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Show Historical slides of by-gone days in Pleasant Grove presented to club Hostess Maxine Smith welcomed Cadmus Friends to her lovely home on Oct. 15. Vice president Afton ..Miller, conducted the meeting, greeting members and guest, Norman Barton. .The opening prayer was offered 'by June Monson. Ruth Peterson, hostess for the annual Christmas party, announced that the dinner 'will be held Dec. 17, at 6:30 at the Senior Citizens' Building. Partners are invited. Education Committee member, Dot Smith, introduced the special guest, Mr. Barton, with a brief sketch of his life. Norman was born and raised in Pleasant Grove. He graduated from BYU with his Bachelors and Masters degrees. He married LuDene Bezzant of Pleasant Grove. They are parents of four children. Norman is currently principal of Valley View Elementary School. He loves to be involved in the community, com-munity, church, and familiy activities. ac-tivities. He is currently serving on the History Preservation Committee, the Tri-City Golf Court Committee, and is also serving on the Board of Directors of Alpine Credit Union. He has been a city councilman. His wife stated that he cares about Pleasant Grove and wants to see our city grow and prosper, but at the same time preserve our rich heritage. Following the introduction, Mr. Barton gave a very interesting slide presentation, which he titled , "Things Aren't What They Seem to Be... and Probably Never Were." While showing beautiful slides he briefly traced the history of Pleasant Grove, telling Cadmus members many interesting things 'about our city. He pointed out old Indian trials through our valley and told the account of the Indian battle from which Battle Creek got its name. He told how the first pioneers simply dropped the wheels from their wagons and lived for a time in the wagon boxes. One slide identified the first jemetery in Pleasant Grove. Several slides of homes in Pleasant . Grove showed the typical pioneer construction, most of which were made from adobe or soft rock. He reminded the Cadmus members that the clay pits provided early industry, along with the soft rock pits. He identified the location of the Tithing House, the United Order Home, the CCC Brick Yard, the original fort, and what is considered to be the oldest Silver Leaf tree in Utah. One interesting point was recounting how the pioneers divided up shares of water coming from American Fork Canyon. He had slides showing many natural springs and tracing part of the fault line through our valley. He expressed appreciation for the preservation efforts of many people who realize how important our heritage is in maintaining our way of life. In closing, Mr. Barton presented club members with a short chronological history of Pleasant Grove. Many members of Cadmus could remember the history and locations Normm m entioned and many were related to the early settlers, and enjoyed very much looking back on important events and people from early Pleasant Grove history. Mr. Barton was presented with a beautiful plant in appreciation for his time and thoughtful research. A Halloween theme was followed in the delicious refreshments prepared by Maxine Smith, Edna Holdaway and Rose Hillman. |