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Show Citizen, Press, Review - Wed., Oct. 22, 1986 - Page 18 HOMES FOR Rent four bedroom Grove' !;,! $450m- ca Joll: Robmson-Wilson- , ?5"3 1022 !l THREE b3th' M25m. Rell reqm.ed. Deposit aiso , Wroom. 1 bath, M,5 ref. required, depostt. 756.,,,' 2t 1022 PL GROVE STORAGE Blta Boat, RV ' or anything. Rea f BAND INSTRUMENTS. Will take all beginners Specialize in low brass 4t 10 22 I'.H.wmiiV i FALL GARDEN REAR TINE TILLING, $15 minimum. Sherm 4tp 1022 CUSTOM FARMING AND LAND-SCAPE with 750 and 1530 John Deere with Rock Rake Landscape Roller, Idler, single or double plow, Call Roy, or 785-5- 14. 61 tin Ljl Jl, IrVi 1913'f'Mflh k1 MMHdynuMiL DOLL CLOTHES, any size. Order amam i BRIAN'S WINDOW WASHING. Business and residential windows; also house cleaning, phone Brian Mellor. 756 0361 before 9 a m or alter 5 p m or 785 7867 anylime. 8 6 lln r i FOB SALE r Tj MISC. FOR SALE ALMOST INDESTRUCTIBLE FOR YOUR FAMLY ROOM. Naugahyde couch and matching swivel rocking chair. $50. . 1022 tfn G.E. HEAVY DUTY WASHER, excellent condition. . GS 18 BEAUTIFUL HANDCRAFTED bamboo dining set. Round table and six chairs with Moral print seats. For those looking lor furniture with character and flair. $50. 1022 tin WOOD STOVE, Fisher Baby New. $250. 55 gal. drum kerosene, $50. It 1022 TWO LONG WINTER COATS, sizes 7 and 5. Conn Cornet, dress form, bowling ball and bag. skis - 170 Fishers, Solomon bindings, size 5'4 Humamc boots and poles. 150 l:H!Wli.Hll:l;l 1 SHARE HOME IN ALPINE. Small family. References required, terms negotiable. or 2t 1029 PARTLY FURNISHED one bedroom basement apartment. Prefer one person. 2t 1029 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS in Am. Fork. Three rooms, one bedroom, large rooms, nice carpets and drapes. Smoking OK. no pets. You pay lights only. Starting at $200mo, $100 deposit. Call 9 a.m.-- p.m. 2t 1029 LEHI TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX. T.arnek dranes WD hookups. HOMES FOR RENT UNFURNISHED! Large and beautiful . 3 bedroom home in Alpine. $550 plus deposit. or 2t 1029 LEHI! NEWLY REMODELED two bedroom. No smokingpets. $300mo. $150 deposit. 2t 1029 HIGHLAND FOUR BEDROOM, two baths, large family room, plus study on Vi acre lot. Great neighborhood. Available im-mediately. $550mo. 3t 116 TWO BEDROOM AM. FORK HOME. $350. Hookups, plenty of storage. No pets or smokers. 2t 1029 FOUR BEDROOM HOME IN AM. FORK. One bath, fenced large lot, r garage. Shows really nice. HELP WANTED SEAMSTRESSES WANTED, 9am 3 p.m. 4 5 days per week 6 months factory experience needed Call for appointment between 9am and noon 7 It 1022 IMMEDIATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Child care Fulltime live in positions wtamilies in Boston New York or Washington DC Includes roomboard, generous compensation and Oiganied Support groups. Wonderful way to experience East Co Call or write Child Care Ccnriedion 197 W Central Slice! Suite 6. Natick Mass. '1:760 161 7)651 1939 ltp 1022 FEDERAL STATE AND CIVIL SERVICE JOBS now available in voih aiea For info call 805 644 9533 Di'pl 343 4t 10'29 CARPENTRY, PAINTING, yardwork I: tii lvman with own tools needed 'ni oi woimI small obv $4 hr 5h,750 lln 9 24 HELP WANTED CALL US FIRST! You'll be glad you did1 Dozens ol screened nanny Obs to select nationwide Must not smoke or drink No fee Pay based on experience Also placing baby nurses, young men mamed couples and domestics Helpers West Call anytime. 295 3266 14t 1126 IOIN AVON NOW! Half puce Call Mary Ann 541 923 '87 'NANNIES USA High paying jobs available Call us now Agency fee pd. Family helpeis needed in many exciting places. We do the finding lor you. We negotiate for fop pay & lime-of-good standards Must be good with children. Call (801) or (American Fork). 