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Show :v. Y.':':--: ?:.r.d A. R. M'.'.v..:; -j!" F:o- La.t Thursday evening the Beethoven Bee-thoven club met at the home of Mts Eda Aiiiby to discuss business matters relative to the activities of the club. A delicious luncheon was served and the remainder of the evening was spent hi social activity. Word from the Lehi hospital gives the good word that LeMoyne Despain Des-pain is improving nicely from the serious injuries he sustained last week, while disconnecting a car from another car which had been used to ; tow it in, at the Ford Motor last week. In some way the brakes on : the first car became released and it pushed Mr. Despain who was bending over uncoupling the cars, back against the second car and inflicted in-flicted severe injuries upon his head. : Mrs. Despain, too. met with misfortune misfor-tune this week, when the slipped and : sprained an ankle badly, which is improving nicely, however. LOCAL CLUB SHOOTS I AGAINST OGDEN I I In a telegraph match on Monday the American Fork Rifle club raem-; raem-; bcrs marie a 'splendid showing j against Ogdcn. The local six-man I team made a total score of 2239 and Ogc'.en 22D3 in the match. Sid Beck, Orville Despain, Milt Adams, K. Adams, Leo Varney and I Hap Varney comprised the local i team with A. Anderson, W. Woods, E. Clough, B. Blakby, E. Eskildsen j and N. Millard as their Ogden op-I op-I ponents. Mr. and Mr.. Martin Niel.x.-n wen ;i!noiig tlit: bil im-.'-s vi.-,lUis in Sal l.:&.: City Tu-.-:-y. W. W. MeBririe c,i .Suit Lake wiu a dinin-r giit-.-.t here Sunday of Mr and Mrs. Edward R. TuLtle. Mi.;.,i.s Iu.-rol and Pat.xv Jc Ellon of Dividend, spent last weekend week-end here with Niels Nelson and family. fam-ily. Mrs. I.eGrande Uudmundsen anc small daughter of Payson, spcnl ! several days here last week with Mr and Mrs. Harold Chipman. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ncal of Oreiv. visited in American Fork Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chris- tensen, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth j Brown. The Elders of the First ward put over another very successful party last Monday night in the ward cliii pel. There were 75 present, and all had a jolly time in playing games, program, etc, after which delicious refreshments were served. Dr. and Mrs. Allen G. Brockbank '.verc guests over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Brockbank of Spanish Span-ish Fork. Saturday evening they Utrnded the concert given by the associated male choruses of Utah Held in Provo. 1 r. and Mrs. Allen G. Brockbank wi-ri! icmoni,' tlio.se who uUended KvcTywoman", 15. Y. U. dramatic production, in Provo last Friday evening. eve-ning. Mis. Fay Clarke and Mrs. Mona Kirk ham were among the guests at u bridge party given by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Provo American Legion at Keeley's last Saturday. A number of the little friends of Miss Hoxie Harrington gathered at her home after school Tuesday and enjoyed a birthday parly in her honor. hon-or. Games were enjoyed together with tasty refreshments. Mrs. Alan Pearson entertained the Variety club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Several different games were played during the afternoon, ' prizes for which were won by Mrs. I Melvin Grant, Mrs. Ray Shelley and 'Mrs. Dick King. A delicious lunch , was served at small tables and tiny Valentine favors marked the plates. Relatives hero received word last week of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Orval C. Benson in Whitney, Whit-ney, Idaho. Mrs. Benson was formerly form-erly Miss Lorena Clayson- of this city. Mrs. Emma Foster spent Sunday in Salt Luke. She visited in the ; afternoon at the hospital with her sister. Mrs. Ruby White, who recently re-cently underwent a serious operation and in the evening with another sister, Mrs. Palmer. Miss Betha Carson has returned to Lehi, having been employed at the hospital here. Miss Melba Barrett attended a bridge party in Provo last Saturday given by Mrs. Harriett Wiilett. Miss Florence Beck entertained I eleven young friends Saturday afternoon, after-noon, the event being her eleventh birthday anniversary. The time was spent in playing games. Dainty re-freshments re-freshments were served. Those pres-; pres-; ent were