Show word comes from flora cedar city that there Is an outbreak of hog cholera in that vi valley illey local hog raisers will wi ll 11 do well to watch their animals very closely to detect any signs ot of a almli lar far epidemic here it might be a wise w ise precaution too it if your hogs bogs are ready for market to get tid rid of them and to butcher those which are ready or family use f in other days women wore their dresses down to their insteps and now they wear them up to their step ins if hughes runs tor for president how can he hope to get the votes of the boys boyi who write the ads for shaving soap and safety razors the average small email boy Is tor for celebrating any kind of a week so long as it is not a wash your neck week about the best beet cure for love at first sight Is second sight women are high strung creatures maybe the reason they are always harping there always Is a reaction maybe the kids of the next generation will get enough spankings span kings to id make up tor for those these their parents tailed failed to get 0 0 did you ever notice how quickly a knocker shuts up when the man he Is knocking comes along talk to a modern young man about burning the midnight oil anil and hell think you are referring td id gasoline gaa oline lotof parowan carowan men have all the I 1 i lothes they went want but you never saw a woman that way 1 V there there Is a rumor armmor thit ti wm ca coming ming back this I winter but wi 11 II bet I 1 there therefore are 9 a lot ot or radowan who wish it was waa woolen leggings instead I 1 1 4 4 A mans lied idea of heaven is a i where there la Is nothing around the house that Is too loo good to use 0 now and then you see a man out olit with his wife who laiks LS is utica for fordable ort ablo table as it if he wab wk ari iii ar a r m w ed dress suit why to la it that while a woman can think of a million ways in which he be husband could be improved she thinks her children are perfect when poverty nies lies in at window love has to set get out an ait 1 hustle for or a job A beautiful girl la Is a joy forever 1 the paint and powder and dye dont wear oft off there would be fewer divorces it if it was as easy to cut out dads foolishness as it la is to cut out willies Wil lles adenoids aden and to tonsils ton sils it take more than a month tor for a groom to realize how the prides brides father came to be always in debt 9 george chilton says he be surprised to see radio become so popular in a year or two that the reformers will begin trying to stop it |