25 tin LOO HOMU iMl' Log Home Package 1.732 square feet. FHA. approved 9" logs. 3 bedrooms, vood windows, roof floor, garage doors $17,500. (801)466-628- 4 Call John Jolley at Robison-Wilso- 756 3591 .t 1022 TWIN HOME ALPINE. 374 E. 300 N. 3 bedrooms. IVi baths, basement. $425. 4t 1029 HIGHLAND THREE BEDROOM HOME, fireplace with acreage, horse shed, large storage room. $400. 2t 1022 DENTAL COVERAGE. WHOLE FAMILY. $98YEAR. 756 9273. 820 tin (SrifiKi... ! JOIN US! We need 20 key people to participate in a positive weight loss program. Classes forming now. The cost is the best we've seen. Call Laura at 756 3510 lor more information. See you there' 4tp 1112 LOSE WEIGHT NOW. Be in control for the holidays - hypnosis works' Kim. 4t 1029 REST HOME ALTERNATIVE. Private home in Alpine. Newly remodeled to accommodate 3 elderly people. Private rooms. $$ savings. Contact Mrs. G, 4t 1112 REST HOME ALTERNATIVE! Private room, family atmosphere, food preferences, transportation, clothing care, entertainment, much more. . 4t 1022 FLOWERS BY LA VEE. Wedding specialist. Wedding hostess service. Funerals, order Thanksgiving and Christmas arrangements now. 4t 1112 GENERAL FARM WORK, land-scaping, preparation including leveling and grading, mowing, rotovating, plowing, etc. Call Carl or Kent, 26t 1130 immm ,, 1 Personalbusiness loans VisaVcredit upgrades NO JOB NEEDED! NO CREDIT CHECKS! 225-770- 3 Salt Lake City early for Christmas. Quality clothes. $3 $5. Call Shaion. 4t 1022 SEWING MACHINE sales & service for 30 years. Ask our customers.' Keller's Sewing Machines, across from old A.F. Hospital. Call A35tfn ALL TYPES KNIVES, SCISSORS, rotary lawnmowers. T.F. Harris Custom Knife Maker, after 4 p.m. 154 N. 350 West, Am. Fork. 917 tfn i MB1 SATELLITE VHF AND UHF serving Wasatch front 26 years. 257 E. 700 North, American Fork. DelMar Howlett, 910tfn PIONEER ELECTRONICS, fast professional service. Color TV, video recorder, video disc. Auth. RCA & Zenith. 62 N. West State Road, Am. Fork, Utah, A320tfn Healey TV Service Fast expert service Area's most reasonable rates AVOCADO HOTPOINT FRIDGE. Frost-fre- $150. GS 11 19" CURTIS MATHIS TV with stereo. $800. 411 E. State Road, No. 94, PI. Grove, anytime. 4t 1112 JENN-AI- RANGE, slide-i-grill and barbeque. $500. It 1022 KENMORE AUTOMATIC PORTABLE DISHWASHER with power miser. We're selling it because we never use it! Can be built into counter or operated from any kitchen sink. Rolls on casters with butcher board top to provide extra counter space. $350 or best offer. 4t 115 CUSTOM GRATES, livestock panel and feeders. Wholesale prices. 4t 1022 LARGE PINE NUTS. 6tp 1119 HARDWOOD FIREWOOD, cut, split and delivered. $70truck load. 12t 1126 FIREWOOD, LODGE POLE PINE. Cut and delivered. 13tp 1022 Dynastar poles, size 6 Kastinger Iboots. ltp 1022 USED MATCH COUCH AND LOVESEAT. Nylon cover. Very good condition,. $200 for both. Call evenings, It 1022 AIR COMPRESSOR, 2" nail gun. V, hp., 20 gal. $350. It 1022 TELEPHONE SYSTEM, Executone, key 1800. 4 phonescables. $400. Sanyo answer phone, $40. It 1022 REBUILT STOKERMATICS. Firetender Stokermatic will buy, sell or rebuild old Stokermatic heaters. Factory warranty, good trade-i- allowance on new units. See Lila, ltp 1022 CARPET CONTACT. For the "best deal around, call me. Julie, 785 1540. 4t 116 DOUBLE GARAGE DOOR, hard-ware, electric openers. $250 firm. evenings. 2t 1022 HOSPITAL BEDS, WHEELCHAIRS, commodes, oxygen, other hospital supplies. Call or CELEBRITY, four door, all automatic, $6500. Also Ovation guitar and case, Marlboro am-plifier, model , $1000. 4t 1022 I RECREATIONAL KAMPER WORLD MEMBERSHIP. Must sell. The membership is associated with recreation providing campsites throughout the United States plus Canada. Excellent terms. 