Show rn ra i ii ji IS OFFERED POSITION SALT LAKE MAN REFUSES FIRST ASSISTANT OP OF U S TREASURY utah delegates increased formo formea governor wells tendered position in treasury department will accept ernest bamberger of salt lake wh las as refused the first assistant secre of the united states treas ury iry IN lishing lon T P r V june 18 19 ernei t national com coia Itt fa from utah was is te tendered ted the fart secretary of fit the treasury hy by the secretary of the treasury cellon today mr ramberg bamberg r refused the post on the ground hut hat his business interest la in utah coull not permit vin to remove frodi frou salt lale lake at this time former governor cleber 21 wells vas sas tendered tend pred the post offered to sir bomberger erger and it is understood that lie ire will accept it ft the plit first assistant Ai stant secretary Secre of 0 the treasury trea ury gury was tendered to clr damberger through the efforts of senator reed smoot of 0 utah and ilik ibe meni beis of the republican publican Ile national Conin littee which lias has been in ses session an i here durias week ae senator bittor smoot sir damberger bamberger for the place of ha his knowledge of national financial matters at the nitin of he republican national Kat ional committee hew at the andl W lard hotel mr imin berger led tile the to iner increase pise the number of delegates from fatali from eight to lo ten at t the same salue time the be representation fro inthe southern southern states was 08 auit down 27 votes I 1 it was rumored that rost post master later A general beneral flays former chairman ot of ahe republican national at ional offered 0 to mr fr the position created by the postmaster general last weak to tn head tile the postal savings saving li givison allision alris vison ion of the post office d parl ment it Is not expected that mr air Ba bartberger idill accept the place tendered him by rost postmaster master general itnyer leave fur for salt lake this weeks week so many of our popie people were in attendance at conference in cedar city on sunday last and so mai inai y more were about their own business busin ss that it was a tight squeeze to find enouf enough h men at church to conduct the meeting brother john stevens presided T B E myers and wm win 0 G rowley administered the sacrament and ard joseph E richards the only other mail inan in attendance was saved to do the talking mrs grace guir was pressed into service ervice as organist and choir leader and a good meeting was conducted despite the rath er small attendance |