Show LEGAL NOTICE of bond election to be held in each school representative pre of the iron county school district of iron ron county utah on monday march 11 I 1 I 1 A P D 19 1918 state of atah utah county of iron iron county school district ss pursuant to the authority and direction of that certain resolution and order duly passed and adopted by the board of education of iron iran county school Dut district not of iron county utah a county school ous oia brict of the first class at a special meeting thereof held at it its office I 1 in cedar city I 1 in said school district on monday to wit the ath day of february A D 1918 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN according to law that at the bond lection election hereby called to be held in ca each e h school representative precinct of f the iron county school district of if iron county utah on monday to wit the lith day of march A D 19 1918 18 between the hours houra of 2 p no and 8 Is in and at the he several polling places therein hereinafter named there will be submitted to the duly qualified vu vo tors of said school district the qu question following for their vote and 1 determination thereat to wit shall the board of education of iron counte school district of iron county utah for the purpose of raising money for purchasing school sites for building one or more school houses and supply supplying Rig the same with furniture furni tue and necessary alpar stop abua be empowered to issue negotiate and sell the school ch 0 of building hard bonda of said d school district to an amount aggregating the principal sum of forty five thousand dollars ciuni comprised acl of 45 bonds I 1 barred eams cisly from I 1 to 45 inclusive inc lusie of the denomination of 1000 each due serially in num more order as follows 2000 in each year from the first fint to the fifteenth year both inclusive after date and in each sear ear from the sixteenth to the twentieth year both inclusive after date bearing interest from their date until paid at the rate of five 5 per per pei annum payable semi annually both principal thereof and interest payable at the national bank of commerce in the city and state slate of new york U S A th the vote to shall be by bv ballot which will di contain the question herein above submitted and in addition whereto bonds yes and bonds bonda no and each voter voting in favor of the bonds shall place a cross X in the circle on the ballot opposite end and to the right of the group grall of words bonds yes and t those hose vot pg ing against the bonds shall place a ruse ross i X in the circle on the ballot and to the right of the group of words bonds no and thereby indicate his hia vote upon the question submitted the polls for the reception of the ballots tast cast upon said question will on said day and date and at the several hereinafter named polling places in each of the school representative precincts of said school district be opened at the hour ot 2 p in and remain open until the hour of 8 p in of the same mine do da when they shall hall be closed the polling places for and the names of th the e judges who shall there at conduct the said election in each of the five school representative pre cincis of said school district are as follows namely representative PRECINCT NO I 1 school house Para zonah judges W H boardman ardman Ro george W H barton court house parowan judges thomas D adams walter C mitchell blanchard whitney representative PRECINCT NO 2 relief hall hail pan P Pa rowan an judges kate tailor john stevens wm win T marris marns school house summit judges john P dalley benjamin L lawrence rne mrs mr herbert white E PRECINCT NO 3 old school house cedar city judges J H armstrong bengt nelson ji 0 11 fretwelll Fret fretwell school house enoch judges M S Rn angerson jR oRerson gerson D W gibson C E jose jones RL PRECINCT NO 4 N new ew school building cedar city judges edward parry E SI af corry carry chas He school house lund judges H J doolittle J david leigh mrs J A root representative PRECINCT NO 5 alb ol ad house judges john platt J W berry louis J baker school house newcastle judges james knell mrs ch abas hulet josephi joseph cox only the voters possessing the following qualifications will be al lowed to vote at al said election and no others every registered voter residing in any school representative district in which any election is held for the purpose of determining the question of issuing bonds for such school it strict and who shall have paid a property tax therein in the sear pre coding ceding such election ejection shall be onti tied lied to vote at any such ele c pon challenges for cause by any bah hed fled voter shall be allowed at such election and promptly dac decided ideth bv the judges conducting t the he same compiled laws of utah of 1907 BY ORDER of the board I 1 1 edu colum cation of the iron ci only sch district of iron county uan made this ath day dl ft february A D 1918 SEAL U T JONES attest Pe president sido JANET ROLLO ROLL 0 clerk e rk first feb 20 last mar 6 |