Show rok iso INO land office tat at salt lake alti uta li notice Is lie hereby reby gimeli that the following nani el ed settler has filed notice emils proof lit in sli support lwort ot of his 1118 claim and that ynid axi W made before tile county clerk of blitte piute Colu comity ity atall at juliet junction toll utah oti oli bobi february 11 3 91 JO viz hales hairs tuft 11 for lot tt sec 28 and lot 1 soc 93 S R 3 W alaf S L M the following lowins fol to provo prove bis continuous wd of f land viz A j T goa delit miles durkee thos calaway ir nathan 11 plaidy 1 all of 31 1117 YAY 1 0 atall I 1 FRANK D I 1 haims 1011 IS register E F attorney 1721 la 21 ast 1st roii noa No 5 lanil boice 4 at city at utah all dec GAW 1 notice is hereby given that t the pd settler lias has billed notice of ills 1118 8 intuition to hlll naud il proof in support of ills 1114 camill and tit that said proof made before the county clerk cleric of vayne county utah at lon loa atall on january 17 1903 vi z niels N I 1 els E A akelund HE for tile the sw t see sec 26 tp ja 7 ps it 11 2 RW 4 sit sc 25 anil s Vs se e ei fj kf f lift it s tilt following bitile toraye M i filience N 77 deg ad 1 1500 it ft to cor no edith falth lode being 2 1 arres dicres continuous reil residence dence apol I 1 and cultivation ot slid said ti ot ills t thence N ni 1 4 de leg 10 NV 1 18 ft t eur cur no claim 1111 it wa aru aret land huid viz silos 1 1 tanner jainter 1 of park no iso 2 with etli car no I 1 ol of park of peter I 1 akelund john II 11 taylor all of yoi no 1 Ille liceN N 20 leg 10 IV GIT ft to to cor coi no 4 each orlaid of said lode loda embri ked in coll consolidated sou utah lg IG al ol of park no 1 thence N 84 8 4 deg E 1 1 ft t to cor clatin claim being behig or record lu ili abe theoffice of tile th FRANK I 1 01 1101 ol 1 ol of ethellee N 33 d dag e 1 1 W 0 1 K 64 7 8 ft county tt corde of pluite Couii county ty butali 11 51 atty for foi claimant 1 oiw no 1 2 1 of colossus 8 r E tit alie nearest nea iest known locations or didies rt it to cornio cor no 1 1 I tit of I 1 e S 33 kadeg deg bebing thi alie ute ltv wid ami ute fraction sur tt a dwi dun 10 IV C ca M 4 l ft to or r no 4 of colossus Itlen identical more laore and bunker hill stir MII batzen and notice with cor no 4 of ifera tiles thence y S 20 leg fleg 1 10 K E jaines Jani ehG G maine mr and erie pointer and 1500 ft t to cor no 3 or of ik toes thence IN 87 leg deg seler sur stir a 1 I 1 united states land W 1 ft to lo cor coi no 2 or of Here tiles thence N I 1 1 adli tills this notice be published lit in the salt lillie lako city utah 1 OU jer 1 01 all it to ow no noa 3 of rink park no free lance itt at Mary valo county of plute state ol of IDOL iwa 8 54 rite dauw IV 1500 ft to cor no 4 1 ot of park I 1 irk utah for the period of nine consecutive weeks to 1170 whom it may concern Conc ein 7 no hi identical elitle 11 with ith mno 3 1 of ills l c S THANK juank B D housti It Ile glater egister that tho the state of utah atall notice Is hereby given 7 77 deg dag r 30 sol IV V IM ft to cot cor no 4 1 ol of rim kilell ti clience lell e G 1 I IV parks nt attorney torney for applicant lias has filed in Iii tills this office it list no of ton select M N W areg J it ft to eor cor NO I 1 or of alnis l tile tho 11 1 flit 1 pub dated dw doc wl MI 1624 16 24 state for the establishment ot ed ebald permanent place of beat nil ling CORE containing a 11 total and net let reservoirs for hii gation under ill u ea of I 1 leres ancs III all ol of 10 lil 1101 cli Is ia applied lor for section 12 ot the act of congieta Con giesa i s approved appi oved july NOTICE TO LIE LIEN HOLDERS there being no co millets and alad ut at cor tile the tracts lu sald said following no I 1 of the park situ site and thence IN till TIIE DISTRICT COURT 0 OF F TILE list tit in township containing mineral claims wills are it a S 1 2 deg dag W ft to vor eor no 2 thence ai S 84 district of tile the state stale or of utah of record viz i deg E tt it to eor cor no a 3 victim na N i 1 leg deg 65 paule county I 1 and john lohu meteer the nw jiw JA 1 sw aw IA 1 sec 15 tp BO s it 3 ty IT S sli L E 1 loos 1008 ft to tit cor yo so 4 odside side tile line of finis fillis IWO partners lurt ners dundei the birin name oc meteer bros mtr mr 8 77 tie 2 0 W JO J it to cor no 1 tilt vs the aliu Marys vitte opera house holise A j of sold said hat far as it relates to ta said co chiy py so altee of ailing coil tul a total and net colli company pally a