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Show Simple, Elegant, Practical WW Tm$J ill M: if7 '"PIME and Sew-Your-Own M V fashions march on. To- Lf R day's trio have the simplic- 2 IP ity, elegance and practical-ity practical-ity so vital to the up-to-the- '"PIME and Sew-Your-Own fashions march on. Today's To-day's trio have the simplicity, simplic-ity, elegance and practicality practical-ity so vital to the up-to-the- yards of 39 inch material. Th collar, jabot and belt in contrast take yard. Don't miss these grand numbers. num-bers. A detailed sewing chart accompanies ac-companies each pattern to guide you every step of the way. Send for the Barbara Bell Fall and Winter Pattern Book containing contain-ing 100 well - planned, easy - to-make to-make patterns. Exclusive fashions fash-ions for children, young women, and matrons. Send fifteen cents in coins for your copy. Send your order to The Sewint Circle Pattern Dept., 149 Ne1 Montogomery Ave., San Francis co, Calif. Patterns 15 cents (i coins) each. Bell Syndicate. WNU Service. minute well-groomed woman and so within reach of the modern, progressive pro-gressive members of The Sewing Circle. Pattern 1812 Little Miss Two-To Two-To - Five can manage her own dressing with the aid of this frock that buttons down the front. She will be the picture of daintiness too, with such clever aids as princess prin-cess lines, puff sleeves and an intriguing in-triguing little cellar,. The one piece step-in is the essence of practicality practical-ity a great boon to the youngster's young-ster's comfort. This ensemble is available in sizes 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. Size 3 requires 2 yards of 35 or 39 inch fabric and yard contrasting. Pattern 1998 -This new dress "belongs" in almost any company. Its great simplicity will endear it to homemakers, and business women alike. It is a combination of charm, good lines and youth-fulness. youth-fulness. You'll want two versions of this style one with short sleeves, the other with long. Pique, silk crepe or velveteen will serve nicely as the material. It is available in sizes 34, 36, 33, 40, 42, 44 and 46. Size 36 requires 4 yards of 35 inch material, with long sleeves 4 yards. Pattern 193!i Daytime distinction distinc-tion takes on a new meaning in this super - styled frock. The squared shoulders, swing skirt and peplum fulness are the important im-portant details which give it such perfectly balanced finesse. Yet not oe part of it is difficult to cut or to sew. This is a dress which is adequate for every occasion save the strictly formal. Available for sizes 14 to 20 (32 to 42 bust). Size 13 requires 4'z Gas ESIoatEneg If you want to really GET RID OF GAS and terriblo bloatina, don't expect to do it by Just doctoring your stomach stom-ach with harsh, Irritatinn alkalies and "nas tablets." Most GAS is lodacd In the stomach and upper intestine and Is due to old poisonous matter In the constipated bowels that ara loaded with ill'Causing bacteria. If your constipation Is of long standing, stand-ing, enormous quantities of dangerous bacteria accumulate. Then your diacs-tion diacs-tion is upset. GAS often presses heart and lunns, making lifo miserable. You can't eat or sleep. Your head aches. Your back aches. Your com- Elexion Is sallow and pimply. Your reath Is foul. You are a sick, grouchy, wretched, unhappy person. YOUR SYSTEM IS POISONED. Thousands of sufferers have found In Adlerika the- quick, scicntifio way to rid their systems of harmful bacteria. Adlerika rids you of ons and cleans foul poisons out of BOTH upper and lower bowels. Give your bowels a REAL clennsinp; with Adlerika. Get rid of GAS. Adlerika doeis not nripe is not habit formlno. At all Leading Druggists. The First Line of Family Defense Is th Family Medicine Ghent. Tha American mother and housewife is tho Goneral directing that d of o rifle. Exporionro has taught thousand that DENVEH MUD ia tho ver-roli-ablo First Aid in treating Couqhn, Colds, Bronchial Irritations, Burns, Bruise! and all inflamed conditions, to prevent serious situations. Keep it in Your Medicine, Chest for Protection. Practical Size, 25a Family Size, 50o iz Beginning in this issue! BR1GH 1 A new serial by MARY ! SCHUMANN Here's a thrilling story youll enjoy from beginning to end . . . the unique tale of two disappointed people who unexpectedly found their common interests led to a great love ... a new and steadfast bright star to grace the horizon! Start reading it today . . . get the background of events which brought near-disaster to the life of sheltered, misunderstood mis-understood Ellen Tendlcton. And then, issue after issue, let yourself be thrilled by the sudden, unprecedented developments that make "Bright Star" such a sensational sensa-tional novel. Rend Every Insistent IN THI5 PAPER |