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Show j American Gardens and Homes Both Distinctive About 1100 A. D., the Crusaders entered Byzantium and the Holy land and carried many ideas back j to the countries of central Europe. The Persians and Arabians likewise carried the Byzantine influences to their respective countries. From this the Arabs developed a type of landscape architecture very different differ-ent from previous styles. Their Ideas were carried by thera to the countries of northern Africa and by the Moors to Spain, where many famous gardens were made. These all had a touch of oriental desisti. The American Colonists found no gardens in this country when they landed. They brought with them Ideas from England which were Influenced In-fluenced by the necessity of growing grow-ing their own fruits and vegetables. Their desire for ornamental plantings plant-ings was inherited from their English Eng-lish ancestors and this desire has now grown to the extent that the United States is outstanding In its development of small home gar-' gar-' dens. The growth of these gardens has kept pace with the Increase In population, and the construction of f homes and the style, while influ- ' enced by many others In past cen- J turies. has become trnlv nnrt flfs- ' . tinctly American. |