corporation coi 1101 atlon defendant t facts by deac ri 1 t lye suad subdivisions avist ot I 1 aji has m been cou coni urea arm of aci tares cs all of ia for or nolice is beroby gi veli to ill all pei sons holdin g ay iy posted lit in tilt tills office for inspection by wert then beningno bang no conflicts air cl liming laborers laboi ers conti actors interested and by tho the public generali t any person aemil the resu i ined general ul donihe or direction ut of contractors or against I 1 I 1 ly aba cina yewl or lodes lodea tire bicas as upon tile the clat the opera house lionie or ir the prell ilses III upon bluing ill g tit the 0 days fol following lowin g t ane lie daw tat plat which it stands to wit aft ft of alil this 4 jio notice tl under departmental S or of sec 23 ille due el eist st of til k west eat cornel of tin thi alorth november 27 2718 1896 al 23 ll 11 L l protests or contests const r s v t U A and s w v see sec 22 it iv 4 it y e 4 bec ec 27 ja and alid eist comer ot of tit thu south west ear ter of section against the claim of tilt the state sante batur of tile the 11 IT 14 4 see sec 20 tp JS 28 S it 4 NV survey 20 township 27 south i align gle 3 5 west of tit alie suit halt tracts subdivisions or described lake meil dLin und thence east 26 tt ft tile the ground groenil that tile same 1 Is morn valuable for J 8 M M no 2 bears beai is as follows froin fitin cor all thence noe IBS ft thence west 7 it ft clell thence cot mineral than for agi cultural purposes pui poses will be re no ito I 1 floach isaid ot said I 1 aj ft the east 11 ft to to of bo hilved and noted for foi report to tile the Cleli general eral land band s 75 leg 4 r ft colossus being situated lit in tilt town of juice at washington DC D C failure so to protest 0 will bo be s 73 deev 11 IV V 4 1 it ft park bark no I 1 and ami park I 1 n k no va vale IL diute piute county utah pear before salil sald contest test within the tittle considered or COIL sufficient evidence of the non mineral 11 deg 68 W ft jinas S 88 leg 23 NV boint on the day iliyof of Febri ny iary 1003 1903 at tile and alid the hie selection ft audil lark mill site 1184 deg 58 IV colli collit t house in in ill slid county at 10 character autho of the sald said tracts ivill feet it a ili ot of day and to exhibit then thereof othen otherwise vise five arro from froin objection being 1725 17 25 said claims are of record lit in the office of the aika there the lie proof of said liens all ail liens not nol for bo be re le coni commended mended approval FRANK D HOBBS register recorder of plute county at junction utah as so exhibited be deci deemed tiel to lie be waived follos lol lops lit in book 11 bagu aind ag bald property smith li receiver geo A eo lit in book 13 page Col colossus lit in hook 11 page 86 E 1 E HOFFMAN and samul SAMUEL L PACK ast 1st pub dec 20 26 IDO and aclid in ill bool book 13 pago jis park paik no 1 lit in toi sald list no ReservoIr si hook 11 page and aad t lit in book 13 page ivale pluto co jali 5 1903 suile ile utah dated at it Marp published in it free lanco lance of Marh park no 2 lit in rook book 11 page and aclid tit lu 1921 19 21 book 13 pae finis i I 1 in it book 13 page aw and park mill site bite in ill iok book 11 bagu NOTICE the nearest known location la Is the jersch Q CT 0 t UIL IteI states r office survey suney ti T i H J afi gat fab Q Q t s lys n 7 0 1 salt lako lake city mail I 1 direct this lils notice te be published in ill tile the i j A dmar 1302 1902 free it marysvale Marys vale utah flie til e newspaper neat shaper to whom it may concern ii earest s atia ci elsil ms lor for a period of 0 notice is hereby given that tit the state or arati nine we ka 12 1220 1 20 WM M E WHITE lias I 1 filed i office list no na of lana selected FRANK 1 rester re Reg ster atar by the said st state ate for the establishment afi permanent e 11 ta D gray ray auy water reservoirs for irrigation datlof date of lit pub nov 21 ISO under section 12 odthe of the act of Congiv Con gies ss av appi proved oved the following tracts lit in 7 AST TI UW AW tom Y al said cistare alst aie in ili township cot containing claims application FOR PATENT oL of record viz 1 I T the lie nw im H j sw siy li 1 I see sec 27 tp 26 sal it 9 8 w S L MA 11 A no po 5 mar A copy owsald of list so aar ns its it ft to aahl united butted stated laud land ollace U T H utah alt lake city i subdivisions has beau con coil tr acts by dec 15 im posted bosted lit in tills this onica for inspection by illy