Show pon HE M i BALDY BEL A it 1 fl 1 f A magnificent region I 1 unsurpassed T in its mineral resources awaiting only the magic touch of capital to pour a golden stream into the laps of those possessing intelligence and nerve 4 W v ivl tisma abruptly f fronT r 6 afi th the e 16 losser S mountains to the north the great mt baldy range enters cloud clou cloudland land traverses the boundary J line between piute diute and beaver counties then onward to the south where it is cleft by the grand canyon of the colorado A BRIEF geological ICAL HISTORY the great mountain building forces so active during ta the close of the tertiary age 0 worked on a st scale along c the northern portion of th the e mt mb baldy range 0 the quartzite quart zito bedding I 1 din capped with limestone was profoundly fissured folded and faulted so great an reat was the last lash named darned currance occurrence oc that the quartzite and lini limestone estone en entirely disappeared under the more recent eruptive rock masses to the east of the sevle sevier faul tsee ac companying compa nying i maps and left the quartzite and fini limestone estone in the form of a lofty precipice known as the deer trail escarpment to the southwest of maty Marys marysvale S v vale from those yawning fissures ellor enormous masses tf rhyolite and birdseye birds eye porphyry oozed u up p from the earths melted i interior n and formed mountain masses thousands of fek feet deep again the unstable crust quivered with intense seismic forces the old and but partially parti ally healed wounds were opened and new fissures f assures formed in the overlying in eruptive mass and great dykes of highly M mineralized porphyry y now mark tile the location and diorec tion of those ancient rents the brief period of corn coni para t tive quiet which succeeded the previous disturbances was continued on page 7 broken by another uplift of the range 0 and along 0 tho the central portion extending from froin gold mountain south a distance of some toil ten miles a great fissure was ivas formed from tho the surface down down to the region of liquid tire fire the mighty knighty dorco which split the northern portion of the mt baldy range also formed lateral fissures extending km basterl easterly Y and iv westerly esterly from froin the great central lis suring allu 0 of the phonolite occurred and in connection with other fissures al roady already formed became channels for the upward and catteral lat teral low flow of gold old and sil ver bearing solutions extinct cra craters fields of dark colored try chite rid ridges rides es of volcanic bree breccia breacia cia dykes and chimneys of obsidian in the phonolite prove that local volcanic forces were nvere continued over a aels wildcat traps for unwary Y investors the great mt baldy gold belt is forging to the front tile the magnificent r record of the annie laurie i nine mine and mill in gold mountain the vast bodies of cyaniding cyan iding ore already exposed the examination and reports of numerous intelligent mining men proclaim the fact that ahe annie laurie is almost without i t a pool peer on this con webster lode with wih its vast bodies of argon 0 timorous galena the B W H and D blue lue EJ eagle agle groups that havo have been steady shippers since their discovery discover y and numerous other promising promising pro g properties every fa facility clity f for or ea economical mica minin mining such as plenty of water and power timber cheap supplies in an enterprising railroad the R G W and telephone bono service investors can certainly 0 BEAVER C 0 U N ds P k PA aa 9 it cart vy to 00 iv aln Q T ip L 0 OC off I 1 if ih e 4 foot too aw AA tilt D ak rt atilt I 1 11 6 ko A hi AN lilt t 1 rh a p 10 ti 8 ira degl L S ie rr z 00 off ir gal 0 oo 00 e aw ra 1 hie gm 1 PO r fk se CN ra P 7 IF new DA L ro N MAO s of P VC i t 4 wn I 1 0 V AS Q S X ft di wa eha pa V F ac por n F COLD BY e ar P mountain MOUN rAIN or rj e kp x so A 44 P e mini D I 1 eta va K 9 3 t C OL 0 f I 1 j ik cc mitt COY 1 R lo 10 r j ze 0 2 j 11 4 1 1 NA P 1 1111 tit jjr 11 E S a a ro ea CLI 0 b 0 angeloe Ant eloe if al f P L ir rent ren those fissures became lines of easement for the vast rast mass of pal magma magina seeking egress and froni from molten depths the lot hot gaseous mud flowed upward and formed great dykes of phonolite which today cheerily clinks under the feet of cin an occasional prospector while the eruption e loli of tho the pho colite marks the last ous throes of nature in ill the mt baldy region subsequent local long period after the widespread wide aspre spread ad ON eruptive live activity had ceased THE PRESENT AND geological conditions in exi evidence along the northern portion of tho baldy baidy range should remove every doubt as to its ils ultimate greatness as a mining region indeed in the face af bitter denunciation and opposition from a class of ignorant shysters shy that hold down so many chairs in the lobbies jobbie s of salt lake ho tinen fc the bluebird mine adjoining the annie laurie is also anion among the great reat mines of utah in addition to the mines just mentioned there is a score or more of groups of mining claims in gold mountain that possess every indication of greatness in the vicinity of Marys valo there is that famous old time producer the deer trail trai with a million and a half balf dollars already blocked out the bully boy tand and ashfor ask for no more than the mt baldy gold belt can call furnish little or no iio prospecting lias has been done clone in ill the higher altitudes of the I 1 mt baldy gaii range e especially ally is this the caso case within the phon belt where the intense and other conditions are such as to warrant the statement that nowhere in the entire west ablest is there a ploll favorable field for car careful ertil and intelligent prospecting |