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Show THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10. T972 PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW, PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1972 City Council Meeting Monday painting machine. He stated that he felt it would be advan-tages to have such a piece of equipment in the city and re-quested the members consider this item for the new budget (Continued from page 1) bers voted to investigate this matter. Sherwood West, waste collec-tion foreman, joined the coun-cil to give a report on his de-partment. He stated that the truck and hoist are old and is need of constant repairs. He requested consideration be giv-en for a new and larger gar-bage truck. Mr. West stated that one of the employees on the garbage collection department is close to the end of his work period for the city. He requested that this employee be given consid-eration for full employment in this department. The council stated that they will review this matter and make a decis-ion in the near future. Don Fenton, chairman of the Pleasant Grove Stake Old Folks Committee met with the coun-cil and requested the city con-tribute to the senior citizens party being held conjointly by both stakes. The council auth-orized this budgeted contribu-tion he made to the committee Members of the Strawberry Days Association joined with the council and reported on the activities in preparation for Strawberry Days 1972. They that city employees and equipment be used to make the necessary improvements at the rodeo grounds. Much work is need to be done on the grounds and structures to make them ready for the celebration. The council assured the com-mittee that city equipment and personnel will be able to assist on the proposed improvements. Shelby Seem, representing the Provo Herald, was present at the meeting to ask the coun-cil if th city would pay for an article and advertisement in ' the upcoming progress edition of the paper. It was explained to Mr. Seem that this item was not budget for in this year's budget and therefore the city could not pay. It was proposed that the if the Strawberry Days Association felt that this would be of benefit to them they could pay for this item. The matter will be referred to them for their consideration. Councilman Neil Fugal re-ported on the meeting that he and Mayor Cook had attended recently relative to the solid waste disposal program in the north end of the county. He mentioned that it was the opin-ion of the county commission-ers that the garbage dump should be closed at night. No final decision was reached at this meeting, Councilman Fu-gal reported, but this matter County Council of Governments for consideration at their next meeting. Councilman John Huntsman gave a report about the meet-ing that he and Councilman man Haynie had attended rela-tive to long distance telephone calls in Utah County. It was the feeling of most of those present that there should be no long distance charges for calls made throughout Utah County. This would be similar to the policy followed by the telephone company in Salt Lake County. Robert Fox, student at the high school and a member of the Key Club, discussed with the council plans of the club for an ecology project, which would be a large scale community clean up program. He asked if city trucks and equipment could be used for this project. The council told Mr. Fox they would investigate this matter and report to him which equip-ment would be available on the day the cleanup was planned. Councilman Fugal reported he had talked to the engineer about refinishing 200 South St. This work could be done with funds from the Collector Road System. The cost of the pro-ject would be