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Show Speaker Explains Ideals Of P.-T. A. At Meeting Here Founders' Day was observed Wednesday Wed-nesday evening by the Parent-Teacher Parent-Teacher association, at a meeting in the Harrington school, with Mrs. M. L. Baird, unit president, presiding. presid-ing. The guest speaker was Mrs. E. L. Aiken of Provo, past vice-president and past regional director of the P.-T. A. She was introduced by Mrs. Leo G. Meredith. "Founders' Day reminds us that our yesterdays are living yet," Mrs. Aiken said. "Our present is the founders' dream in part come true. I In 1897 they saw the need and formed the plan. In 1940 over two million strong, we see expanding needs and form expanding plans. Children and youth are with us still, and our sevenfold ideal, like the rainbow, is a sign of promise for the days to come. Observing Founders' Day, we turn our minds to that ideal." A pageant: As Told by Candles, was depicted by the following group of ladies: Mrs. Walter Devey, Mrs. Sherman Robinson, Mrs. Willard Cleghorn, Mrs. Alvin Monson, Mrs. Leo Nelson, Mrs. Leo Van Wagoner, Mrs. George Skinner and Mrs. Kenneth Ken-neth Singleton. A large birthday cake formed the centerpiece of the table; the cake was cut and served to all attending the Founders' Day birthday party. The Junior orchestra under the direction of Rulon J. Brimhall was very commendable. The P.-T. A. have five new books on their bookshelf at the Harring- ton school, and the organization invites in-vites the parents and teachers to make use of these books. o |