Show bilig georgeor george of saxony is very much exert exercised 1 sed over the of the crown princia s louiae hii ith prof ai Oi roii ta tho i 0 lenti irb or of georges anxiety because or of tim din dia io lio noring 0 of the princess ii ilia pathea iu ic feir tile lle is under minitia the ihu peoples loyalty and ie spec L for the ali time was ava i when oien ruled by divine di right paid little I 1 i LI ie respert to the opinions opi niona of their subjects and its it 11 pretty encouraging sign when european royalty royally defers to the he feelings 0 of f the massas 3 ae 9 even thong li 11 royalty puts pe 14 above the alie question of royal chastity |