any person inhere interested ted imd and by the public go leral notice rs hereby givin that th atthe alie Co consol E V ly gold mining ing and corn com at y next sixty dis days following the date pany u k corporation ot of utah whose principal ot tills this ailder lle departmental i of place of business is ogden mabby utah by its ita agent wid V jt Nove november nibe r 27 lac 23 2 I 1 L D I 1 1 protestor rotea or con attorney in fact henry alawrence lawrence cu of 0 osdin deli cestr against the claim blaha of the state to any of if tho utah hm haa made ali for far a united state tr tracts or suad ilbe fore described describe d on pate patent nit forthe for or the tom boy anil and edith lodes condoll coil con soll 1011 ili I 1 I 1 a ta the ground tivit eliat the same saino Is moie inore valti valuable able for dated mining claim siti situate vito in lilethe the gold old than for agricultural jur purposes poi s will till be received aiu mining district plute county utah and noted for foi report to tho 10 leral laud and ili of linear killear feet of the tom icoy and onice mee at D C Fall tire so to linear feet of the edith amith lo lodes desand and surface ground M MARYSVALE A S V A L E contest on within the mile specked fled willi will bo con eatch GOO COO fee leet wide twide being jul mineral survey N no 0 W t sheered aide reil evidence of WO uon and described described lit in tile tho held field notes and plat of tile hie of character of tile tru act ct and tho the selection thereof survey oil file in this athla with magnetic G I 1 L B ww I 1 W ent PT 1 1 B jb SM waif JB R will being othe otherwise from froin objection will alu bot ix neom Yar lation at 15 degrees as r folloni fol lowi mended for approval 18 26 tho tom boy is described ws im fo follows lloys coni om 0 1 i I FRANK 1 I HOBBS register ngit ngat post no nol 1 IL corn er of tit the clile f aiom rom g G wo A receiver which U ELSM S M mno I 1 bears it 17 degrees 21 min pub jan ann 2 awk feet tili distant thence rt inning froin aiom T unction utah list no reservoirs said corner no 1 s 7 degrees 1 inin minute tito e 2136 feet to published lit in the dxee lance marasi alo mall coiner no 2 thence 1170 degiers 57 itil minutes 0 5 feet to corner no 3 thennes then ces 21 degrees 21 mill in addi addition tio to civil and ami criminal ute atea e 1471 1477 feet to corner no 4 t thence lie it les s 72 1 egre FOR FOK TATUM PATENT 00 w feet to ta no 6 thence n practice titles makes abai abstracts A no degrees 04 feet to conter coiner no 6 str acts draws contracts and all kindie chenco ji it 12 52 degrees 00 minutes intini tes 0 feet to wr united states land alerno ii erNol being the place iceo ot beginning said lode of salt etke city utah containing a total area of 18 acres excluding nov 1 however ahei in ili conflict tin tho notice ds hereby viven en that tile thu park lohl 1014 me a of oia acre by its Secie tary tiry nud and authorized net neat and 1 palled foro for of fudd tom hoy boy R VAN A N M MARTIN A R r INI agent W WE E vigua of salt halt lako city jodo 1 being illg acres cres wall utah has ande for a united states tit alio 0 th 19 1 deschi described bed its w fallows ful fol lows toYs tile Henc hercules tiles Colos colossus stis park no nm 1 jug jim at io post t no I 1 it a corner of tilt dalm f atom rwei L no 2 and finis lode mining claims con coil U S M il 31 no 1 bears u 8 leggee leg iee 31 34 IV I 1 of IM 1500 IKU 1500 and alid 1500 linear ul feet distant i fi oin hild cor elect lect et respectively ot of the lodes ami for the pirk jer iier SoIs no ls 2 degrees aa minutes iv f feet et to s mill site gioi ind us 1 n I by tile the corner no 2 thence 1179 u 13 degreed GO minutes tWI ts 0 COU plat boli boing jg survey no A 11 sittia situated ted in ill It feet ottto tto to corner coi ncr no noa 3 thence it jt dega eus 03 and notary lotary public mt baldy mining I 1 district pluto county utah j no t thence a degive and described in the plat ilat and ilela of surra no w feet to corner toni erNo no I 1 being the guv on ule 1110 in ill tills office with ditl variation place ot of begin beginning said loth lode colit containing IL total boffl onico ce lisl eam side bide of main street et at K dag I 1 east as colloto vit ot area acres excluding however lio wever ther efroni botin devies of the cla claims lins the area tn lit col lillet with tom boy of tills mry ui commencing ut cor no althe ol the anis wis alad nit amt lynll ed for 0 s mild od kimp ERLYs al T ah |