Show fiuman aman lop how aikem like a locomotive are millions onu of hurnaus that come and go with each generation in many tile the flanges on the wheels of their thinking machines keep them on tile the truck track or within wilbin a groove nil all their diya on oil the earth the wheels are low find and I 1 the lie motion of the drivers isao iio stow slow hat flat no watter matter how low rotten rot leu the tips ties nor how rusty a athe rais rails they never leave the timeworn time worn track until the terminus is ia reached In another nother arrival tir rival reported by wireless telegraphy to those in ill tile the great central station up beyond tile the clouds the worn out locomotive motive is thrown throw ino no tile the pile while a lew few sincere koars abc by those thise who knew hai hi real leal worth perhaps coal was scarce I 1 the lie oiling ailing rare and at till all times the lh pressure low lov but unless tho the rails spread and left win him in ill the ditch lie he pulled into the home hollie station tati uncoupled coupled and switched for the last time another ilie human locomotive is ia found iu ili tile superbly built machine with high drivers beautifully p ort boned macajor mado mad aJor ator ir e dr nit ance and safety great achievements are expected band predicted for him by his it is builders ilis trial trip ta rolind the yard is entirely satisfactory ile he is then coaled and oiled wi with th the grea est care for the long flip tap awaiting him anxious friends and admirers stand by and proudly watch vatch his stately move men mens s ay as lie he emerges from tile round house thoroughly equipped for tile tho great overland journey upon which he is starting theroan the road bed is or of the moyt most solid character the steel rails that ruch reach out into the and untried 1 perspective are strong and brightly polished poliy hed by choso who hn have e preceded hini him in his brilin ore are scams of anxious sympathetic heart that sense the pr presence of perlor and ble force ili hi him as slowly and steadily tho the throttle opened is and tile the speed tn in cica aed all apprehension as to b his is future is allayed allay cd in his magnificent spee dand and behavior almost without notice lie he begins to foam liis his movements become erratic all e ont rol ivr him is lost and as with bounding speed lie he rounds a sharp curve carve tile the flange of a wheel breaks and lie ho lies iu the ditoh ditch a magnificent ruin while tilt the hairls of those who had given liim their wealth of love and confidence are broken eugene X 32 is a complete wreck on oil sport sports sportsmans sanan mans Is curve just beyond the milf post is hashed to the chit chief f sup superintendent erin mid and the great world alov moves es on |