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Show PIUTE COUNTY NEWS. JUNCTION. UTAH get that from her father. But she sat up nights figuring how she could cut down the expenses of her business. Thats a different thing, she alThe only way you can ways said. tell how you're getting along is by how much you make. In July she started work on the second cottage, impatient to get it into human, habitable shape before the coming winter. And In August she took an option, Indorsed by her father, rooming-houson a huge, for women, the veriest skeleton of a house as Jerry saw houses, built with no more regard for esthetic satisfaction than a freight train, but with accommodations for two hundred women. Jerry worked feverishly over that with a pencil and a pad of paper. If she rented two hundred rooms, at an average of thirty dollars a month, the earnings of the house would be six thousand a month. If she paid twelve thousand for the house, spent five thousand making It what she cnlled fit to live in, allowed a running expense of perhaps a thousand a month prior to making a sale outright Jerrys figures turned to aureate dreams. She told her father she would bet any amount he wished that she could sell the house it was going to he for thousand dollars. Jerrold twenty-fivgreeu with her. Prudence said she knew right from the beginning that Jerry was right. So 6he bought the house, and in her new absorption In estimates, plans and figures, fell into n way of forgetting to go home for meals at proper hours, and lost a preposterous nmount of sleep In her efforts. Jerry had returned to Iowa In March. It was early In September when she had her first letter from Ithoda La Faye. Rhoda wns brisk and to the point. In correspondence as well as In person. Her letter consisted of three paragraphs. The first told Jerry By ETHEL HUESTON 6tead, rising from a wide base In the rear of the living room and turning Co. Copyright by the itself about In some curious fashion WNU Service finally to reach the top, where the -changes were yet more drastic. One CHAPTER III Continued sleeping room was entirely done away 11 Into a pretty I Jerrold looked her. at . thought with, to be transformed or room Informal lounge at the sitting you didnt see any sense In making a novel and engaghead of the " stairs, money you dont need. Just Tills ing version of an exaggerated hall. Oh, this Is a different thing Jerry felt she had never been so Is well. I'm doing something for the and she had never worked so happy, money Ive got a right to the money hard all her life. She encountered in If I earn It. Its dont you 6ee how obstacles. Indeed, many times many it is, mother? them. It was hard she was by appalled Of course I do. human beings for believe that her to "And think of the poor old house, be so grossly stupid could like herself After all Jerry finished pathetically. and misinterpret these years of being a barn, and a blot as to misunderstand so plainly, so lucidly, so instructions on the landscape, Just think how it will She was amazed feel to wake up some morning and find painstakingly given. to learn that laborers, regardless of It Is pretty, and lovely, and that people of the the work on which they delicacy are stopping In the street to exclaim were regardless of the Imengaged, over It! Think how youd feel If you of haste, regardless of perative need were a house. the honor that was theirs in assisting to Jerrold considered that too much of and ennoble and elevate an a strain on a business Imagination like beautify inherent weakness in the structure of his, but he finally agreed that It was a their own home town, would drop a sound practical proposition, and If shovel on the stroke of the hour, and Jerry had made up her mind to it, he would even walk sturdily out on strike thought It might turn out rather nicely for a trivial detail they called a prinall around. And he would go with her but which to her seemed a flagthe very next day to look It over, and ciple, rant breach of contract. get figures on It, and If It seemed all She was pained and bewildered to she said, they would buy It and discover that her carefully matured pitch In. set down in consistent black and plans, Buy It 1" Jerry repeated, In great white, signed, agreed to, and Included It Is bought! I bought it In the financial estimates of the consurprise. this afternoon. I gave him my five tractors, turned out to be not at all as hundred dollars, and I dont have to she had Intended, and that she was make another payment for three obliged to replan, refigure and reallow months, and I figure that by that time in order to develop her cherished I ought to have it looking like pretty dreams to concrete fact. And she was much of a place. What I want the especially shocked and upset to find money from you for. Is to begin tear that there were things that a lather, Ing things down." in loyalty to his laboring brothers, When dinner was over, Jerry looked would flatly decline to do, things a regretfully at the waning light. She plumber would wash his hands of, should have liked to dash her father things a plasterer would openly sneer and mother out to look at the house at, things a bricklayer would consider right away, but it