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Show lool Will Commence Konday, September 11th .. will be over for, oo age Monday, tl parents, teachers : ' t all planum for a -1, endeavor in educa-fV educa-fV WW operation fttM e beSt re6UltS m the high school !,h are the same as last " . a P Warnick, i Ricliards, pord M.j , Kirk hyena Johnson, ; 5 West, Estelle Fen-: nt William Parting- j Laisen, E. A. Beck,! Emily Wright and 'school teachers .and: are as follows: wood' ' . Tavlor, 5th grade; :' 4th grade; Leone Told, i$ rdes; Marjorie HoldA-';$. HoldA-';$. Miss Wing, 2nd . Ray Nicholes, 1st grade. ' 'jon school the idllow-sfl idllow-sfl be in charge: Hob-" Hob-" Martha Johnson, :Helen Pern Edwards. |