Show be sure to keep blood pure in summer 1 nature intended all creatures to that will doivo the impurities out withstand the normal changes of and leave your blood stream now the seasons you never saw r a wild v ashing and robust collapse from heat beat did you T i tho the well known herb alter a people get knocked out outa mutative tive is fine for this get it from ither either it if they had the your druggist today vitality animals get from I 1 1 MA then writs write us about your their blood condition addressing rich eich wholesome esom e blood k 7 chief medical advisor gives bodily vigor and if sess S swift laboratory hot weather lays low atlanta ga we will s tart start now to for fortify you your se aan send advice v d icey you suited free to your medical individual vitality with a good tonic case all AH run down do n now feels fine ended his troubles Ea tonic Is the only thing I 1 have round found to stop my heartburn and I 1 think it has been a great help in nervous spells writes G C johnson an upset stomach ma may y cause cause lots of suffering all over the body helps in such cases by removing the cause of the misery because it takes up and carries out the excess acid end and gases and keeps the digestive organs in natural working order A tablet after meals Is all you need big 9 box costs only a trifle with druggists 1 guarantee cockroaches CO H E S EASILY KILLED TODAY t 13 BY Y GENUINE stearns steams electric paste also SURE DEATH to ante ADM rats ran and mice abse posts fire am the creat esl carriers of dali afat as o nd nd MUST ISE they destroy and pru property perty dimet directions tons la in 16 in every caery box boady wd fur fr u ups ft two at aln we t WIC and dd ILM V U 9 government buys buy it i DAISY FLY KILLER PLACED ALL flies X neat t 1 t cheap alta i m all 11 II lit euon n giue nee of cant piu tu or ti lipor por will dot cot rod or OU or 0 r 9 loza G U effective so sold by d or 6 b by express P pad 1 ta I bubi E JW de 1 kalb ave av brooklyn N T y 1 race al K OLA n fu t br b r ii U m 11 rv b anek 1 bacu b il hybki aMK biu Ac bi important to mothers mother examine carefully every bottle of that famous old remedy tor for infants and children and see that it bears the iff f signature of ofa in vile use tor for over 30 years children cry for fletcherd fletchers Flet cherB chers castoria ASPIRIN name bayer on genuine P FER beware 1 unless you see the name E bayer ayer on p package or on tablets you are not getting genuine aspirin prescribed by physicians for twenty one years and ironed safe by millions take aspirin only as told in the bayer package age tor for colds headache neural gla la rheumatism farache earache lumbago LuL lumbago bago and for pain handy tin boxes of twelve bayer T tablets of aspirin cost few cents druggists also sell larger aei aspirin Is the he trade murk mark of bayer manufacture of lest er of if you need lied a wm you should hava tha ess basl itale you yon ever stopped to reason reagon why it is that so fo many products that are ex tem ten ively advertised all at once drop out of fight eight and are soon forgotten the reason is ia plain the article did not fulfill t the be promises promises of the manufacturer this applies app I 1 jes more particularly to a medicine A medicinal preparation that has bag real cu curf ratie tie lalue alue alcoa sells bella itself as like so an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been to those thoe ho tire re in need of it A prominent druggist says say take tor for example dr dilmers Kil mers swamp root a preparation I 1 have sold for many icara and neier hesitate to recommend for in almost every case it show allows excellent results as many of my customers testify no other kidney remedy has so go large sale according to sworn statements and leri verified fied testimony of thousands who aho hae used the preparation the dr Kil kilmer Kilm mers cr swamp root is due to the fact to tio many people claim that it fulfills almost every wish in overcoming kidde kidney Y liver and bladder ailments corrects correct urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric icid which couples causes rheumatism you may receive a sample bottle of root koot by parcels port addler or dr kilmer co binghamton N Y and enclose ten cents also mention this paper large and met methune huni nc bottle bottie for sale at all drug stores you au always cite get t fuu full food value for your money when yott eat cat graec ut each golden granule of this attractive wheat and malted barley food is rich in nutriment for body and brain braim serve grape nuts direct from the airtight air tight packet for breakfast or lunch crisp delicious R nolva no aaste vaste ste 17 there here s a breason oR eason for grape nuts ts |