625 tfn MEN'S THREE PIECE SUITS. Good Can have two children. Call after 6:30. It 1022 AM. FORK ONE BEDROOM APT. No smoking. Very low utilities. $180mo. 2t 1029 LARGE, DELUXE TWO BEDROOM. Carpeted, appliances, drapes, exc. location. 310 S. 500 E., Am. Fork. Adults preferred. 2tp 1029 TWO BEDROOMS, WD hookups, nice ward, no pets. $260. $150 deposit. It 1022 TWO BEDROOM hit. FORK CONDO, near shopping center, Yi baths, laundry hookups, storage areacarport. Newly redecorated. No children or pets. Call between . It 1022 TOWNHOUSE. Two :edrooms, air cond., 1 baths, Ig. utility room. Lehi. $270mo. Call 2t 1029 AM. FORK TWO BEDROOM handicapped apt. available. Government family housing qualifications required. Rent according to income. Call 756- - 5568 between p.m., Monday thru Friday. 2t 1029 AM. FORK BRICK DUPLEX, two bedrooms, one bath, new carpets, good references, only $250mo. It 1022 LEHL 1300 SQ. FT., two bedrooms. Fridge, stove, WD hookups. No smoking. $235mo. ltp 1022 COUPLES ONLY - newly decorated 3 room furnished apartment. No smoking, no pets. Utilities except lights. 60 W. Center, PI. Grove. Call Fred Keetch, 2t 1022 Drop us a line. Your catch is guaranteed! 756-766- 9 J SERVICES r " " 3 16M full set of nails Have beautiful nails for the holidays! Call 768-977- Mon.-Sa- t. 'HELIUM BALLOON BOUQUETS. For any occasion, birthdays, an-niversaries. love you's. We deliver, too. Helium tank rental for parties. Lehi Drug. . 86 tfn BALLOON BOUQUETS. for anyone on any oc-casion. 129tfn m' i Ray L Realty Co. 756-605- 2 166 West Main American Fork, Utah TRADE EQUITY - Take over 9 78 loan with monthly pa)IWl $252.42. Will consider any offer. Older 2 bedroom, bath on acre in Am. Fork. Ron, or CHARMING OLDER HOME. 1125 sq. ft. 3 bedroom. b3tli,ri,M. area, full basement, two fireplaces, quiet neighborhood Man or STARTER HOME - AM. FORK. 950 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, bath, full basement partially finished, storage shed, nice neighborly1 Mary, or 10 ACRES LEHI. 1752 sq. ft., 4 bedroom rambler, 14 baths, covered patio, 800 sq. ft. garage with pit, 15 miles to Prw M miles to SLC. Mary, or CONTRACT - MAKE OFFER. Older 2 bedroom, 1 bath, new carpet and paint. $39,500. Includes stove, refrigerator and dishwasher Walt, or LOW DOWN - TAKE OVER LOAN. Lehi older all brick. 4 bedrooms, large dining room, double garage. Arden, or Walt, 756 3222. OWNER ANXIOUS. MAKE AN OFFER. 1254 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms. Vt baths, full basement, double carport, large fenced yard. Jon, or Ron, or AMERICAN FORK TWO BEDROOM condo townhouse. 80 N. 400 E. No smoking or pets. $290month. or 79 tfn LARGE TOWNHOUSE APT. in Am. Fork. Two bedrooms, 1 baths. Very nice. Full basement for storage. 235 W. 120 N., Apt. D. $345mo, $150 deposit. Call Dan, days, or evenings. 4t 1029 NICE TWO BEDROOM APT. in PI. Grove. United Surety, 4t 1022 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN four bedroom home, two bathrooms, fireplace and family room. In Am. Fork. Rent $500. Call Vergil Peterson, or It 1022 PL GROVE BRICK RAMBLER, 5 bdrms., 3 baths, garage, very sharp. $550mo. $300 deposit. Available now. Marvin Cartwright, Robinson-Wilso- Realty, or home. It 1022 Seville Realty I mm ,Q i . . 224-75- ''OXXf .V N. L1yd x tflr-- t 768-35- f V;fp Tammy LaA iltaJ 768-963- 2 Lloyd Brooks Tammy Corner -- Call Lloyd LOVELY 4 BDRM 2 story older remodeled home, corner lot, senij & laundry on main, wood stove in fam rm, only $56,500 GOOD VALUE 5 bdrms, 2 baths, oali cabinets, bay window. I fpls, new carpet in bst, well insulated, covered patio, JIS.E LARGE fAMILY HOME rural Vi ac, close to schoolschurch, i bdrm, 3 baths, 2 fam rms, gardenorchard, more acreage m GOOD STARTER 3 bdrm on just under 1 ac $49,900. Call Lloid WELL KEPT brick rambler, 5 bdrms, W baths, fpl, plus i burning stove, great yard all