONE GROUP AT ONE GROUP AT S WjM $1.95 $2.95 3 W' 'f " 1 Dozens of Frocks Prints and Plains I i f We must clear our stocks for New Spring Lines. '-"i i 1 . COME IN AND SEE THEM! I JPf I ' Hand Bags House Frocks 5 ? yPfetJ j Favorite Styles $1-95 Values s! g A ' $1-00 Values SATURDAY ONLY 'I W 69c - SLID i 8 A . . i f, Women's Two-Piece 0ne Lot Omen's One Table Children's e Buibriggan SYoqI Dresses Oxfords 5 'i " Pajamas $2-00 Values Sizes 2 to 2 f I $1.95 value si.25 98c ;:; J 139 Silk and Wool Boys' " t I one lot Dregs 00ds Riding Pants i Corselettes 75c Value ?lors: If1' and Oxfo $1.95 Values ' 50C Gray -Washable, Fast ': V (21 QQ " Color-Pre-Shrunk & 161 Women's Sl.69 7- I one Lot Men's Shoe Bargains Men's mDG VA1' Ian TlsiSrs 8 Medium Weight One Table-Real Values S1.98 t IB Garments straps-pumps ' ! 3 $1.25 Value OXFORDS ne Table Men's & Boy; ! 89c " $1.49 Wool Sweaters $:4 AQo g One Lot Women's Cotton One Lot Women's J 1 1 Hose House Slippers Boys' Overalls - CLEAN UP $1.00 Values Striped or Plain Blue m 10c pair 49c 49c 2i . m Gilpinae Merc, Coi The Amusement Center for the Towns of Northern Utah Co. WEEKLY PROGRAM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19 AND 20 2 FEATURES 2 "Wanted: Jane Turner" With Lee Tracy and Gloria Stuart In a bristling drama of a gang of public enemies who dared to fool with the U. S. Post Office. NUMBER 2 "Make Way for a Lady" With Herbert Marshall and Ann Shirley Sixteen year old girls do the darndest things! Look out for trouble and prepare for laughs! ADMISSION 10c AND 20c Easy Shopping It's easier to shop at Boley's. Two streets to park on and everything to eat in one store. SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 22 & 23 YOUR HEART WILL RING xv WHEN YOU HEAR HIM SING V THOSE SONGS OF DIXIELAND! " J Y- sv The 9-year-old K x star of "Lei's s j s Sin9 Again' jf i in a melody v i : drama of Ihe . , Southland S w TV V I in-:" fl I 2 L..--r:riiJji... ' Directed by Kurt Neumann Produced U e R K O by Sol Lesser Principal Productions. RADIO Adapted from Mrs. C V. Jamison's 'ure novel "Toinette's Phillip" Added MUSICAL & TWO REEL COMEDY Matinee Sunday 4:00 P. M. ADMISSION 10c AND 15c WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24 AND 25 BARGAIN NIGHTS "A Woman Rebels!" With Katharine Hepburn and Herbert Marshall The heart storming drama of a love that meant more than life itself! ADDED GOOD SHORTS j ADMISSION ONLY 100 AND 15 j 2 pounds Brown Sugar .... 14c 2 pounds Powdered Sugar 14c Large Tuna Flakes 10c Large Pink Salmon 10c 4 large Milk (Limit) 25c Large can Corn Beef 15c 10 pounds Sugar 60c A-l Soda Crackers nc A-l Graham Crackers i7C Boley's Inc. TELEPHONE 4 WE DELIVER Order Now! Now is the time to order your Baby Chicks to msure the best delivery dates. TT ' BUY ONLY U- S'co110 CHICKS GOVERNMENT GRADED I Adams Hatchery, Inc. f i SPECIALS Friday & Saturday A-l Soda Crackers 17c 2 large Milk, Morning or Sego 13c (Limit) 50 lb. bag Flour $i.30 Large pkg. Corn Flakes g0 Large Salmon "' 9c 3 cans Peas 25(, 1 lb. can Schillings Coffee Z"Z". 25c SECURE YOUR $12.00 FREE LAUNDRY OUTFIT WITH A Speed Queen WASHER BATE Use Our "Peerless" Coal I More neat Less Ask No Clinkers : GUARANTEED ! W. E. HOGGARD j YARD DELIVERED I 55 East 1st South Telephone 224-J ' We Have Scales at Yard j |