Show an ne one of tile the special features of tile the newest frocks is the stitching in a contrasting color especially smart are the frocks composed of materials in two colors the stitching of each matching the coloring of the other this gown especially designed for sea 4 A N 11 side or yachting wear i bu but t suitable to many other occasions n s is composed compose d of coarse grained white mohair a favorite among the seasons fabrics the sailor collar of dark blue mohair Is stitched in white corticelli stitching silk size D and in finished with a strap of white mohair also stitched a dark blue shade of the silk exactly matching the collar which is prolonged to form a tab tile the strap edge of the collar in turn appears to he be continued to form the vestee all the edges of the blouse as well as the pleat which broadens uie tile shoulders running from there to the belt are piped with dark blue mohair and this piping is repeated upon tile the narma flat flounces of the skirt |