approximately $37,500 and would extend from the high school to 1500 East. Mr. Fugal said this road is in much need of repair and he felt the city could receive approval from the State to use the collec-tor road monies for this project Michael Francom, city re- -' corder, stated that Councilman Michael Vicchrilli had attend-ed a meeting with representa-tives of cities in the north Utah County area relative to estab-lisheme- nt of a Northern Utah County Sewer district. The idea of the program would be to establish one centrally located sewer plant in the area to pro-vide services of water treat-ment for residents. The feder-al government would look with favor on such a project and grant funds would almost be assured. It appear from the discus-sion at the meeting that all three cities, American Fork, Lehi, and Pleasant Grove will need to enlarge and modify their present sewer plants in the near future and combining of these plants may be the most economical plan to follow. Councilman Hay-u- present-ed a brochure to the council members showing a street ' ' L" " " ''""u""",'w" ii iipii tl IMHH jj.LI iPJW BW4Jl,UHHIpi.l ,Hi1 SA11NGS ALL AMERICAN REALTY. INC. 785-352- 8 756-465- 0 374-503- 8 125 EAST CENTER PLEASANT GROVE, UTAH 241 WEST MAIN AMERICAN FORK, UTAH REDUCED $1,600 Beautifully landscaped large lot. 3 Bedroom brick rambler with double garage. Lots of extras. Choice A.F. location. Now $24,900. 2- -BEDROOM BRICK HOME Small home, ideal for older couple. Close in. Only $9,995, in Pleasant Grove. 3- -BEDROOM BRICK Lovely home with view of valley and mountains. Large living room with fireplace. Large kitchen, cov-ered patio, garage, lots of storage space. East side of Pleasant Grove. Only $21,900. MAHOGANY Coffee Table for Sale, 41 inches long, 785-278- F 10 NEW HOMES Immediate occupancy, ramblers and Tri-Leve- l, beautifully decorated, fantastic view lots. Grovecreek Acres, 1020 East 800 North, P. G. Custom Builders, Bert and Dennis Carter, 225-368- tf '59 CHEV r. Hdtp for Sale, 6 cyl., $125; also '62 2 dr. convertible, $150; Call Roger at 785-242- F 10 FOR SALE 1966 F850, p.s., $795; 1963 Studebaker, $295; 1955 GMC Pickup, $175; 4 7.75 x 14 Tires, $70; Accordian, $29; Potatoes, $2.75 sack, will trade any above for House or Camp Trailer. Ph. 785-424- 756-485- 756-440- F 10 4DUROC BOARS for Sale, from 2 of the breeds best blood-line, C.C. Tomorrow and Gold Star. Imported from Midwest. $60 to $110. Call Dean Olsen, 756-208- F 24 WIGS FOR MEN Long wigs just $40 or Short Wigs for Na-tional Guard just $35. Driggs Barber Shop, State Street, Le-h- i, Com in and try one on. F 17 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOT 1 acre in foothills of Lindon. Lovely new area with utilities close by. Call ... MONSON & CO. 756-606- 8 or Cora Waldrep 785-245- 8 EARLY AMERICAN Couch with queen sized hideabed built in for sale. Has been in storage since Vz year ago. Must sell, going in service. Ph. 785-310- or see at 444 N. 745 E, P.G. F 3 GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE Household, Camping, Toys, Furniture, Tools, Antiques and Misc. Items. Friday, Saturday, Feb. 4 and 5, 755 N. 350 E., 785-454- P.G. F 3 NEW APTr for Rent, $110 mo. unfurnished. Stove, Frig., drapes, carpet, Ph. 785-398- 452 No. 1st East. tf APT. for Rent, furn-ished, no children or pets, $100 per mo. utilities paid. 785-249- 8. tf 1965 GTO 389 4 sp. for Sale, Rebuilt engine, new starter, good tires, needs windshield. $675 as is or $775 with wind-shield, or make offer. Also '67 Camaro SS, 350 4 sp. for sale. 756-677- 4 or 785-310- F 17 DINETTE for Sale, with matching high chair, $60, Washer and Dryer, $125. CaU 785-273- F 10 HAY for Sale, $1.25 per Bale. 785-304- 1 or 899 So. Main. F 17 WANTED Part-tim-e Secretary