fenced, $65,500. IDEAL LOCATION ' ac, 3 bdrms, 2 baths, m's designed with a family in mind. 2 fpls, dbl gar, $84,900. LOTS & ACREAGES A ac, ac, 1 ac, 3 ac, 5 ac, 7 ac, 8 ac. ac, 20 ac, with bldg permits starting at $5,000 per acre. ACREAGE in the new Lehi Southeast WusW area, centered between SL & Provo, sizes 1 acre to 30 acres. Call Tammy LOVELY ALPINE HOME, ac with animal rights, just lowered $69,900, several thousand below appraisal. Call Tammy. EXCELLENT BUY. Gt: neighborhood, next to Lehi High. Sits on 17x85 lot, over '2000 sq. ft. Lots of extras. Only $55,000. GOOD QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD across the street from Lehi School. Lg. lot with beautiful patio & much more. Call Tammy DARLING STARTER HOME. Lg. kit., rock fireplace, his closets in master bdrm. walk out entrance in bst. $49.900 ; o 9 0 IV.il ill I ,.,,,, ..nJ FUN PUPPET SHOWS tor bir-thdays, Primarys, elementary schools, reunions, etc. Special program for Christmas parties. 910 tfn CLEAN, BEAUTIFY, PROTECT YOUR CARPETS AND FURNITURE, with a good cleaning job by the "Steam Genie" professionals. Fast drying (3 to 5 hours), safe on all types of carpet. No shrinkage. Emergency water removal, in-surance claims. Horsemen -- saddle pads cleaned. RAINBOW CARPET AND FURNITURE CLEANERS. Call 128tfn LOVE TO BABYSIT for working mothers. Monday thru Friday. Clean home. Colleen Taylor, 4tp 1112 LICENSED DAYCARE. Will provide a warm, stimulating atmosphere for your child. Daily activities to encourage learning. Mealssnacks. Call for more in- - formation. 4t 1029 UNDON, AGES meals, Monday through Friday. TLC. 785- - 2895. 4t 1022 Xi W. Univ. Ave.. 107, Prom HANDY HANDS: Home and garden improvement for whatever ails your house. 54t 10287 mum "j HIGHBALLING! Overnight hauling to surrounding states. 10,000 lb. gross. 13t 1331 IwJafaEIZZi MONEY PROBLEMS'. Pay back your debts thru Chapter 13 bankruptcy. For free information call Emby and Associates, At-torneys, at 5tp 1029 DO YOU NEED A FREEZER to store your deer, elk or moose after it's cut? Frozen food lockers, 4t 1029 BEAUTIFUL MACRAME HANGINGS, made any size for your howe, office, business or as a gift. Good prices. or Ask for Hazel. 4t 1022 FREE pickup and delivery on portables service FREE estimates 756-468- 0 GOODWILL TV REPAIR Prompt service in ' your home or our shop. Excellent workmanship Reasonable rates Certified technicians Sr. Citizen discounts Call Val or Grady at 225-755- 0 QUALITY TYPING DONE IN MY HOME. Reasonable rates. Call Sharon, 4t 1022 TYPEWRITER AND ADDING MACHINE RENTAL and repair service. Priday's Office Supply 126 tin WELDING IN THE FIELD AND ENGINEERING. Surrounding states. Resume available. 13t 1231 DRY PINION PINE, $90cord or $80ton.. Hardwood, $70Acord. Split alid rJehvered, no extra cost. 26t 22587 FIREWOOD. Lions are still sponsoring Pinion Pine firewood. Proceeds go to city development and help to the blind. $85ton, delivered, $802 ton or more. Call 910 tfn GOING OUT OF BUSINESS GARAGE SALE. Canning supplies, camping equipment, Kenmore washer, storage food, fabric, oct. 24, 25, 27. 119 N. Main, Lindon, It 1022 IIWiMfft I COME VISIT OUR ALMOST ANYTHING BOUTIQUE! Homemade articles, dolls and many other bargains. Take freeway to Alpine exit. Turn west, then go north on Frontage Road to Brookline Farms Building. Open 10-- Mon.-Sa- 4t 1112 KATHY'S CHRISTMAS CRAFT BOUTIQUE, two days only, Oct. 24 4 25, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., 388 W. 1700 N., Lehi. Unique Christmas Gifts. Admission 25'. 5t 1022 lll.lUlllllll.'ILJM'B condition, size 38 regular. One , Swedish knit,, navy , blue, two pants. One light gray, $25 each. Call 94 tfn POOL TABLE, excellent condition, leather around the top, plus ping, pong table top, rack, balls and cue sticks. $350.00. Call 6 or 122tfn ... J D.f. GYM PACK 1000 Weight bench, $75.00. 