Show S SED EN LIVE FISH TO MARKET new idea certainly Is a dig big improve merit ment so far as freshness of food Is 13 concerned in norway anil and lJ olland huge tanh cows scows aich which tire lire in effect flAit tIll c aquaria dilria iria liae hue elji ivins hern beef used 10 lo felt felca 1 nashes alt hes front from lite hie fishing grounds ground to fit market 11 r aliu they te ne latter a alive and in line cont contusion Ution tile the iden idea ila has het bliwn il ncik adopted for use ue u e on this side of the obeah and alt cebal ce elal ial such scows 11 hiie 1 e lioen been huilt built for trudie tit tween Cati adan waters nud inal out our iKirt cities tile me cult of mood their lulls hulls tire long 1019 mill and narrow having a rai niber of compartments to hold the nl fish the ants are perforated wt kinles in fit order that the sea water may how flow freely through them eliter hait tl lit bulkheads bulk lends at how bow and mern keep tit alie craft afloat some soine of file filhes Ine inevitably vitally lie die or in tie coulse of so lung a oy ov ape age and thee fire arc scooped out nut with will long ions handled nets all and thrown awny away tile are sailing draft but it Is planned panned to equip thel with gasoline angne eng ne for faster travel one of then twenty four lays duys out front from quebec rented rent lied new cw york the other oilier day with ith a carso cargo of f one thOu thousand cand tons tolls of eels caught in calek ch chicken lek wire ire traps in tile the st Lawr lawrence enre river bah were dell delivered ered nilve alive and irrig wriggling ung at the fulton fish r market irkel |