at P.G. Seminary. If inter-ested contact Ronald Firth, 10 : 30 to 1 : 30 at 785-376- F 10 USED COLOR TV for Sale, exc. cond., 785-408- F 10 FLUFFY soft and bright are carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampoo-e- r $1. Radmall Hardware. F 10 CLEAN carpets the save and safe way with Blue Lustre. Rent electric carpet shampoo-er- s $1 and $3. Ben Franklin Store, P.G. F 10 68 PLYMOUTHFURyIi for Sale, Phone 785-212- F 3 REFRIGERATOR for Sale White Whirlpool with freezer, frostfree, good cond., Phone 785-434- 4. R 10 WANTED: I will buyyour Ger-ma- n and Japanese war troph-ies, guns, daggers, swords, and medals. Will also buy antique guns and swords. Keith Chris-teso- 785-292- F 24 NEW SPLIT ENTRY FRAME HOME EST PLEASANT GROVE 4 bedrooms, 1 baths, family room, extra set of kitchen cab-inets, heavy padded red carpet throughout, walkout door in lower level leading onto large lot, lower level could be rented to help make payments. For more information call . . . MONSON & CO. 756-606- 8 or Merrill Liston, 785-378- 7 2 BEDROOM APT. for Rent, 365 East 5th North, 785-370- F3 6 BEDROOM HOME NEXT TO MOUNTAINS 3,000 sq. ft. finished white brick home on 6 acres, full basement, amusement room, gas log, lib-rary, 2nd kitchen, air condi-tioned, irrigation water. Call . . MONSON & CO. 756-606- 8 or Gayle Duncan, 756-290- 5 for an appointment to see this lovely home. BEDROOM HOME for Sale, 1 baths, garage, acre, $15,000, 785-273- F 10 57 x 10 Ft. WORK House Trail-er for Sale, Ph. 756-378- F 17 GERMAN SHORTHAIR Point-ers for Sale, Excellent mark-ings, AKC registered, papers available. 5 weeks old. F 17 GOLF CLUBS,BA'CART, like new for sale, also side rails for converting standard size bed to Queen size, Also 12 volt auto vacuum, 785-219- Ph. 785-219- F 17 LOVELY BRICK HOME 4 year old on 1 acre north of Pleasant Grove, 4 bed-rooms, 2 fireplaces, new car-pet and drapes, family room, walkout basement, 2 full baths, approved for animals. Call . . . MONSON & CO. 756-606- 8 or Cora Waldrep, 785-245- 8 1953 CHEV. PANEL TRUCK for Sale, $150; also set of bunk beds, $50. 785-343- F 10 ATTRACTIVE BRICK HOME 3 bedrooms, 1300 sq. ft., fire-place, double garage, patio, bartile roof, beautifully land-scaped, located in American Fork, $23,000. Call . . . MONSON & CO. 756-606- 8 or Gayle Duncan, 756-290- 5 COMPLETESERVICElorAIl Makes Color TV, Radio, Ster-eo. BW TV. SUPERIOR TV SERVICE, 338 East State, A.F. 756-388- Vee Warenski owner and manager, Try our new sys-tem of Service. tf Reg. $2.50 ... Brut Soap on a Rope $j99- Max Factor's . . . Cologne, re9- - 4-5- 0' ony 289 Valentine Heart . . . Boxes of Candy &fc to $8 FREE GIFT WRAP ON ALL GIFTS STORY PHARMACY 76 SOUTH MAIN TELEPHONE 785-358- 5 Subscribe to The Review Now FREE PUPPIES, Darling, 785-405- F 10 HAY FOR SALE,Alfalfa $1.35 and Oat, $1.00 bale 785-405- M 2 LOOKING FOR AN OLDER BRICK HOME? You must see this one in Am-erican Fork. This home has 4 bedrooms, 2 upstairs with a bath plus 2 on main floor, large living room plus a large dining room, carpeted throughout, part basement root cellar, one car garage, all this on a 85x130 lot with garden space. $17,900. Call.. . . MONSON & CO. 756-606- 8 or Merrill Liston 785-378- 7 BASIC H and Other Shackley Products for Sale, Phone 785-246- 1. tf BUILDING LOTS for Sale East Grove Estates - Nath-aniel Drive Contact Pleas-ant Grove Realty, 785-41- or Grant Loader, 785-210- 9. tf TYPEWRITER and ADDING MACHINE RENTAL & RE-PAIR SERVICE. Priday's Of-fice Supply, 7564471 Am. Fork. tf HOME MADE BREAD, Stone Ground Whole Wheat, highly nutritious, 2 lb. loaf, 45c. Ph. 785-362- tf HARDING CUSTOM FENCING and REPAIR Licensed Contractor. Phone 785-244- 6 for information. tf LeVOY'S presents Modesty and Quality. Beautiful Lingerie and at-ho- fashions. Also lovely Temple Dresses. Phone Arlene Sorenson, 785-376- 8. tf ROOFING Quality Work, all types shingle roofs, Also Roofing materials for sale, cost plus 10; Draper Roofing, 785-428- 6 or 785-299- 2 (home). tf COST OF LIVING TOO HIGH? Let's cut the cost of a loaf of bread to 6 Cents. 