16mm Sound Movie Camera and projector, excellent cond. $275.00. Calh or tfn METAL GUITAR STAND, $10. 4t 115 BASS GUITAR, exc. cond. $175. Call GS 1887 YAMAHA PIANO, studio upright. Black satin finish, 5 years old, $2000. Like new (10 year warranty). GS 17 Tike new " pearl in-ternational DRUM SET with two sets of cymbals, $524. GS 1127 AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVERS. 2t 1029 Sewara! $100 Just For Visiting Country View Subdivision Before You Purchase Any Comparable Home We think Country View single The price? Ffom SS69C0. family home subdivision is the $ ' 500 down , 9.55. $466.00 per best residential buy between $56900 mth. Now if you still think you can and $65000 in Utah County. prove us wrong, all you have to And we ofler the challenge to do is visit the sales office ana any home buyer to try lilt out a $100 Reward certificate, and prove us wrong. The salesperson will explain a Country View offers stylish tne detai,s ' thC and unique 2 and 3 bedroom f(rv?J-- program. homes with fuil basements. fig Incidentally, if you ,J" garages, fireplace key, Ugjj to prove us wrong ana brick ar.d Aluminum exteriors. decide 10 Purcnase a "om bay windows or window NS yvf a' Country View we seat, vaulted ceding give you a S500 decorating (some plans), wood ? H ' - ) allowance, View-handrail. t,le showers f " Visit Country and window sills (' 1 One way or the other. Colonial doors and ' J i''11 be v"orth y0U' ' trim, oak style j J fe2i i- - cabinets, dishwasher. 'ir - ' r J,y 21 Fg range, garbage disposal. fVUf j L thermo windows with grids. Nj 12! " landscaped front yards, AfiOv'l l 8 ' patio. 2 acre private 7 ; park, great location close mT --Y to swimming poof, track. SA icnumilN tennis court, golf course and fS57 schools, plus much more. American Fork, Utah fwEBB, REALTORS 756-640- 0 A Larry, SS East Main Amtpcan Fork. Utah &4003 Macke. n; Ask about : our classified guaranteed : sale or buy j three weeks I and get a fourth FREE! ; 4 publications i 14,000 circulation I,',-;.- ':.::. kM UTAH PRESS ilSSOCIATIOn p Why should you V ' TAP IKTO THE 7S Statewide .""'iL Classified ' '" 5 1 Pipeline? Statewide Classified Ads Statewide claaalfled. ads In Utah's community newspapers allow you to place your ad In 35 newspapers throughout the state. One phone calL One Tray. Call our classified, dej 3rtrjDnt and we The way to cover the State of Utah Is will explain how the system works, with a statewide classified ad... It Is so help you write your ad, and plaoe It In easyl all the associauon newspapers. SB wonla $89. One ad. For additional words over the basic 25, We can deliver your ad to 170,000 the additional charge per word Is homes In the State of Utah. 13.00. CAUL TOTJB. LOCAL HTWBPAPER NEW S&W 20 GA. PUMP SHOTGUN. $225. or 2t 1022 TOP QUALITY! Green leafy alfalfa hay and extra large bails of straw. 2t 1022 NEW KING SIZE BEDROOM SUITE. Will sacrifice Vi price. Also ping pong table. Call 4t 1112 HARVEST GOLD HOTPOINT FRIDGE, $120. 6 chair kitchen set, table with two leaves, $100. Couch, $200. Everything in good condition. 2t 1029 I BUY OLDER HOME FUR-NISHINGS and misc. items of value, large or small. Also used books, ltp 1022 HALF PRICE! Flashing arrow signs, $339. Lighted, $329. Nonlighted, $259. Free letters. Few left. Warranty. See locally. anytime. ltp 1022 WANT LUSCIOUS GREEN PLANTS WITHOUT TLC. can help! Silk plants, trees.. .gorgeous - look real fantastic prices. Silk Im-pressions, A9lltfn TABLE TENNIS TABLE, V", $50. Tennis auto serve, new, $75. It 1022 i RICH, BLACK MOUNTAIN TOP SOIL. Also slag, sand and gravel. or 910 tfn REAT ALPINE MOUNTAIN jTOPSOIL. Hauling, slag, sand, gravel, backhoe service. 326 tfn ALPINE TOPSOIL, call Lawrence Burterfield, 35 tfn I 1 RENTALS f 1 J |