was too dark. So an insult to his profession and thus she pulled out all the old House Beau- oblige her to deal with a totally new tifuls, and spread them over the din- organization of workmen to meet the ing room table, and worked feverishly exigencies of the case. with a pencil and a pad of paper, And she found the cost of her work sketching out little nooks and corners mounted heavenward on soaring wings, as she intended having them In her and that her anticipated earnings sank finished product. with a corresponding ratio. In spite of Lucky thing I studied Art, after her natural easy generosity, she soon all," she said brightly. I never thought found herself dickering constantly over Id find such a real practical use for trifles, arguing with great heat, even all that nonsense. with anger, trying to cut down a dollar Prudence hung over her with pleased or so here, grudgingly allowing a dolsolicitude,- charmed with her avid in lar or so there, where she felt the exterest. agreeing with every word she penditure must not be denied. uttered. Why, I have to argue over fifty I may not make such a lot on this cents, like any street peddler, she one, Jerry admitted later rather re- said to her father plaintively, regretluctantly to Jerrold. Because I dont ting this new but necessary niggardliknow how to figure down the expenses ness of hers. Already theyve forced of It. But with the experience I get me up and up much farther than I inon this one. Ill make a killing of the tended. Why, if I dont stand up for next. my rights, I wont make five hundred What do you mean, the next? Is dollars on the whole business! And this the first of a series? the way Ive worked over it ! Jerry pulled herself up, surprised. Oh, I thought you did not care I That was a funny thing to say, she about making money, he said. I hadnt thought of a next thought you said there was no nobility admitted. She went on brightly, But of in the simple earning of a dollar or so. one. course you can see that I must not In the bare earning of it there waste all this experience, and If I can isnt. But this is a different matter make a little on the first I can make altogether. heaps more on the second. So when Jerry was Joyously, mysteriously, you come to think of It, of course this passionately happy. She told herself Is Just the beginning. quite often that she had entirely forAs Jerrold had grown older, had gotten Duane Allerton, that she hnd learned to entrust his affairs to others entirely forgiven him for his vulgar In in his employ, he had gradually fallen solence. And she worked harder than into a way of going steadily later to ever. Within a month she took an op the office, so that now It was customary tion on another wretched little hovel, run down at In the home to have breakfast at nine oclock, after which Jerrold took his the corners, a disgrace to its street, own time about getting off. But on and immediately began getting estithe morning after Jerry discovered her mates for its rebuilding, and making passion, he found himself a tardy mem- roseate sketches of Its future estate, ber of the household. Jerry pounded Jerrold had taken her to his hank in on the bathroom door three times while the beginning of her business advenhe was shaving, urging him to make turing and obtained for her an audi linste, and when he hurried down at ence with the president, Irvin Weath-erba member of Jerrolds club and last, to show her Indignantly that It then wanted ten minutes of the hour, ids particular friend. Jerrold was exshe said: tremely businesslike on this occasion. I told them tell to I I know you have met my daughter, you. Oh, forgot wed have breakfast at Jerry," he said, but I want you to get That wns the beginning of Jerry's in touch with her in a professional most feverish month. She bargained way as well. She is going into bus! with contractors, plumbers and build- - ness for herself, and I am starting her ers. She studied designs, she puzzled off with a checking account of three over matching colors. And In the end, thousand dollars, but should like for the house of dreams that evolved from you to extend her an additional credit her tender thoughts was built on most of two thousand if she needs it." Jerry explained her business inter engaging, lines. Jerry was nothing if The stiff steep steps est with the impulsive eagerness of not thorough. leading up to her house from the her youth. And Irvin Weatherby street had met with destruction first looked at her, nodded his approval, of all, and in their place developed a sighed dismally at her father. Aint girls the darnedest, any pretty stair that went on the bias," That he asked plaintively. termore? the as she said, angling up green race in a most inviting manner, and second daughter of mine, Emily then drifted up to the veranda which know what the little fools doing? Sec was extended around the house to the retary to a dairyman over in Chicago a week, and crazy about it. left, while the stiff square windows twenty-fivbe dependent on any wont and the stiff oblong door In front were Says she what-noI a man French for living, father or torn out for a sweep of graceful windows. hope to God she gets married, thats The awkward square