Show OIL mm DISTRI CJ GAP HAS PROPER STRUCTURE FOR OIL POOLS A C MINING ENGINEER ENSiNE EH GIVIS GIVES OF THE WAR WAN OIL DISTRICT yesterday A C habeker Na Ne beker belker so perm tonden lend tint of the minolia magnolia mine in beaver boub county ty visited the farolan parowan cathea Ca it me wai wa in highly ide pleased sea faita 1 the 16 out 0 dojk k wild p io mis I 1 in that lo lj mr has haa had a great deal of experience ace in mineral oral minne as a we wall as having many years of study in oil mi mining ining ro and being a conservative gentleman his find use inea on the par 0 wan oil district can be relied railed upon as being beine correct Ful following lawing is the report that mr made to the directors of the palo karnwan a 01 compana Pi carowan parowan Pa rowan newn utah bell beb 26 1 1918 directors Pari carowan parowan wart oil od co ca gentlemen toddy today I 1 made a trip to your oil holdings west of the city of parowan carowan and made ape a preliminary allon ZY examination of your oil all sandstone and shale I 1 find you our holdings coer ie ler ell the crest of an anticline whose west limb dp dips 64 degrees to the west and the seat eest limb with a dip of 5 degrees to the east at the crest line the break shows several oil shale hale beds with several seems seams of co coal a 1 v varying ary ing from I 1 to 14 inches in thickness the sandstone on both the hanging wall and the he foot fact is of a poro porous as canety making it a favorable sandstone for ace accumulation mutation mu lation for oil pools in my opinion the sandstones are favorable enough to justify boring anelito a well to prove up their oil carrying values value the location of the well should be near the crest line of the antill anticline the on an this property should greeene year sour close attention respectfully yours A C B 9 E M while at the gap mr me secured large samples of the aall and will send the them direct to the university um hersity of utah and other places for accurate test and when he re Is ceides returns he promises to have more to say upon the matter and will make publication of same in 10 these cr columns Jurim |