Show RED NIEN REBEL IN if TERROR mm OF DRAFT GOSHUTE SLACKERS CAUGHT AT UTAH LITAH LINE ringleaders RING LEADERS BEING imprisoned threats threat of vial violence a by indians indiana against agent and I 1 d HeTt hia family ionly also charged against erring member of the tribe sit salt like city op open defiance of the authorities a thorit les of the states slates M ei in tile the to clilan of athe the choir 11 liv among along the ills indian 1 resl I dents deals on tile hie galeoto reservation on oil ahe it utah aada line la in jeub a and d thirsts of bokine by ill alie reb aalst last 11 ahe 1 indian bodul B lit and it ill ins turn fast ily I 1 y vaa sea promptly and eRect icly met w when hen the g government quietly bent a do de ont of uie tie infantry train from felt douglas to tile lo unit and tile the I 1 itlie itile in draft revolt and ad tomi kIlt illin bliem ailion I 1 at eia a to this elte tile iddinn oil aho vho were sur stir bv the 4 and lound ad up beluie barme a could I 1 nude make escape to tile the hills bills or or go dauie tl eft eltI tan ce lilu Is an als I 1 a at al S breele ill jil jim john sime win aie I 1 with ill ion con to I 1 incite tile the 11 indians un of age go upon pa ill the I 1 1 I 1 t to d defiance ila I 1 a of the grumt goi eminent and baker lou and jack hel bellino lino who are cli 1 arged with ill being e baders adars of the alie arzt d anft law the arl sold icis diels lom aiom felt douglas in li liling officers and fifty one ill en listed men urda command of captain walter her I 1 galin gallion I 1 accompanied united tits marchal aqulla aquila front from salt sait la lake L a to tile the le tIOU making the ile 2 mile trip so secretly that they irnvia upon the without 1 nn in I 1 inkling of theft coming reaching the inam indians I 1 ine he result was thet that they wil able his kemil lovin to voll walk in upon 1 I it the indians indiana in their homes before capture them ind ad selm their rifle nalea und ad ammunition in lefoie any information col could ld be gl ghen the he mutinous minds ot of t the is sale gjein nent at |