parlor and par- all Ive got to say "Look lor bedroom, comprising the Jerry laughed at his concern. Clerking Daniels daughter. were thrown at Judge portion of the first floor, You ought to be glad together to make a broad living room, in the a secre-fjirwith window seats all the way around you drew nothing worse thanlaundress a have got handsome you might and shelves for books and built-i- n cabinets. Tlie staircase which or an Art Trailer." she thought had so particularly annoyed her was Jerry still insisted, when for the work not would she completely tlirowj Into the discard, of It, that could she money of In Its acquiring sake one erected n verv broad anf Bobbs-Merrl- ll 1 1 d e e moth-eate- - y, eight-thirt- J e t. left-han- d ten-ce- ! y CHAPTER IV And Jerry Disposes can I dotlike cant I have a skin why other girls? Why do I have to have these ugly pimples, blotches and blackheads? "If I could only find something that would clear up my skin and give mo hack my soft, rosy complexion, I know I would ho the happiest girl lu tho world! What can I do? Is that you talking? If it is, you dont have to worry a minute! Just build up the rich, roil blood In your body. Then your skin will bo as clear and soft as anybodys. Thats what S. S. S. has been doing for generations helping Nature build rich, red blood! You can build so fast that the impurities that cause breaking out on tho Bkiu hardly get into the system before the puro blood annihilates them kills stops them from them right out out through the skin. breaking And then this rich, red, pure blood feeds and nourishes the tissues of the skin nnd keeps it looking healthy. Thats all there Is to t. Healthy, vigorous. ed blood such as S. S. S. One lovely September morning, at eleven oclock, a smartly dressed young man stepped briskly Into the otllre of the llurmer Motor company. He held his soft gray hat In his hand, and smiled, as he said he wished to see Mr. llarmer, If you please. The charm of his manner was not lost upon the young girl at the desk, wtio told him with real regret that Mr. llarmer wns in n ery Important conference, ami laid left word that he did not wish to he disturbed. She professed her entire willingness to produce any other person connected with the establishment who con'd he of any possible Interest to him. But the young nmn shook his head. lie said he must see Mr. llarmer In person, and should very much appreciate the earliest possible molalps Nature build,' ment consistent with Mr. llurmera makes yon healthy all convenience, of course. aver. It beautifies your The girl said she would see, and skin drives away what name, please? blackheads, blotches, rash, DOUS your app"Duane Allerton, from New York and eczema gives you hack flesh and etite-builds plump firm, city." life and energy. new of full fills you been had smiled. She She expecting All drug stores sell S. S. S. Get the New York city from the moment she bottle. Its more economical. noted Ids entrance. She went away larger and came hack almost at once, saying He Said It that Mr. llarmer was very busy Indeed, soft and sweet to Sn.v something anand that another hour, or Indeed other day would suit him better, but me, dearest. Custard plo. recommending the services of his business manager, who was available at DEMAND BAYER ASPIRIN the moment. lie Duane considered that report. Take Tablets Without Fear If You took a letter from his pocket. See the Safety Bayer Cross. Will you give this to Mr. llarmer," lie asked pleasantly, and tell hhn that I will return at any hour, or any day, Warning! Unless you see the name But I prefer he cares to designate? Bayer on package or on tablets you not to see the business manager, unnre not getting the genuine Bayer less he Insists. Aspirin proved safe by millions and The girl smiled, and went away with proscribed by physicians for 25 years. the letter, curiously studying the adSay "Bayer when you buy Aspirin. dress on the envelope. She was gone Imitations may prove dangerous. Adv. some time. There wns something like awe In her face when she came back An.vhody who starts out to look for and said Mr. llarmer was waiting for trouble usually ends up by having It Mr. Allerton In his private office. She thrust upon him. pointed the way, nnd Duane Allerton. the soft gray hat still In his hand, a A Great Help light of deep amusement In his dark Weak Women eyes, opened the door and walked in. Jerrold was standing up, the letter Billings, Mont. "Some few years ago I had a nervous breakdown brought on in Ids hand and the two men studied s thru inward each other with equal Interest. Jerand rold put out his hand. My nerves went all "Im sorry I kept you waiting, he to pieces and it was to an chair close easy said. Indicating impossible for me his own. "in apology, may I explain to sleep. I got so that the young woman, my daughter, tZjM all tundown and weak that I just did not evidently deem it necessary to had to give up and to er little this invitation, mention lls pirn-pie- s, - four-roome- Dear Mr. Allerton: letter from my friend, Rhoda La Faye, Inclosing newspaper dippings, has Just informed me of your disaster on Wall Street. Rhoda says you are unable to get a position, and are without funds. My