Show bod al fining avs ben reynolds is getting liny hay up to the south sou tin wedge property sinking the shaft will be ginat once anil horse power utilized for hoisting arvo fr orve vo Holder wati jia has s a contract for fifty feet 1 acet oi drift ing f from rom the bottom of the ou L ai of sight sigh mine amine ill horse heaven beaven tho the group is most aud and ten times afif fifty ty feet buah ought t to be under nuclei iscis 11 is tha eliut ts kingwill sin inking C will yoon foon begin on oil Mountain the Mou 0 queen neen vein A frum fruin one of the tunnels will be lent down clown si a feet upon tile the results or of that work will depend whether or not it i long oil tunnel will be amm hmm to tap tal tile the led ledge c ata at a great depth from I 1 ri st worthy sources n is id leer learned ved eliat au an assay office and other nee necessary essany buildings t will soon bo be c erect v e ct ed ion i on uie Oin lift it baldy group also a large of mining supplies will wil shipped be in and delit ija to the saine Joca lily in ill cottonwood Colt onwood canyon tile the ou outlook for that section is of tile the most encouraging nature parle parley IS dar darker cr came over from gold mountain ns as it a delc delegate to the llie Denio democratic craCe convention mr darger is working thi hi golden queen property in deer areek and reports it as lo 10 very avery hue fine the elie gulden queen buning U company coin pany with head quarters ou artery lit at provo Provi ahas has been organized tile the directorate direct oraie albert singleton president etil Bright brigham tin ger clr all t matilie marine 0 sit beigle gle tou fredrick singleton and parley S darger on 01 tile er V best sst authority it R is lea learned ral that tho the gril group p situated d just to LUe south of the cotlon colion wood divide lias bas changed hands nua aua that tile fortunate sers are arc 11 Il radburn and his bis pittsburg ssofi ales ithe rafiha ret ref iHa it ing dv tiers tire are max mas Krutki and aud tom gillan and anc I 1 J IT 1 I sar sargent ent of A marysvale Marys I 1 arys vale the great vein has bas a pho plinn noUte olite liati hanging ging wall and of if rhyolite one oc af atthe the very best ht st of conta contacts oits J D J ewelt a well known cripple creely left for the group L tills this morning ni orning P and will take tahe charge of opera I 1 I 1 ions the purchasers are arelo tc be SUDI jus jas 11 billinga Bill ingv of the ja R W mid and H group in town yester adny aud arid went on to junction mr billingsley BUlin galey report 9 evereth everything ing looking line fine in ill tind about the little shipper over which lid hd presides in ili addition to the ore in tile the older workings tile iho MIS hs uncovered covered six feet of ora ore oti on tho gold lu feeders were followed down a few feet aul essays assays of 12 to 27 were obtained A sair fair average of the ore across six feet is 16 per lon eighteen ilcheson cheson in iti the chugin 0 wall vall will not only bear expense 0 pring but but will net for exploratory eipl or work and lucli has been rhe record of the group from tile the very ve be ginning result of intelligent and careful minkus saturday evenings tr train ia brou brought r glit in ill dr P A 11 F franklin the well vell known and successful mining man the dr was accompanied by den ben D luce a prom luent broker aud allaround all around ani 11 inar ing nian of salt lalie lake the 0 points were the alt baldy company coPlin ys group in ill cottonwood Ca calleon llYon and alio mountain Moun Mount iain alij queatie prop property ecly on oil brigati peak geo T henry met die gentle in inen c I 1 agthe stati ull and the tha followill following 0 day escorted the visitors to to the claims ill in cotton on oil monday tile the dr and party visited the mountain i and contiguous ground including tile llie easterly end of the belt wl with th which lie he ig ia moat favorably impressed andeel 1 l liis his views on the of the ilie great porphyry and letts found only hi it tile hig lier is in ili entire accord with tile the statements mude on oil page 7 of that it imia i macul dicent fi cent field for intelligent mining ra fact his opinion was clear cicar cut and deal lie he aad thre fim is no lio reason why ua as great gold as have been found in ili cripple greek creek aortic oi rise r ise se where should not exist those great porphyry dyust C conditions ons are astl rely all ril h t 11 the doctor earnest ly dep dermates mates the hie practice tico of ofa so much mu a e I 1 i pg Ms his course would mould be to get on ahe ho vails ve gitig and follow them dovan dewri dr Frau Kliu is a t must most pleasant and may inan and ancl lias has III ande cje f s hereon here on every side du I 1 in a ins d short sta sti 31 jn in it is hoped and ahti coining of luce vill rill be productive of gowd to tn tint thi beef eef lion ion |