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Show V "" ' .......... ..... I I ni i in1 s rl'!i'' yiici-i-.-s of your 1!i-c il--j.ri.il-; on the U .sf.-tH. Il:- lnly -ii ir-!-:-: i; yi n. Main,' s:;ro you U'':L M'l-'tlit ', llliifori.l f i !!- -. M.-ill !:!:!. S I I; Oi;r I'. i-U aiv i.-v, 1 y )., un-l ah-l uiii- v forinlv inixcil. J; j " ()i;r j,i-i.-f.s arc th.; l.vc.-:f. I I :A I i',f; us Ji'-iiin- wil h a on. . ' I I . 11 rr 5 T'' (TT? . T(p ' ., fw-.W '--- jj, i" , , i 110wost of the new and will offer you your choice p Wap.Wncr large gronp ! " Priced ; aiooO 15.0 $20.00 " Every Xew Spring Color:EvcrrNcSpriiig Print. Every Size. I .Tv x Spring Coats ; S WJr ExceptionaUy Low Priced 5 X - - UlPy Dress Coats, Sport Coats and Pur ! 3 ? lXlF Trimmed Coats. There's not a coat in ;j f ji .W this group that is not an outstanding a. If rvi i value. ' h If riM i-'-I'Sv?. See Our Windows. I The Values Are Simply Wonderful. SoectiveI so smart!Tlie Q,! 0 ' SKewRoWiiHa Ductte Heel. Aci- ig 1 s II Service Weight or RAYON BED I sale j1 g Chiffon SPREAD SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PRINT i It Equare, Pointed or Duette DRESSES I tt i Priori Best Value Oftered. jsj, Heel. 1 licect Jxeeptional allies ' $1.50 $1.65 $1.95 Extra large size Rayon Priced Only 1 .Spreads. Colors. Rose. Gold, 50c j lj Oreliid Blue. $3.85 value t TOWEL SPECIAL i Best value ever offered in $2.95 NO SEAM SHEETS i: 6 Tira-fk -, 51Ze 81x90 ' fl ' . AO"- m i Sale Monday, Tuesday and Sneeial ! ReS"r 3o W AVednesdav. IJ lj 4 for $1.00 ?l-25 j I Ghipman MerCo Go. I g THE STORE OF QUALITY t il SPECIAL ATTRACTION - CAMEO THEATRE " California Players I I Monday, March 18th E 8 Presenting y I "CINDERELLA O'REILEY" tn il (A Roaring Comedy) !n ON THE STAGE d A,S SPCtiaUieS- Prices-Children 15c, Adults Soc.'" REA- LIVE ACTORS v i t j Liver-Complaints j I Slaves of the laxative habit are f ustitilly e".',;ivly tina.vare that with- ' f in their bodies they have a plant wh;eh can manufacture a laxative I that medicine has never equalled. I- i That p'.ant is the liver, and when it ': i f is ; ordor it produces I'i pints n f ! daily. .-' i "t '::' tt-.nvtion is d'eharced into "' " I t'.ie a'ina.'a whc.'ever food is there '., i jviif'v:".i iliao-tthm. If the liver is in , . i f o:l.a-. uiars:vn !s jwl. f iK.t. the , ! nan:'-!' iU-s in :ne nerves aotuathiz ' f l ho Tver, aad sainal sul'ustmont? are ' f ; law; M t 1 re'r.evo irritation from '-. '' t Hy my i hiroraaci io health method 1 ? i tvr.vt diseases of the eyes. ears. - i la-so. throat, laacs. heart, stomach, Uvor, kM::eys. bowels and I. lower ore a as. t ; j James M. Grant, D. C. J I rHONE 113 AMERICAN FORK ? '"''" - j CLIP THIS ADVERTISEMENT I lt Is Boocl for Mio on a dozen -v'.R. El rose trees (or one set). ,T. no I n,T 'KIVe 1,11 1110 lal,'t rosos V W?WVi 1, I that are grown. V'Uv"-1 - ) M 'r1' Vc have more than sovonlv-iivo U V:'- NSVi V: mt i d"lt varieties. v; - .. a". 1,,lc I ?n. (!,u,w ' colors atid ' .V. ' '"-i-C J It a shapes be! ore you buv. i . ' 4., ' . I avo a hat L, of orna- " S I 1'ionlal shruhory. ja 'i-VN 3,1 i We alxo have fruit, trees anv "V " '' Vt V-.'i " ? l.a jam may desire fa"- : V; f 1 "MlT P"li''. 'Vonies. ete. 1 !!; . f X 'VmI "" l-'kvs ttro ri.a.hf '''' j i hJ VHA' ! 3!5EASt,SAN F0KK NURSERY ' 3-.AWER.CAN FORK, UTAH PHONE I87J ' Old Folks Annual Dance o-?h l!0, nSat- 23 I w Jtcraiis ana House Dress everyone invited " . AND EXPECTED lt : - r |