Irvin Chipman, Lloyd Chip-jman, Chip-jman, Bob Halstrom, Glen Barrett, I Mary Robinson, Blanche Devey, Mildred Richards, Barbara Taylor, , I.eah Robison and Ruth Holds-v. Holds-v. orth. ! The heavy snows and high winds last week played hob with traffic between be-tween Alpine, Highland and American Ameri-can Fork. Postmaster Chadwick says that on Thursday of last week, for the first time in 14 years to his knowledge the mailman was unable to get to Alpine and deliver mail according ac-cording to schedule. For several days the students from Alpine were unable to make it across the bench and were forced to remain home. Finally some bob-sleighs made the trip from Highland. The First ward chapel was crowded crowd-ed to capacity Tuesday night when the M. I. A. drama department presented the three season's one-act contest plays, "The Killer", "Peggy" and "The Women Folks". Each being be-ing of a decidedly different type, it would be difficult to say which was the best received by the audience. aud-ience. Many comments were heard on how well balanced the three casts were, each of which gave a very commendable presentation.. Following the presentation of the plays the players and then coaches fathered at the home of Mrs. A. F. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Walberg of Salt Lake spent Sunday here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Moral D. Steele. Mrs. Wayne Mercer entertained seventeen friends of her daughter Elaine, last Friday afternoon, it being be-ing the little lady's eleventh birthday. birth-day. The guests played various games after which a delicious lunch was served. Valentine decorations and favors added to the enjoyment of all. A party was given in the 6take tabernacle amusement hall Wednesday Wednes-day night in which the Old Folks committees of American Fork entertained enter-tained all persons who had previously previous-ly worked on old folks committees since the organization was formed here, all present members of the committee, the stake presidency and bishoprics, and their partners. In all about 125 were present. Dancing was enjoyed and light refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. William Chipman. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Meredith were among those from this city who attended at-tended the charily ball given by the Associated women's clubs of Provo in the Ladies Gym. Tuesday night. The Americans orchestra of this city furnished the music for the bdl. Mrs. Nita Sullivan, of Los Angeles, Angel-es, who has been here for several months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marius M.ulsen, has gone to Las Vegas, Nevada, where she will be housekeeper for her brother, Lenard Madsen, who was transferred trans-ferred from California to Nevada by the oil concern for which he works. j The .extremely low temperature caused a break in one cf the city's pipes underneath the paved high- v,ay on east Main street in front! of the S. F. Grant property the' first of the week. The water flood-! ed the road but was soon diverted' down into the creek bed. The city's' men were on the job Wednesday i cig-ging down to the trouble. Supt, ' Pott says fortunately there lias been no breaks other than this little trouble on the line on the Alpine road. Gaisford Jr. for a little informal ( party. A delicious lunch was served to the twenty present. I Utahn's sojourning in and about L' .Long Beach, California, made a sur-L. sur-L. prise birthday call on Mrs. James L, J Chipman Friday, the 10th of Febru-Jary, Febru-Jary, at her apartment at the Palace Hotel. Those comprising the party e were Mrs. Edna Firmage, Mrs. Wm. li 1 Firmage. Sr., Mrs. Blanche Jackson, :Mrc. Ed Firmage (Provo), Mrs. Man--'.da Chipman Shuts, Miss Agnes Firmage. Miss Charlotte Stults. and . Mrs. Wm. Firmage. Jr. The af ter-1 ter-1 i noon was given over to informal ! talks and bridge. Mrs. Chipman was ;the recipient of many congratulations congratula-tions and beautiful flowers. The ! party brought their lunch in regular Utah style, which means in abund-ance. abund-ance. DRINK WATER WITH MEALS GOOD FOR STOMACH Water with meals heZps stomach juices, aids digestion. If bloated with gas add a spoonful of Adlerika. One dose cleans out poisons and washes BOTH upper and lower bowels. Wm. Thornton, Druggist. adv. 2 |