father Is an automobile manufacturer and employs a great many men. If you care to come to the Middle West, he will be glad to glvo you some kind of position. I do not know what kind of work it will be, nor how much you can earn, but at least It will take care of you until you can get on your feet again. If you have not the money to pay for your ticket, wire me collect, and my father will send It by telegraph. "It Is only fair to warn you that you may have to work pretty hard, for while my father Is the kindest man In the world, he believes that every man should earn his wages. "Sincerely yours. GERALDINE HARMER." My A She Hastily Pulled Out a Pad of Paper and Wrote a Letter. how very much she, Rhoda, loved her, missed her, admired her. The second told her that she, Rhoda, had Just been awarded the scholarship by the Academy for her picture, and was leaving the first of October for a years study and travel through the art centers of Europe. The third said that Duane Allerton, whom perhaps Jerry would remember, had lost all his money In a terrible crash In Wall Street, that the poor fellow wns completely broke, down and out, and up against it, as recorded in the daily papers, that he did not know where to turn for the next meal, and was said to be looking for a Job, but of course couldnt get one because he did not know how to do anything. And wasnt it a shame, a nice fellow like Duane? And now he would probably become a tramp and a bum like other nice young fellows who are left money they dont know how to fake care of. And with oceans and heaps of love Rhode Inclosed voluminous clippings from the daily press of New York to substantiate the last two paragraphs of her letter. There were photographs g of her picture, of Rhoda herself, and columns in praise of her and of her work. Jerry ungratefully tossed them to the floor. There were other and more sensational clippings recounting the financial troubles of young Duane Allerton and his desperate plight, with a tragically pen died 6ketch showing him, down at the heels, treading the rails as he would doubtless be a few years hence. Jerry read every one of them. She was trembling. She knew that was because she was a tender-heartegirl, and even In her own bitterness of disillusionment, could feel but sorry for the misfortune of any human being. The thought of a young man any young man alone in New York, not knowing where to turn for the next meal, where to lay his head at night Jerry had read of the miserable ones who sat on the benches in Central park all night and winter coming on It struck chill to her gentle heart. She hastily pulled out a pad of paper and wrote a letter. prize-winnin- d to weak-ncs- over-wor- k. j me? "Do you mean to say you didnt know Not the slightest suggestion of a hint. It Is news to me." "I like that! Duane said. Jerrold shoved a box of cigarettes toward him. Each took one nnd lit It Duane leaned back comin silence. In his elmir, and smiled at ids fortably host. But Jerrold, under cover of the cigarette, was sharply appraising, remarking the dapper smartness of Duanes clothes, the weave, the tailoring. the studied niceness of colors and tones. "Do you want a Job? lie asked, hopeful of a refusal. Yes, please." What can you do? "Lord knows. Know anything about cars?" I can drive them. "How old are you? Twenty seven. IIovv long has your father been dead? Twelve years." Jerrold faced him shrewdly. Are you as badly off os my daughter seems to believe? "Well, perhaps Duane hesitated. not quite. I didnt lose as much as the papers said Didnt have that much." "Then your father died when you were fifteen. My Impression would be that a man who could earn a fortune, would hardly entrust his sons entire future to his own disposal at fifteen." Duane flushed a little. I hope you wont be such a poor sport as to tell your daughter that. As a matter of fact, I lost more than I could afford to, but my father fed up enough to take care of me, however much of fool I might turn out. (TO BE CONTINUED.) was in bed when I started taking Dr. herces- - Favorite rescription but after taking a few bottles of this medicine I got well and It relieved me of all inward strong. trouble, put my nerves in good condition, strengthened every organ in my body and made me feci like a new Mrs. Jennie King, 392J 22nd woman. Ave., Smith. Liquid or tablets. All dealers. OAKS RIGHT IH m LIBBERS OP STIFF JOINTS Stiff, swollen. Inflamed, rheumatic Joints should be treated with a remedy made for Just that purpose only. Remember the name of this discovand it will take out ery is Joint-Easthe agony, reduce the swelling and limber up any troubled joint after orhave miserably failed. dinary cure-all- s Just rub It on GOc a tube at any drug store ask for Joint-EasAlways remember, when Joint-Eas- e gets In Joint agnnv gets out quick. e e. Stops Itching Petersons Ointment To the millions of grateful sufferers who know about the mighty healing power of Petersons Ointment for old sores, ulcers, piles, sore feet and chafing Peterson says, use It for skin and scalp itch; It never disappoints." All druggists, GO cents. BATHE TIRED EYES with I r. Thompson's Eyewater Bay at yonr droplst's or U69 Eire r, Troy N. Y. Booklet. |