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Show GOLD HILL --ITS STORY j Jf,, ...... ., . - 4,.. . V 1 " ' . - ' - . ' - ' - --xr- ; - . i f , s - : - f " -.'-'--'..--,..';! I tvX " ' - - - ? - " v 5 . 5 ' lh -. - ' - " Westerr Uht GC,r L. .... -, s-c-J-'t. x . By GEORGE H. SHORT INDIAN fights, milling ventures, profits from poison and wealth from a single-handed gold mining min-ing operation are some of the colorful color-ful features in the history of Gold Hill at the western end of Tooele county, Utah. Officially the area Is the Clifton Mining district. Its metropolis Is a "Khost" town, of about 30 In- Idle, to be worked -Rain by the smelting company. Smaller, but more remunerative were the operations of Loffler Palmer In a little gold mine known as the "Kube", near Cold Hill. Palmer discovered It himself after his return from the World war and, by himself, picked gold from a scam that was to bring him a small fortune. It was spoken of as tho "onn iimn ninn" ti, i . imiiHiuiiH, j;iu miles west ot Salt Iake Cily and 4.1 miles south of Wendover, with which it is connected con-nected by rail. Prospectors, heading toward California, were intrigued by gold specimens in 1S5S. but it was not until ISC!) that white men subdued the Indians and began real mining. A district was organized In that year. Ily 1SS0 some 50(1 claims bad been located of which about fiO were being worked sporadically. Shipping being precluded by distance dis-tance and poor roads, smelling was undertaken on a small scale In 1S71 and 1S72. The combined efforts ef-forts of the promotors ro.sullod In the recovery of i few hundred tons of lead bullion containing silver From 3X77 III I lo was doing In the new camp mil II 1S!I2 when Col. J. V. Woodman, with a fortuno made at Tinllc, camo looking for go, Acquiring tho Cane Springs and Alvarado groups, be Inslalled n small nmalKanialing mill. Willi an avorago recovery of $10 a ton the mill saved in four years, It Is re-Ported, re-Ported, about. $::im,oiin. Woodman's denlh In S!)7 balled opera lions. Tho copper boom of l!l(l,r focused attention on tho red metal. Oblaln-Ing Oblaln-Ing several properties near Cold Hill, Duncan MacVicblo and associates asso-ciates organized the WoMorn Ulali Copper Co., sank a 700-foot shaft and procured Iho building of the railroad branch from Wendover ly-filled cars brought Palmer about $0,000 each from the smelter. Over a period of several years he Is said to bavo extracted about $112,000 In gold at n total expense of f"-000. f"-000. In lfl.1.1 sir. Palmer accepted tho bid of a Los Angeles moving picture actor for the Kube. An attempt at-tempt to Increase production by widening the cut diluted tho ore to such nn extent, that, deficits replaced re-placed profits and tho mine was closed down. Tho Cano Springs mine, Idle after f ho dealh of t'ol. Woodman was leased In m.11 bv Salt Lako Clly operators. For two vours the operation was carried on with sue cess. Approximately 2000 tons of ore of an average value ot $ U) 7S per ton was shipped to n Salt Lako smeller. As depth increased heavier machinery was needed. A New York syndicate was inlereslcd and formed a company to tako over Iho lease and option. Water and oilier troubles made tho work un-prolltahlo un-prolltahlo and led In the failure of 111 company. The Cane Springs has since been Idle. j The recorded production of tlio (iiild Hill region up n i ;i:to ban been: I'l'e (Ions) L'lO.OIl 'lold (ounces) :!0 ""4 Silver (ounces) 7M.1.1 "upper (pounds) ; ,sr!:'l 4 'end (pounds) ... 'vi.i'L.r Wlien tliii boom subsided, only 1(). tons of copper ore bad' been shipped and Hid company was gbiil to sell Ha mine lo l.'ranlc Kowioy 1 texllln niiinufaclurer of Itboiic l-'iliiiid. Igjioring copper, Rowley went nfier Hconidile, an arHenlc Hieii In great, demand l ,,. Press a boll-weevil Invaiiion or the "'"""'l "''I'll'. 'I' mid well while "'" ldl-wecvil lasied. ir r-'"'iilc r-'"'iilc iviih develop,-, a properly liy .laco ruler. IP, I'!'" fd), 0011. Tlio !:, i pna::c, e ven I nn 1 1 y , iiMilrl S,I:L":I ;; II in::. I.'elining ,v- Mining ' i craMe.l be p ,-, , II a I, I e ' ''liver. r.oM nud lead ii,,! I'l'MUIIenl., W(,,. . eneouraj-iur "mil may caime Hit, jimperly ,,.' Iiic (ponnila) ' -J;'i,a'-. i Arsenic (Ions) ."" 7:,ooo Viiluo (dollars) ? 2,!i!,2!,ssr. , U Is evident that n gross miner-' miner-' jU prodiiclion of around $1,000 000 , '"'.t H ;l'"!lt- coulrlhullou In u,,, " 11 "f I'eonomle linporlance, never-1 never-1 '"'""sm the, region baa given em-I'loynenl. em-I'loynenl. In many peotde al lime. V "iiniy as ,, , . ,, j few peoplo at. all limea 'I H'o wrllcr'M opinion, (be r I ' "I'l" I o nupplv very hir;-.,, (on,,;,,-,, ,,,,, ,r ; '.'.- I a markei r,,r , .. 1 ' " ll'oiic.l, cmparahvclv small ., I v,,p,(, ; l"'"!illlb o sn, ,11 ..,..,! , win la.,,' ;;,r - |