5 cents worth of wheat and 1 cent work of labor, love and patience. With a Magic Flour Mill, Free demo. Contact Delmar Reay, 785-336- 9. tl INSURANCE COST too Much? Call Clive Beck or see him at 739 E. 2nd So. Ph. 785-217- PL Grove Agent for Farmers Ins. Group. All lines of insurance, tf ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING New Home or Remodeling Jobs. Free Bid or Cost Es-timate. P.G. Phone 785-289- 8 tf BEST QUALITY Household lt-e-made by the Blind. Wedding gifts, birthdays, show-ers, misc. gifts. Workshop for the Blind representative Mrs. Thomas Ray, 463 E. 200 N., hone 7854555. U INSURANCE SERVICE Fire, Auto, Commercial or any Casualty Line. Call or See us for Prices. Atwood Realty and Insurance, 785-266- 1. tf BEELINE FASHIONSLeaS ing company in its field has opportunities for wives and mothers who need to supple-ment present family income, No door to door, no delivering, no collecting and no invest-ment. For person introductory interview appointment call . tf 1 and APTS. foi Rent, Drapes and carpet thru out, available immediately, Ph. 225-376- tl WILL DO IRONING IN MY HOME, Also quilting. 585 So. 3rd East, PL Grove, 785-314- tf PAMPERED POODLE Clip-ping for Poodles and All Breed Dog Grooming to your satisfaction. 756-656- F 10 WEDDING DRESSESlorRent, ZabrisMe's ph. 785-345- tf '7l" MOTOrHhOME for "sale, P.S., P.B., Air, gas stove, ov-en, fridge, elec. toilet, 785-327- or 785-349- tf SLAG, SAND, FILLDIRT and Gravel for Sale, Call John W. Roundy, 785-409- tf TWO ACRE BUILDING LOTS IN ALPINE with highway frontage - within city limits - gas and water - terms. Call . . . MONSON & CO:-- 756-606- 8 or Merrill Liston, 785-378- 7 NEWDUPLEX APARTMENT for rent, with kitchen appli-ances, carpets and drapes, 260 N. 200 E. P.G. $120 per mo. 225-602- F 10 DO YOU PAY TOO MUCH IN TAXES? Let a trained representative of Inter-Ta- x help you save money by visiting your home and do-ing your taxes. If I can't save you money, no charge. Phone 785-261- A 10 VIEW LOT Vz acre in Lindon - this one will go fast so call . . . MONSON & CO. 756-606- 8 or Cora Waldrep, 785-245- 8 HATCH JEWELRY 33 W Main Am. Fork. REG. WATCB ileaned, $6.95; guaranteed re airs Your Bulova, Wyler, El 6 n, and Caravelle dealer; Art Curved Diamond Rings, written guarantee; Va Off on trophieu and engraving. tf GUITAR LESSONS Leon n, ph. 785-260- tf KEN CARDON INSURANCE Phone 756-385- 1. U DOUBLE "HORSE TRAILER For Rent. Ph. 785-274- Also Horses for Sale. Reed Orton. HORSES FOR HIR E by Appointment Only REED ORTON Special All-Da- y Rates or Rent by Week or Month Phone 785-274- 3 imMMMMM, j I ' " lS ( J thousand heartfelt wishes EY 1 J fmk 5 JrfiaS ( rorn y011 to. your Valen-- yPy I flk ; s Ct " tine. Let our assort- - 1 j 1 Infer 'X 4 ment of Valentine tf ii now Scj j 1 THE VALENTINE GIFT y rp GLAIMS COTY I i FABERGE gj WW 1 b i L k Lt S shari 1 ff j FLOWER DRUM ifJ?W 1 b y y y u u il ly u iyj rJ aan fork J . RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS, Call Bruce Bezzant, 785-388- 3 or Robert Sutch, 785-226- 9. tf HAVE A HOME OR Property you want Sold? Contact Grant Loader, PI. Grove Realty, 785-412- 1 or 785-210- 9. tf 50 GAL. TRASH BARRELS for Sale, $3.50. Help keep P.G. Beautiful. Ph. 756-303- Steve Murdock. We will deliver, tf WEDDING SPECIALIST and General Photo Work KEITH O. GRAMES Photographer 558 East Center - 785-218- 9 Pleasant Grove SmoJcey Says: Break that match (or less destruction! |