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Show JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER - f v -f v f y . ' . Z ' ' - 'v ; - v s i - A. : . t & - " f j I ' . 1 t ---J ? i -.. John D. Rockefeller, who died at " his winter home at Ormond Beach, " Fla., at the age of ninety-seven, a.'. 1 ter making more than a billion cck " lars and giving away three-fcuril of it for philanthropic, educa'Jc:-l, and medical research activities. Tal patriarch was buried at CIeve'.a:5J " Ohio, where 80 years ago he bega( work as a penniless youth, iia! Rockefeller, whose arr.biiion was 3 live to one hundred, left SS desce: ants. Kad he lived anoiher rr.."Ji '-; he would have been niceiy-etji:. |