Show HOTEL UNDER THE SEA french watering place off offers cra Vini visitor torp unique attraction near on the south coast of prance fance there is a submarine 1 hotel which attracts large numbers of visitors every sum summer or the building bulldis in in ii QI gi G i steel on concrete foundations ail has been fitted wu vuth alth large ta plato alato glass windows fr from i or which the guests may look upon the boa beauties aties of submarine life at a depth 4 of olsle f abc fathoms blab irate machinery at the surface sea ea air to those and at the same saine time drives away the im pure air through 0 draught tubes tube it was in allf this haf hotel tol that the famous no novelist y Riche richebourg boug some same of his most thrilling romances when taking 43 his annual night ht from the bustle ant and illy aie so at ottlie th 13 renah F camj capital ta L |